Thursday, September 1, 2011

Advancing Mobile Phones as Learning Devices

Today, students in Cyber-High grapple with the issue of cell phones in class - Bellow is a re-posting of Principal Eric Sheninger's piece on the subject. Students will be reading this and a recent PBS MediaShift article on cellphone and post their responses.

Principal Eric Sheninger's piece starts now:

This morning I read a great article on PBS Media Shift by Audrey Watters entitled "Why Schools Should Stop Banning Cell Phones, and Use Them For Learning." Up until this past year the rule of thumb was that students could bring their phones to my school, but they could not be on, seen, or heard. This rule applied throughout the school day, on or at any school-sponsored functions, and was strictly enforced. I cannot begin to explain all of the battles with students and parents that my administrative team and I had to deal with because of the established policy.

Fortunately for me I have already begun to work with my staff and students to transform the teaching and learning culture at New Milford HS as it pertains to cell phones as mobile learning devices. As a principal, it took me a while to accept the fact that these small, but powerful computing devices could play an important role in the classroom. This shift in mindset can be directly attributed to what I have learned from innovative educators in the social media spaces that I now delve into on a routine basis. The knowledge that I have acquired from my Personal Learning Network (PLN) provided me with the ideas and strategies to utilize student cell phones as mobile learning devices.

Image credit:

Last year some of my teachers began to utilize student devices as tools for learning, mainly as student response systems. For the most part they used a program called Poll Everywhere to check for understanding, review prior learning, and informally assess. The key to effective integration, in my opinion, is the message that was sent to the students prior to use. Each teacher clearly articulated to their students that they would be using their phones in class during a particular time in the lesson for learning. Since we were just beginning to embrace this shift, my teachers would usually convey this message the day before. This also helped to ensure that each student brought their phone to class the next day. In the rare case that a student did not have a cell phone with them my teachers would pair or group them with those that did. Even though there was still a policy in place prohibiting the use of cell phones we did not let it hinder our progress to create a more engaging learning environment for our students.

By the end of last school year many more teachers were incorporating mobile learning devices into their instruction. I provided a workshop on Poll Everywhere and some tutorials, but many of my teachers experimented on their own time and quickly figured out how to use this web 2.0 resource. As students arrive to school next week they will learn that we are lifting the cell phone ban in the cafeteria during lunch. During my opening remarks to each class I will explain that this change in policy is our effort to empower them to use and view their devices as tools for learning, not just socialization.

As educators we must establish a vision for our students and model the use of cell phones as mobile learning devices in order to empower them to embrace the same view. We live in a world where these devices are a huge part of our student's lives. Schools should positon themselves to not only take advantage of this resource as budgets are tight, but also teach students about the powerful tool they possess. I am excited to work with my staff to expand our use of mobile learning devices in our persistent effort to improve teaching and learning. The challenge now becomes convincing other schools of the importance to move forward with and advance the use of cell phones as mobile learning devices. How can this be accomplished? What needs to happen? I encourage you to share successful strategies, ideas, implementation plans to assit other schools yearning to leverage the power of mobile learning devices.

For more information on integrating a variety of mobile learning devices check out this book by Kipp Rogers from Solution Tree. Here are some other tools that educators can use with mobile learning devices:

Remind 101
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  2. Merecedes Lefiti

    Cell phones are everywhere now a ‘days. I’m not really surprised on why principals and also teachers at most times don’t let students use their cell phones. There is definitely a time to use it and a time not to. When it comes to letting cell phones being used in class I stand in the middle. You also have to understand that cell phones aren’t only used to pursuit information but it’s also a source for communication, which means while the teacher or professor is in the middle of a lecture the student might not realize it and whip out their cell phone and text or even talk on their phone in the middle of class.

  3. Loni Thomas

    As an assignment in my cyber high class I was assigned to give my opinion on “Why Schools Should Stop Banning Cell Phone Use, and Use them for Learning” by Audrey Watters. She wrote about how Pew Internet and American Life Project and Mind shift did surveys on cell phone use. I found it to be really insightful, detailed without boring us with all the extra details, it kept me reading and entertained and overall I agree with the article about cell phone use in class. It was a well though and organized article and I really enjoyed it.

  4. Mindy Quach

    The rule about cell phones in school has been the same for years, don’t use them during class. It’s never changed, and now that they’re starting to consider it I think it’s a great thing, although I can definitely see why some would be opposed to it. It’s nice that they see that it’s not all bad either, and that it really is becoming a part of everyday life.

