Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Kyela

Why am I in Cyber-High? I didn’t go to P.E. when I was supposed to. Well, I did go in the beginning, until they said we had to roll calls, one before and after class. Which means I would miss my bus after school all the time, because I have to run seven laps, go to end of class roll call, run go get dress, and then run up the hill to make my bus, and I wasn’t able to do it. So I stop going to second roll call, which counted as a cut, which meant absent, which meant my grade would go down. Once I figured that out, I just didn’t go anymore, because it was no point, I was going to fail whether I went or not. How did I get to this point where I’m in Cyber-High? I’m a senior this, 2012, whoop whoop! , I need to pass two years of P.E. and I only have one year done right now, and I will graduate from high school, no matter if I have to have classes, before and after class. What do I hope to achieve? I hope to achieve passing this class in Cyber-High, and all the rest of my other six classes. I hope to achieve graduating from high school, and making my family proud, because I will be the first of my siblings to graduate from high school, because my older brother dropped out. I hope to achieve passing out of this class with no less than a B+. I already accomplished one year during the past summer, in summer school, when I could have just stayed in my bed, did whatever I wanted, and enjoyed my summer. But I wanted to know that I was headed down the graduation path, by starting my classes now, and just get it out the way. My schedule this year would have not had room for me to have to P.E. class. So, I’m glad I got that out the way, so I won’t be struggling as much my senior year. But I’m kind of upset because there are no counselors this year, so how would I possibly know I’m on track for graduating. Everything has change this year, and I’m really trying not to let all these changes at Skyline get me down. I have to just continue to stay focus and do what I need to succeed and be a wonderful scholar, an achiever! I want to be able to look back at my senior year and say, “I took control of my path, my education, and made sure everything was on track for myself, and not waiting around ‘til the administrators came for me.” I want to be able to set goals, for future goals, to accomplish my biggest goal in life, and that’s to have a successful career. Not just a job, that pays good money, but something I actually love, and am very good at. I want to the biggest achiever I can be!

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