Monday, September 12, 2011

Someone I Admire- Kimberly Septien

Someone I extremely admire and look up to is my mom. A lot of people refuse to have good relationships with their mom for some dumb reason, which I don’t understand. I love my mother she is like my best friend. She is the person I always go to when I need something. Whether it is a ride somewhere or someone to talk to she’s always there. Which is cool because the feelings mutual. I’m my mom’s best friend and she’s mine.
I look up to my mom because although she does not always have the best solution to something she’ll always try to make it work as best as she can. She’s not a quitter and she’s an extremely optimistic person, like me. I think that’s where I got it from. She taught me important things that I’ll carry on to my children. She taught me the importance of education and respect and manners and to not judge a person before knowing them. I am who I am because of my mom.
Another reason why I look up to my mom is because as a person, she has had to endure a lot of things. I mean my parents are divorced and she had to go from working wife to single working mother. And the truth is, life has been easier because of her efforts and her hard work. I can only dream to become someone as amazing as her. That I guess is one of my goals. To be like my mother. Well not exactly like her but to be the way she is. Because I know who I am, and what I believe in. And although our beliefs in certain things don’t coincide I can in a way still be like her. Because we’d share the same qualities. I want to be hardworking and loving and caring and joyful. Because that’s how she is. Truthfully that’s how her whole family is. That’s how my family is.
Maybe you think I’m exaggerating and that my mom isn’t as awesome as I make her out to be. But the truth is, she is. And it’s too bad that you can’t believe amazing people exist, because they do and it’s just been your misfortune to have not met any.
And if you can believe it ……. than good for you I guess. J

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