  5. It is true cell phones are a delicate subject when it comes to school, on one hand it can be distracting and deviating away from academic studies but on the other hand a smart phone can also be used as something that can extremely help a student to better understand something.


    my thought on the whole cellphone situation is that i agree with the principal Eric that phones are a good source and the teachers at this school of skyline don`t understand that the cell phone is not only a distraction but can also be used to help out in the classroom.

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  9. I think cell phones in classes are long overdue. As Merecedes mentioned it's crazy how principals and teachers don't let students use their cell phones. Cellphones can help teachers and principals know if the students are understanding the lesson so if they don't, they can reteach it.

  10. i believe that because teachers and administrators walk around our school proudly with ipads that student would find it easier and more convient to use cell phones. it does create a problem if the student is not willing to use the cell phone for school related activites only , but other than that i see no issue with the use of cell phones in class.

  11. Keith Britton said...... I think cellphones should be allowed in class.The reason is it doesnt distract anyone around you it only distracts you so its up to you if you want to be disengaged from the learning. It is not the teachers fault if you pick up your phone and miss something that he or she was trying to say. So i think cellphones should be allowed at your own risk.

  12. Ashia Johnson said...
    I feel that Skyline students should also be allowed to have phones out during class. At this school a lot of computers dont work and a lot of us students have smart phone to where we can easily get enternet access. Teachers worry about it distracting students, but it doesnt distract every student, just the syudent with the phone out . I think cellphones should be allowed!

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  14. Sequoyah Thomas
    I think that cell phone use should be allowed for a higher learning experience. This dsay in ages technology is the way of the world. We use technology for everything now, so why not use it for education, aside from computers and things. Cellphone usage is an exellent idea and it should be allowed here at Skyline.

  15. awesomekidd94 said... Terrence Black

    I like this post because because I feel that schools should allow students to use their cell phones. Technology is now used by 85% of the world population sooo I feel that teachers should be able to also use their phones especially if it's a smart phone because those phones are like little computers in your pockets. Soo yeah Phones should be allowed to be used in school rather than keep them off.

  16. Electronic Devices are used more and more each day. Electronic devices are advancing tremendously and I believe that Cell phones should be incorporated in learning environments especially high schools. I believe they should be used in classrooms to help us learn as much as possible and teachers would recieve alot of feedback if we could respond and answer questions and what not through our phones. This is combining fun with education and we are benefiting from it. From my point of view this could be very successful and I dont doubt that.

  17. Tracy Huynh

    I think that it's a pretty good idea to enable the use of cellphones for education purposes. There are pros and cons to cellphones. Usually there are only negative views on cellphone use during school, but if there are loopholes to the education system and there is an acceptable reason for cellphone use inside classrooms, then it should be alright.

  18. Devin Linyard said...I think cellphones should be allowed in class because how high tech these phones are now-and-days they are just as good as the computers we got,for example the iphones are the most high tech phones and they could do as much as the mac computers.

  19. Jacob Breuner

    i have the most unfortunate anti-luck when it comes to cell phones. i have had two flip phones, two upstages, and an lg rumor. the point is i could care less about cell phone use during class because i got angry and broke my last one in half. and the school that my dad will send me for the second semester of my senior year to a school that does not even allow phones on campus. this is just the kind of thing that i could care less about unless i had a phone

  20. Titus Taylor.... cell phones are a major part of society people use them as an every day thing we don't only use them for socializing we use them for many purposes.Phones to me are a gateway you can learn allot,with my phone I use it for some knowlege purposes when you see me on my phone I'm not on facebook 24/7 I'm look at videos of musicians on youtube. See technology is changing and phone is technology phones like droid help to go on the worldwide net this is helpful for students who have essays due but they don't feel like going to the library.Teachers need to understand how phones are more of a blessing then a curse.I feel like the reasons why teachers aren't getting the responses in class because they aren't connecting with the students and the best way is by cellphones

  21. Joana Ortega

    Banning cell phones in class is a good idea because students would not be able to focus in class. When using cell phones in class is acceptable some students take advantage of it and use there cell phone wisely, while others use it as a distraction. I know for a fact that high school students use their cell phones to text or to be on the internet witch is very distracting. I myself do not use my cell phone in class because if I do I know it would be a big distraction and I won’t be able to stay focus. Even though cell phones can be a big distraction they can also be very helpful. I think that college student’s are more mature about using cell phones in class. College student’s don’t have time to be fooling around and therefore they use their electronics wisely.

  22. Joshua Quintos

    I believe that cell phones have pros and cons of use in school. Like Facebook for instance is good because you can start groups to get help with homework and what not but cell phones are one of the most controversial issues in our education today. Cell phones can help students cheat but yet they are a very useful source for internet and gain sources from other friends.

