Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Talin Azizian

I am in Cyber High because freshman and sophomore year I had some rough times. When I was a freshman I associated with some people who were bad influences on me. I had done some things I shouldn’t have done. I skipped class or just never came to school. I didn’t take it seriously and got bad grades. Sophomore year, I had some problems with my family and I would always be in Mr. Davis’ office. I had also gotten into a car accident and was out of school for two weeks. During those two years I would never go to class, associate with the wrong people, and didn’t make up the work. I was being lazy. I wasn’t responsible. I went through hell with my parents and the administrators because of my attitude. I was so fed up with everything and everyone that I didn’t care about school. I personally hate school. The people I called my “friends” weren’t really my friends. They would never think before they would do something that was jeopardizing their education. They never really cared about anything. It was wrong on my part for being with such people who just simply liked all the wrong things. Now I am a junior and realized all the wrong I have done. I have matured and promised myself that I would never fall into such a thing again. I have also realized that friends are a big distraction to me, so I try not to have so much of those. In order to achieve, I have to be in class everyday and pay attention. I have to do Cyber High to make up all my credits that I’m missing, and that’s a lot.

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