Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Gaming - Jaime Mendoza

What is something I’m really good at? I’m really good at computers , videogames and music . I think if I put my mind too it I could be a really good technician. If I do get to go to college I hope I get to go for computers. When I play videogames I’m really good but not as good as people that have been playing for years. I hope I get too be as good as them in the future. If I do get as good as them I hope to work for a gaming company like “EA” or “Rockstar “. I would love to work for them because I grew up playing their games. I’m really good at music, but when I mean music I mean like connecting stereos in house. I set up my stereo in my room and if u ask any of my friends that have been to my house they will say its loud. That another thing I would love to work on my future. If I do work for that I hope to work for “monster” stereos if not for them at least for “Sony”. They are really good stereo companies . I think there’s school of working on stereos in the bay. If I do get to go do one of those tree stuff I’m really good at or at least all three of them that would be really cool and I would have a lot of fun.

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