Monday, September 12, 2011

Responsability- Kristina Lopez

Should children have pets to take care of? Can children actually handle the responsibility? In my opinion it all depends on the child and the pet in which you give them. For example when I was younger I had a bird, but I didn’t want to take care of it because I didn’t like birds. At school we had animals in the science room though and I would go in everyday during my lunch to take care of the bearded dragon and the geckos, cleaning their cages and holding them, feeding them and giving them all water. I was okay with doing that because I loved reptiles and I had the responsibility to know that without me they would die. As for my bird my mom was the one who took care of her. I hated the bird and wanted nothing to do with her except putting water and food in the cage so she wouldn’t die because no one wants to kill anything (except for maybe a bug...) I begged my mom and dad for a snake or a lizard everyday and I knew I would take care of it because of my love for reptiles but they wouldn’t get me one because all they saw was my responsibility for the bird.
The same goes for most children from what I have observed, one of my younger brothers is a dog person and my other brother likes cats. So when we got cats my younger brother was willing to take care of them and feed them every day, but my older brother just wanted to pet them now and then… When we got a puppy it was a completely different story. He wanted everything to do with the dog. Bring him out, play with him, the dog slept in his room, and he would freak out when he was outside for too long and was not played with. Every kid is different but I think if you get a kid the right pet you will have a very responsible kid and yes it will in the long run teach them more responsibility then they probably realize.
So do I think children should be given pets to take care of? Yes and no. Kids should be able to choose if they actually want the pet or not and I feel it should be something they think about a lot before getting it so that they know that is the pet they want to take care of and not just a phase of wanting a turtle that they are going to get bored of in a day. It will teach the child some sort of responsibility and if they really love the pet they will treat the pet as if it were a child to THEM. That is what kids need because then it really shows them how much harder their parents must work for a human child and it will give them better understanding of things in future situations.

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