Friday, September 2, 2011

Someone I Admire - Quincy Guy

Someone I admire is my Marine recruiter sergeant Walker. He pushes me to do the best I can in school and out of school. He shows me just how many opportunities I have in life. He makes me work harder than I have ever worked before. He makes me work harder than most of the other guys to become a marine because he knows I am hard to break. He never lets me give up even when I feel like I can’t go anymore I still keep pushing myself.

When I’m at school he comes up here and he makes sure I’m on track to graduate and I’m in class all the time. He checks in with my teacher once a month to make sure I don’t fall off. If I start slipping in school he makes me stay after school until I get my grade back up to where it should be. He makes me go to tutoring and he makes me study before we work out. He makes sure I know that school is a big part of me getting to the Marine Corps.

On Thursdays we workout after school. He always pushes me to the limit. He makes sure I know I can’t give up no matter what because there is no giving up in the battle field. When I fall he always picks me back up and keeps moving me forward. He makes sure I stay in shape. This is why he makes Thursdays mandatory for working out.

Over the summer he made me go to his office every day to study so I was ready for the school year. He made sure I knew English, math and science. He even came up to the school during the summer to make sure my schedule was everything I needed to graduate. If I didn’t know something he always made sure there was someone there to teach me it. He knew I wasn’t good at math so he got a tutor to tutor me every day during the summer.

When it comes to physical strength he always made sure I was doing something to make myself stronger. He made a workout plan that I follow for the whole week including the weekend. He calls every day to make sure I did it. He never lets me forget to do it. If I do I have to double up the next day. So I never forget to work out.

These are just some of the reasons I look up to and respect sergeant walker. He does a lot just to make sure I’m healthy. He also does a lot to make sure I’m on track to graduate so that I can go to the Marine Corps. He never lets me forget what I’m doing it for and who I’m doing it for. So I work hard every day to ensure myself that I will graduate and go to the Marine Corps. I know that by the end of the school year all the work will have been worth it.

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