Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What I’m good at – Oscar Guzman

Something I’m good at is math. I’ve liked math since I was in the first grade. My teacher made it a lot a fun. People be saying that math is hard and boring but if you find a teacher that makes a “boring” subject like math fun that you’ll like math. Well in first grade math was really easy. I think we were just doing addition problems at the time but when we started I didn’t want to do the problems. My teacher just made it seem fun. At first I was not even trying that’s why I thought it was hard and boring. Year after year, math was getting way harder. I started getting teachers that didn’t really show the students how to solve them and expected us to finish the worksheets they handed out by the end of the class. I was just lost and I wasn’t going to do anything. When I saw a problem that looked hard, I wouldn’t even try to solve it. I was just like whatever. This was around the time when I was in middle school. 6th grade was the worst year. My teacher didn’t show us anything. Well it wasn’t his fault because the class was never quiet. Well who can control a class of crazy 6th graders. He would try to teach a lesson but the class was always chaotic. The kids would always mess with the teacher and they would get in trouble. Those kids that would always get in trouble would never listen too. My 7th grade math class was way better than my 6th grade math class. That year, I remember my teacher was a great teacher. She reminded me of my teacher of my 1st grade class. She was a funny teacher and she made the class laugh all the time. I actually got a good grade in that class. Everybody who says math is boring and hard probably have never gotten a good teacher that actually makes the subject they’re teaching a fun subject to learn. I love math now. 9th grade was also a good year for me. Ms. Johnson here at skyline is a good teacher. She was one of my favorite teachers that year and I actually learned in that class. She also made math fun. I really love math now, it is my favorite subject. I even go to a summer program called Pre-Collegiate Academy or also known as PCA. It is in the summer and I have been in that program since the summer of 6th grade. They teach you math that you are going to learn the next year. Like now I’m taking ADV Algebra and this summer when I go they are going to teach me some Pre-Cal. They teach you ahead so you can be prepared for your math class. That program is fun because you learn a lot of math and you can have learning with your friends. Well that is what I’m good at

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