Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Maggie Liang

I am in cyber high because I am behind on credits, obviously. I haven’t done a really good job when I just got to this school. For my Freshman year, I was a complete fool, I basically showed up to school, and just never went to class, and that wasn’t even my biggest mistake. I have went to class, just because the school security was up a knotch, so I knew I was going to get caught, so I went to class. But even when I was in class for about half the year of freshman year, I did nothing but talk and sleep. I didn’t achieve anything or even put in the effort to listen to the teacher. I let my own credits and my first year of high school just slip away on purpose. That was my biggest mistake. If only I knew how much it would affect me in the long term. Now I am in cyber high, making up the credits that I once had the chance to get, and I heard it wasn’t even that hard to begin with. In my whole 4 years of high school, that was the biggest regret that constantly think about, thinking about how I was such a fool, to not only disappoint myself, but everyone who is or has believed in me.

But remembering back to Freshman year, I was seriously a big mess. I wasn’t doing anything right. I was out every day and night, hanging out with the wrong people, lying to my parents, and spending everyday getting in and out of trouble. Worst part of this is, I wasn’t even that slick. I always end up getting caught somehow, but apparently that didn’t stop me. The people I hang out with aren’t the most bright people in the world. Every day when I show up to school, they were the people I hung out with. I guess they just show up to school to meet up with people, and drink alcohol and smoke weed in the parking lot together. Although I was bad, I didn’t smoke. I let myself drink, I don’t know why though. I guess at the time it seemed like the right thing to do, even though it wasn’t. It was an everyday routine for them, and for me. But what made me get out of all this was that eventually, the school gave my parents a call to see if I was still in school, and at that point in time, I didn’t care about what they thought. I know Freshman year was the year my parents were the closest to giving up on me. Then it hit me, I realize I was hanging out with the wrong people. So for maybe about the last week of freshman year, I went to class. I thought to myself, “Better late than never.”

In cyber high this year, I hope to achieve many things. First, starting with my credits, of course. I have so many credits to make up and I am confident to work my hardest this year, to get all my credits, and walk the stage. Walking the stage is my biggest goal right now. I know if I work extremely hard this year, walking that stage will be all worth it. I know it. So this senior year, I am planning to own it. For real.

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