Monday, September 12, 2011

Who I Admire- Sequoyah Thomas

Who do I admire? When I hear something like that I instantly think things like, who I do want to be like, whose foot steps do I want to follow, or whose path do I want to walk. Well I’m not sure whose path I want to walk, I’ve kind of always figured that I want to make my own path. At first I thought that it may be kind of arrogant to not have someone to look up to or want to be like but, I soon realized that that’s just apart of who I am and maybe I just haven’t found that person to idolize yet.

I think maybe I haven’t found an idol is because, I never really just think about how great of person someone maybe and that maybe one day I can be as great as that person. Like my mother is a pretty amazing person. She has four beautiful kids my brother who turns twenty in a couple of months, my sister who is now eight, my baby brother who is two, and myself who turns seventeen next month. She goes to City College of San Francisco while juggling all four of her wonderful children’s lifestyles, not to mention how big of a hand full the baby and I are, with him getting into everything and me not doing so well in school. She also works at a hair salon in San Leandro from time to time and won’t hesitate to do anything for her family. That shows strength, initiative, and passion.

Another person who may be worth admiring would be my mom’s co-worker and close friend, Connie. She works at the hair salon full time Tuesday through Saturday from about eight to six. She makes a lot of money and she owns the hair salon that her and my mother both works at, along with others. She has two boys one that is about twenty-three-years-old and the other almost eighteen. I think the most admiring thing is that she owns her own business and has a lot of money. I want to own my own business and have a lot of money also. Money is power!

I sat here and analyzed two amazing woman and I am still unsure of who I admire. I don’t think it’s because I’m indecisive or anything, it just brings me back to my point I made early in this essay about how I would like to make my own path. I mean sure it’s pretty cool that my mom can put with four darling kids and can still go to school and work, and yeah it’s kind of fascinating that Connie has her own business and makes a lot of money but, I can’t or wouldn’t choose between the both of them; they’re both incredible women. All that I’ve been trying to say is that I really want to be like myself. I know your thinking, how can I be like myself it doesn’t make sense but, I never wanted to be like another person and I don’t think I ever can so all that’s left is me. I inspire me. I will always and forever be me.

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