Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Oscar Guzman

I am in Cyber High because I messed up freshman year and messed up on some of my classes in sophomore year. Freshman year, I was just like every other freshman just chilling and not caring about anything. I would never do my homework and I wouldn’t even bother to do my class work. Like the whole year I was just slacking and not doing anything. Like 2 months before the school year ended, I just started wanting to do my work. In the last two marking periods I got decent grades but not decent enough to get a good grade on the last semester grade. Sophomore year I got all right grades. The first couple of days when school started, I was just thinking about getting good grades but I don’t know what happened and I just broke down and started slacking. The first two marking periods were pretty bad because those were the marking periods when I didn’t want to do anything. The third marking period was pretty good. I tried my hardest to get straight A’s but I got some C’s and some B’s. I did way better compared to the first two marking periods. My semester grade was decent but I still needed to step my game up. During the first marking period of the second semester I did well. I don’t really remember but I think I got B’s and C’s. The second marking period of the second semester, I think was between good and bad. I think I got some B’s, C’s, and D’s. I was mad about the D’s and the final marking period I tried to get all A’s. The first day of the marking period started and I was on top of everything, turning everything in on time and completing all of my assignments. Halfway throughout the marking period, I started getting lost in my classes and didn’t know what to do. I tried to hang in there but I was already wanting to give up. I got decent grades that semester, probably the best out of all my past semester grades. I did all right but I was kind of disappointed in myself because I know I can do well if I try. Now I’m in this class called some about Choices Cyber, or some like that, typing five hundred word essays to get credits for those classes I messed up on. I have to make up those credits because I have to graduate high school. I’m also trying to get in to a decent college or even a University. That’s why this year I’m going to put in full effort. I’m going to do all my assignments and not slack off. Like I said I’m trying to get in to a decent college or university, that’s why I’m taking AP Spanish and AP World History. I know if I don‘t do my work in AP I’ll do way bad so just knowing that I have AP motivates me. That’s why I’m in Cyber High.

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