Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Summer - Mercedes Lefiti

I spent the majority of my summer listening to my mom over and over again talk about how I better get my priorities straight this year and graduate. As a matter of fact almost everyone that I’ve come across who I told I was going to be a senior either gave me their own “words of advice” of how I should finish my last year of high school. People would say stuff like, “Get along with everybody; you don’t have to necessarily like them just be civil because you don’t know who you might come across in the future, and you always want people to have a good last impression of you because people cherish the most smallest things like a smile or even picking up a dropped pencil.” Even my aunt’s best friend from middle school gave me some of her words of advice on how to find my career. She asked me, “What’s something you’d do for free? What’s something you would love waking up every single day to do?” She later stated, “When you find that something take the classes you need to take and you’ll be on your way to your dream job in no time.” The other half of my summer however I’ve spent at either my dad’s house, my grandparents house, or church.

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