Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Sarah Ramiro

I’m in cyber high because I failed a lot of my classes in my junior and sophomore years. I failed a lot of classes because I didn’t try my best to do the class work and or homework. I thought that I could just mess around all the time and do whatever I wanted to do. I wasn’t concerned about graduating because I thought that it would be easy making up credits. I was dead wrong , to be able to walk the stage at graduation I have to take at least nine classes. I have to take an A period and a B period. I’m mad at myself for slacking off so much when I should have been performing at the best of my abilities. I now know that if I want to be good at anything that I do I have to try.

I hope to make up all the credits that I need to graduate. I will be taking cyber high at school as well as after school that way I can get more things done. I want to be able to learn new things in this class. I would also like to be able to learn how to use the computer properly, for example, how to type properly and how to set up the word document so it looks professional. I want people to know that if you don’t do your work that you’ll most likely fail that class and have to make it up. High school is not the place to mess around. This is where we mold our future; this is where we figure out who we really are. High school is where we meet all of our good friends that we’ll probably still know way after school is over. I met my all my best friends at this school, yes some of them have moved away or switched schools but we always stay in contact. I met my best friend Ryan junior year in Mr.Hard’s class. When we first started talking I thought he was uptight and rude. He thought I was obnoxious. After awhile I saw that he was a pretty cool guy. Now we’re inseparable and hang out all the time every chance we get. Just last week I went with him to go get his eyebrow pierced. We went to international to a place called Tattoo and Piercing. We walked in and were told to wait a couple minutes so the guy could finish piercing somebody else. Ryan started to freak out so I had to calm him down. He was worried that it would be the most excruciating pain he had ever felt so what we did was ask a person there who already had an eyebrow ring. They said that it felt like a little pinch. Ryan started to calm down and next thing we knew it was his turn. After he got it he was really glad that

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