Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High Jason Barrett

The reason I am in cyber high is because I didn`t all the way take care of my business last year of school which was my sophomore year. I want to make up my grades in this class to hopefully go to college and major in business so I can understand how running a business may be. I want to open up a strip club and make lots of money and travel all over the world and somewhat imperialize my empire of strip clubs across the club to places such as Puerto Rico, Africa, Asia, and Tokyo. Out of cyber high I hope to achieve raising my grades up so I can be able to pass high school and be taken seriously on a college representation paper. I have big dreams of being an actor or a business man to further myself in life so I can be able to provide for my whole family and grandchildren to come and their children at least. I want to be paid and getting money like the man Bill Clinton. In the mean time while I’m in here I should just take care of my business so that nobody can say that I was in class not handling my business cause it wouldn`t be a fact. Another main reason for me coming here to get back on track with my grades is the support of my favorite principal Ms. Arkin who tells me every day to just settle down in class and let the teacher do his job. Plus she`s always on me about my grades so I want to raise those up so I can have a regular conversation with her without her bringing up my poor grades. Instead she will be talking about how good I did and how proud of me she is, so I’m trying to really look forward to having that type of conversation with her. My dad is always on my case about my grades and be acting funny style when I come home with bad grades and act like he can`t do nothing good for me because of that. I`d rather him just reward me all the time out of the blue like he used to and I get spoiled like a brat so I can stay fresh and stunting on all my haters who talk about yo boy behind his back. Throughout all those people I want to achieve for, I want to mainly achieve for myself so I can say to myself I did it with the help of nobody but myself and be able to clown on anybody who wants to talk about being smart.

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