  23. Honestly I think cell phones should be allowed at skyline because the computers are always down and most of us should have 3G or 4G network where we could access the internet on their phones. They should let students take notes on their phones so they would stop complaining about having no paper where we could always have our notes on us instead of losing them somewhere.

  24. Phones can be distracting to kids in school and in class but phones could be used as an educational device. Phones can have a lot of apps in the phone like calculators, dictionaries, and a lot more educational apps. Phones can also be used as emergency calls like if someone is in danger we can call 911 instantly.

  25. I think that allowing students to use their cell phones as a learning device is a good idea. Since we already spent so much time on them why not use them as learning devices. I think that if we are allowed to use them during school, people will be more into it but then again some people might take advantage of the rule and use it for non school purposes.

  26. Kristina Lopez

    I think there is a very good point that all schools should look at in these articles. I myself have a smart phone, my parents do, and my little brother was lucky enough to get my old smart-ish phone (ha). They are great phones and I use it for everything. To text my family when I need to get picked up or when I need to pick my brothers up, to take notes that will show up on my opening screen so I won’t forget about them, to write down my homework, and to look up information for classes I have because I don’t have a good computer at home with internet access. Smart phones need to be embraced by schools; they aren’t just another way to be unfocused, they can be used as a way to focus better.

  27. Arianna Quintero: I think that sometimes we do need our cellphones and times when they are not used correctly. But, they can be used for learning at times and they are a good idea. They give more current information rather than some books that are outdated and give information that is no longer true. The teachers just need to pay good attention that the student isn't texting or things like that because they will not pay attention and not be conversating with other people because they could also be cheating during a test or things like that.Also, for emergencies like if a student forgot an important assignment they could contact there parents to bring it to them.

  28. my thought on the whole cellphone situation is that i agree with the principal Eric that phones are a good source for students now a days. for example when teachers ask for a definition of a word or something that they can not explain we could just google it and get the answer. They also could be importat for any emergency.
    -Karla karina V

  29. i honestly agree with what there saying sometimes it can help benefit the students to use there phones because sometimes they can do assignments or help with them using google or the online dictionary but using it wisely because some students they over do there privliges and then get it taken away thats what they should expalin -Andrew Starks

  30. I think that while cell phones shouldn’t be completely banned from schools but there should be some limitations when using them. It is just rude to have your phone go off in the middle of a lesson or while your teacher is trying to teach you are more focused on gossiping with your friends. It affects your classroom experience as well when you can’t remember what your teacher was discussing when it comes time to take a test. Cell phone use is fine at lunch or between classes but overall, you’re at school to learn.

  31. As bad as teachers want to utilize the cell phone and take advantage of how advanced and helpful they may be, students aren't on the same page. Cell phones are practically handheld computers and just as a computer a cell phone has internet and the so-called "savior" GOOGLE. Teachers can believe that cell phones are able to be used as learning devices, and that they can, but the real question is can students use their own cell phone as a learning device rather than a cheating device.

  32. At this point in time, technology has played a huge part in our lives, more importantly, cell phones.I agree with principal Eric that cell phones could be a good way for students to do work in class. Since many devices have, for example the iphone, have apps, such as dictionaries and also internet, it would be easy for students to do work in class, that involve online research. Also, students may become more engaged in learning because they get to use their devices in class for educational purposes.

    -leona Quinata Debita

  33. Cell phones shouldn't be banned from schools because students do not just use them for texting. We also use them for information we may need. Teachers shouldn’t take away students phones because phones can really help out with homework. We can search stuff on the web and look for the answers we need.

  34. Alejandro Cuevas p.6September 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM

    Cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in schools at certain times. Cell phones should only be allowed in school at their free time. If a student is texting or talking on a phone while the teacher is giving out the lesson they won’t know what the lesson was about, because they were too busy paying more attention to their phone then to the teacher.

  35. Cell phone shouldn’t be banned from schools because student not only used them for been texting in class not pay a tension but they use they phones for calculators in math class because same times they don’t have money to buy one calculators so they used they phone as a calculator..

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  37. i think that schools should not use cell phones at school because most likely students would abuse the privilege and text all day in class also students would be so distracted about using there phones they wouldn't get the lesson however in some ways they would help because its basically like a computer in your pocket and i know sometimes in class under the right circumstances that can be a help.

  38. Cell phones shouldn't be banned from schools because students do not just use them for whatever purposes We also use them for information we may need. Teachers shouldn’t take away students phones because phones can really help out with assighnments We can search the phone on the web and look for the answers we need.

