Monday, August 29, 2011

My Summer - David MacMillan

The best part of my summer was when my mom got me a new car. I had asked her for a car and she said ok, so she talked to some people she knew and worked out a deal to get it cheap. Later on we went to one of her friend’s house, and her friend took us to the lady that was selling the car. We paid for the car, and did the paperwork. After that we said or goodbyes and went home. When I got home I decided that I wanted to get my driving permit, so I told my mom I wanted to get my permit. We went to the DMV a few days later and after waiting in line for half an hour, I was told that I couldn’t get my permit because I didn’t take drivers ED and I wasn’t seventeen and a half yet. We turned in the car papers and paid the registration fee. Then we went home and decided to wait till I was seventeen and a half before I got my permit. After I turned seventeen and a half we went back to the DMV waited in line, and then filled out the forms. I took my eye test, took the written test and got my picture taken. So now I had my permit, all that I had to do now was learn how to drive. When I got home I asked my dad to teach me how to drive, since he didn’t have to go to work and was home in the afternoon. We went outside and got in the car, I sat down in the driver seat and my dad showed me how to start the car. Then he told me to back out of the driveway. I didn’t put the car in reverse so I was looking back and the car went forward and almost hit the garage. I was able to stop the car in time and didn’t get into an accident. Then I was able to get out of the driveway and safely pulled into the street. I put the car in drive and started down the street. A few minutes and a few blocks later I drove over a small speed bump, but I dint go slow enough

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I remember when I got my first car! Driving was scary and awesome all at the same time!

    Good luck in your learning to drive - I'm sure that as you practice, you'll become great!
