Friday, September 2, 2011

Heros - Maggie Liang

Someone I look up to and admire is my grandma. She has always been there for me ever since I was born, and has taken care of me so well ever since. She always has the last word in the house, and I respect that. To me, she’s really the greatest, most generous and kind hearted person I know. She always put other people first, even aside from our family. She never takes anyone for granted. To me she’s our family’s hero.

My Grandma came from Zhongshan, China. I’m pretty sure it’s a big city, but within that city are separated small villages, or at least back then. She has 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter, which happens to be my mom. My family lived in poverty. Their house was cold and made out of cement. The kitchen is just a counter with a sink & no stove, so they had to build a place for fire and charcoal to make dinner, if they had any. My mom told me back then, they wouldn’t have enough money for any food, or very little food. They would have stale unflavored bread for breakfast called Man-tou, and they wouldn’t have any food for lunch because they couldn’t afford any, so they just sucked on solid brown sugar, and for dinner if they were lucky, they would have rice and meat. My family really has gone through sticks and stones for our family to be this grateful, living in America, so fortunate. If it wasn’t for my grandma who struggled to bring our entire family to America, I wouldn’t have been so lucky right now.

My grandma is a very kind hearted person. I remember every time I would eat dinner, and if I don’t finish all my food, even if there were a couple of rice nibblets in my bowl, she would tell me to finish it until it was clean. She tells me I am fortunate to have such good food for dinner, and that there are many kids around the world would be grateful to have even a grain of rice to eat. I think for the rest of my life, I will never waste food, and I will always remember my grandma telling me this story, over and over again.

I think I get my kind heart from my grandma, Honestly. My grandma is always looking out for others. She would do so much for them even though she is so little and tiny, she has the strength and will power and a muscle builder. She also has a super bubbly personality. She jokes around with us a lot, and I love how she would always make us laugh with the funny stories she tells us.
Through life, I will always remember my grandma telling me two quotes that are very important to me. She always tells me “No one deserves to be alone and unhappy. No matter how bad of a person they are. Sometimes even the worst deserves the best” My grandma is such an amazing person, I can call her my hero.

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