Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Olden Age - Daniela Osorio

There has always been the age old question of “what are you good at?” There are people, who are good at sports, or playing an instrument, maybe they like to sew; people always have one particular thing they might be known for or really like to do. However, in my case I’m not exactly sure what that would be. It’s been fifteen years and here I am still trying to figure out what comes easily to me.

I could be one of those people who say that I’m good at absolutely nothing. But there is at least one thing everyone is good at. After years of failed attempts to find that one particular thing, after endless injuries after trying to play a sport, and hurt feelings when I end up disappointed, I came to a realization. The only thing I’m truly really good at is just being me, loud, crazy me.

I’m not really like other people you’d meet today at Skyline High School. I don’t listen to loud obnoxious provocative rap music, or dress in the manner where you find a billion copies of my outfit. I prefer it that way. I prefer to be the one in the one-in-a-million, than the million.

I see myself as an old lady trapped in a young girl’s body. If you asked me to give you a tour of my room or house, you’d really be surprised at what you’d find. I have an extensive record collection, vintage film camera collection, tin lunch box collection, and so many more nick knacks and items you may call junk but I call interesting, throughout my room. I live by the quote “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, I feel as something you may throw away I can use again, especially if it’s out dated, and made ages before I was born. My record collection includes artist as Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, The Velvet Underground, Prince, Jimi Hendrix, Billie Holiday, Santana, The Beatles, the Mamas & The Papas, Elton John, David Bowie, and the list goes on and on. My music taste really reflects my perspective on life.

I generally hate this era; I am tired of living day by day in a place I don’t belong, going to school with people who don’t understand me. The 60’s & 70’s were thriving and jiving, alive, moving and grooving. The time for music was right, and the clothes were even better. Musicians generally cared about the music they were making and the way they were making people feel, unlike so called musicians of today. Projecting messages of violence and disrespect towards women, after all the work and effort feminist have gone through to get the rights they deserve, or about partying, making it seem as that is the only thing that matters. People of today have no souls, all they care about is looking good, or impressing others, who has the coolest phone, or the latest shoes, materialistic things that don’t matter. It really sickens me.

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