Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High -Keith Britton

The reason why I am in cyber high is because I made bad decisions my freshman year. I was messing up in school not really caring what people had to say or nothing. I got D’s and f’s and now I am in cyber high trying to make It up now. I regret not really caring about school during those years. If would have cared I would not have to be making it up now. During those years I didn’t even really like school, I used to go home during 1st period then come back and try to do my work but didn’t know it because I was gone for the majority of the day.

That was a big mistake not doing my work cause now I have to take cyber high and not get credit for this class which is taking away from me and my college dreams. I hope to bring up all of my grades. I will do whatever I have to do to bring them up I will even stay after school to do that. When I make them up I will be able to have my credits and make up the grade that I earned for being dumb 9th grade.

Another bad mistake was when I started listening to other people and going off what they said even though it was wrong. I was skipping class, shooting dice and just being someone I am not. I regret these days to the max cause if I didn’t do that I could be in a regular class getting my regular credits I need to graduate instead of making them up. Hopefully this is a learning curve for me and I will never make those bad decisions again and end up doing something like this. In college I will have no time to be failing classes cause there is no cyber high in college its either u fail or you pass the class and passing is what I need to look forward to.

My dad was very upset when he got the call that I needed cyber high. He didn’t know I was doing the things I was doing so it came to a total surprise to him when he found out. If I didn’t take cyber high it would be a good chance that I would not walk the stage which means I wouldn’t have been able to graduate. If it came down to me not graduating my dad would have went crazy because he only wants what is best for me and graduating high school is one of the biggest goals that he wants for me.

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