Friday, September 2, 2011

My Inspiration and Motivations - Joshua Quintos

J.A.Q 9-2-11-

There are many people that have inspired me but mainly I have 4 but technically 5. They are as followed: My Grandmothers, My girlfriend (Maica), and my parents. My grandmothers are very strong womyn (and no my spelling of womyn is not wrong google it). I also respect them for coming to America to start a new life and bring my mom and dad because they came from the Philippines to start a new life. I love them unconditionally and I mean all of my inspirations. My grandmothers are strong and living but though they received many complications in life. One of my two grandmothers is wheelchair bound and the other recovered from surgery. They both raised me when my parents had work. My girlfriend Maica, She is an amazing person and has inspired me to become a better person because Happiness is a way of living life. She is my inspiration because she just motivates me to do better in school and help my family around the house. We try not to fight because fighting is just a waste of time and time together is precious and we both cherish it. My parents though they give me tough love I also love them unconditionally. They help me with everything and anything they just want me to do better in school and get a better education and career then they had. My parents both had to work jobs for me and my two brothers for our education.

My parents came to America separately and got married here. My grandma (father’s side) came with herself and my guerilla war fared grandfather to America with ten kids. It was rough but in the end the family still met up. This motivated me because throughout everything they still managed to become a big happy family and after a few years my grandfather died when my grandma was just babysitting me and my brother. My other grandma came to America with six kids separately. My grandma’s husband died before my auntie turned five. So it was rough for them to grow up, each of my uncles and aunties and mother had to obtain a job to keep the apartment alive. My girlfriend Maica is just simply amazing even though I get in a sad mood she cheers me up without even trying. She is just my girlfriend, best friend and everything in between. I just cannot believe that I am dating her. She is always both my motivation and inspiration. She keeps my head up and keeps me heading in the right direction. The people I listen in this essay have inspired me heavily and I love them until I cannot love anymore. The people are just loving and inspiring because of the things that they have done for me. I love them all, I love Maica, I love Nanay G and my Nanay Linda and finally I love my parents for doing so much for me. I love Joey and Vivian Quintos.

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