Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Summer - Joe Lelenoa

My summer barely began on August 5, the last day of summer school. I made new friends, met a cool English teacher and Oakland tech's pizza was the bomb! The next day my family and I headed down to LA for a five day weekend to attend my dads family reunion. It was pretty fun catching up with aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces & nephews and families I had never met before. Our trip to LA didn't last that long because we drove back to the Bay to make it on time to my moms three day family reunion in East Palo Alto.

I also went around looking for a job and as soon as my Aunty Mele called me and told me that if I wanted a job at where she works, without hesitation I said yes. I was nervous, excited, shocked, it was a feeling that Im finally doing something for myself. Well, I arrived at Foodmaxx the next morning and my Aunty Mele had me fill out some forms and I started right away. I was pumped up to be at the cashier, handing money, taking money, scanning items across the scanner, meeting new people. Come to find out my Aunty tells me my job is to push carts! I looked at her like she had mistaken me for another worker. She laughed and told me to start pushing the carts before it gets dark. I'm not sure if I was mad because she had me pushing carts or happy because she gave me a job.

Taking Care of my nephew and niece basically the whole summer was annoying and irritating. They are only four and one years old and they act like animals! These kids were so irritating during the summer I just felt like slapping the mustard out of em', but realizing that they were moving overseas the week school started , and as annoying as they are I don't regret the time I spent with my little man and princess! It was a time well spent!


  1. Lay off them pizzas Joe and come to practice
    - Mookie Vaka

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