Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Being in Cyber High -Loni Thomas

I am in cyber high for a lot of reasons but the main one is geometry. I didn’t do so well and after doing a lot of trial and error I got tired of trying and just subsided to failure. I know it’s not the best idea but at the time geometry wasn’t on my top priorities. I always had a lot on my mind, I stress really easily, and I just can’t handle failing. When I over think things everything just seems to go crashing down on me. I was searching for perfection in places where there was no way it could exist. I wanted the perfect grades and in the back of my mind I had known I couldn’t achieve it. Although I finally found out that perfection wasn’t achievable it was a little too late to change. So, I made a promise to myself that I would try harder next year but I would be the best me I could be and not the best in the world. Now here I am, a junior who’s ready to crack down and get to work.

During my junior year I plan on working on staying organized, keep up on my home work and make some serious improvements on my study habits. For instance, I tend to have the television on during my study time, it can be distracting so I’m going to turn off all sound and find a quiet place to study and get some work done. I also need to work on not trying to cram on one night before an important test or essay and study in advance. The main goal is to focus on school and not my social life. I have to stop worrying about how cool my shirt is or what shade of lip gloss should I wear in math. School isn’t a fashion show, it’s a learning environment and I need to take advantage of all of the education I can’t get at skyline I’m going to learn first and socialize later.

I finally realize if I want to be something in life I have to do better, I have to do a lot better. I can’t procrastinate anymore. I have to start thinking seriously about my future because even if I’m not prepared for the future it doesn’t mean it isn’t coming. So I’d rather be prepared as opposed to not knowing what’s happening to my life. So I’m ready to start a new school year and prepared to make adult decisions for my life and only focus on my own life.

So now I’m going to try to get closer to my goal which is to graduate from high school and become a photographer or a marine biologist. At the moment I’m headed toward being a photographer because there’s no right or wrong in the way of art. I just want to show people the way I see and interoperate things in the world. So I’m ready to get started on my future and begin on correcting my academic life.

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