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  41. Diane Le

    In today’s society, the majority of high schools students possess a cellular device. In my opinion, I believe everyone should obtain a cell phone. These handheld gadgets can be particularly useful in certain situations. However, incorporating them into classroom activities? Not such an excellent idea. It is important that we conform to the rapidly advancing technologies but its utilization in an educational environment may disconnect students from reality. Not everything can or should be done electronically. By doing things the old fashioned way or manually, so to speak, increases interaction with the brain, further developing a student’s learning abilities. Cellular phones are great, but in schools, it’s unnatural.

  42. I don’t think cellular devices should be banned neither. I agree with every person who said that cell phones shouldn’t be banned from school. I agree because even though cell phones can be a huge distraction it’s important that a child has his or her cellular device on because it can be an emergency somewhere or any where regarding the family. Some people may never know but cell phone is needed at all times.

    - Kimberly Tolefree

  43. I think people should not aband using cell phones on the campus because i think a cell phone can come in handy for any different usable reasons like if there is an emergency and no security around there can be that people or that group of people that can call out and get help if you cant do it yourself or even if your hurt or in danger theres that extra someone there with you that can give you a helpin hand or might even can save your life if you cant save your own.

  44. Michael Kirkpatrick

    Here in skyline I think that the idea of using the cell phone as a learning device can be useful but, it is not practical. I believe that most of my peers will not use cell phones for learning in fact; most of the cell phones will be used for texting not learning. This will make a big head ache for the administrators and it will be discontinued in the first weeks of action.

  45. I Agree cell phones are extremely useful pieces of technology that could benefit not only the student but also the school. However, how could something like cell phones be made allowed if most of the students come to abuse this privilege? I'm a teenager, and I know how teenagers are, we live off distractions, and if cell phones were to be allowed that's what they would turn into. A distraction.

    -Kimberly Septien


    I think you should be able to have a cell phone on school campus an in the classrooms. Because if anything serious ever happen, were the power went out in the school an the classroom phones stop working that one personb that had a cell phone will be able to call the police an that one person will probaly be able to save a student life or a teacher........

  47. I agree that cell phones shouldn’t be banned. It is true that they can be a distraction but they are important in everyday people’s lives. There are many student who don’t really know how to use their phones it gets complicated and nobody likes to read manuals so why not have time to get to know your phone better and use it to the max

    -Aida Ramirez

  48. JiaMin Sun

    Honestly I think Phones can be distracting to students in school and in class but phones could be used as an educational device. but there are a lot of apps in the phone is very helpful to all the students. like dictionaries, calculators, time and date, a voice recoring,ETC.If there is any emergency happened and we all trun off our phones,it could be very dangerous.

  49. Brenda Benitez

    Fom the article form and i agree with most of the things.I think people have different answers to this question. I think the cellphones used for learrning can be a distraction for students and gives them ways to cheat. Cellphones can be usefull in class as a calculator and we can take pictures of the homework in class instead of writing it.The cellphone is a powerfull tool.It can be used for many things but if its used in class alot then the students would take advantage of that time and they would probably be texting or doing somthing else.

  50. Kyela

    I believe that using cellular devices in school for education, will be a huge process. Because even though you the teacher’s think their students are working, they can really be social networking. This big idea can be a win lose situation, because for instance with Skyline HS we have a lot more students this year, and not enough computers that work. So a lot of students miss out on work, or have to come during their free-time to complete the work given, or finish it for homework. So having a “smart phone” would help a lot of students to stay on top of their work. But on the other hand, a lot of students might just waste their time social networking, and doing personal things, other than the school work provided, in order to use their personal cellular device. But I do believe that all schools should take this idea into consideration.

  51. valerie cepeda

    I kind of agree that cell phones can be very useful when the internet needs to be used or you simply need a tool to learn something and cell phones have the technology to have it. They are very fast and advanced and can do just about anything. But in the other hand, with cell phones being so advanced, there are so many more things that can be done with it. There’s all kinds of games and activities and just distractions in school that can lead the kid to do that instead of actually using their cell phone for an educational purpose. It’s impossible for one teacher to keep an eye on 30+ students to make sure they stay on task while using their cell phone.

  52. -Chanchoy Pharn

    I agree that cell phones shouldn't be banned because you could use them for educational purposes, like math class or english class, because now days people our age are up to date, we get bored from reading from books, we could read from our cell phones. Most important of all if there is an emergency or a serious situation, you can use your cell phone to call for help, and if cell phones weren't banned people at school would do a lot better in the academics by being able to use them to help themselves educationally.
