Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Thing I Do Best! - Jun Tan

The thing I do best and having the most fun is fishing even if I don’t catch anything. It is still better than staying home or being in school, bored out of my mind. When I go fishing I usually go either to a lake for trout or out in the bay for cod. Fishing is not for everybody especially for someone that is extremely impatient. It is all about luck and a little bit of skill. Also you have to be a person that stands the sound of birds and nature. But the most important thing for fishing is bug spray and sun lotion because the bug will be extremely annoying especially during night time. The lotion is stop the sun burn and also can help prevent skin cancer when sitting in the hot sun focusing on catching a big one.

When going fishing the main important is to have the right equipment for the type of fish you are aiming for. For example no one will use a small pole and a hook to catch a shark out in the bay because your pole will break in a short time. Only about 20% are skill and about 80% and higher are luck. To fish you must know the equipment you need to fish the right one you’re aiming for. Sure there is the old way with a spear or a stick and a line but it would take an extreme amount of luck to actually catch a fish. But it does mean it’s not possible at all because anybody can get lucky.

The first time I went fishing in a lake and I actually wasn’t able to catch anything because I was very impatient. My father was catching a lot and this made me really angry because I wasn’t able to catch any. The next time we went out fishing in a lake I was the one catching all the fish because I knew I have to be very patient and not mess with the pole. As I continue fishing some more I develop a sense where the fish would be at and as the season change I would trying to fish where they would probably be at. In no time soon I was able to catch much different type of fish such as Largemouth bass, trout, carp, and blue gill. Most of the time I do catch release because I believe it better if I left them be than eat them and having no future fish. The things that always happen is that you catch a different fish using the same bait because fish could be random a lot of times.

Later on I started fishing in salt water and not able to catch anything because I no knowledge on how the saltwater fish likes to eat. When I don’t know anything about the fish I would normally got to shops ask around and hopefully catch some fish. When I know more I tried to fish for sturgeon and sure enough I was able to catch a 56 inches sturgeon which was my best memory ever. Later on I tried to join tournaments for fishing and hopefully win. Surprisingly I won the first tournament I tried in which is one of my proudest moments of my life

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