Friday, September 2, 2011

Heros - Terrrence Black

Someone I admire/look up to/Respect is My Cousin. My cousin is a really cool person who has her own apartment and has a really cool position working at apple. I admire her because she has been working ever since she could and she’s worked at multiple places which makes for a killer resume. She’s very nice and she always welcomes me to her p[ace whenever I need to talk or have any problems. We always talk about the crazy things that have happened to her at work or things that I have had to deal with at school.

I look up to her because she went to Skyline just like me and she was able to graduate and go to college in Los Angeles. I have always wanted to go to college sooo sometimes we have conversations about what college I want to attend and what I need to do to be able to attend that college. I think personally that she understands me really well because she was in my position before and knows how to deal with certain situations. I feel like she is a strong person who has a great job. My cousin currently works at apple in Emeryville. She is a manager and to get that job you have to be very qualified and know what your dealing with. Her job is very chaotic which means that she is always busy and when I see that it makes me want to work at a job with the same chaotic things going on. I look up to her to because no matter how crazy things are she is always finding the bright side to everything. That’s why she’s strong and independent. I feel like everyone should be like my cousin and find the bright things to horrible situations.

I respect my cousin because not only is she my cousin but she is also like my friend. I can come and talk to her whenever I don’t want to talk to my mom about certain situations. I like that in people because if I want to tell you something personal then you need to be able to keep that to yourself and not go around telling others. I also respect her because whatever is going on whether chaotic or not she is around to speak her opinion. She is not the kind of chick who says one thing and then when confronted changes her mind. And if you did something bad that was towards her then you can forget about being as close to her as you were before cause that just shows that she can not trust you like she used to. I like people who also speak their opinion and who are not afraid to back down. From any problem or anyone. Staying strong is what its all about. Soooo in conclusion I would just like to say that my cousin rocks and I am blessed to have her as family and who is also like a friend to me. And now I am finished J

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