Friday, September 2, 2011

Heros -Mercedes Lefiti

I look up to my parents. I look up to them because of the obstacles they’ve went through and how they’ve went through them. Another reason I look up to them is because their my parents obviously; they’re the only people that have been in my life from day one. I go to them for guidance whenever I face an obstacle that I think I can’t face on my own. Like my mom always tells me, “I’ve been your age, you haven’t been mines” and whenever she says that it reassures me to never second guess her opinions and to know if the advice is appropriate for the situation. When it comes to both of my parents I have A LOT of respect for them due to the stories I’ve heard and the predicaments they’ve faced in the past; they both have definitely had it worse than I do. Stories like in elementary school my dad didn’t have any more clean clothes so his dad told him to wear my aunt’s pink sweat suit, which was super hilarious. My mom’s parents were very strict when it came to her and my two other aunts they weren’t allowed to sleep over other people’s houses when they were kids and in high school. But I look at all their past circumstances and learn something from all of them.

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