Friday, September 2, 2011


The person that I look up to the most is my uncle Alex cause threw out all that he has been threw from watching his mother pass away in his arms at the age of 15. From all that he stills continue to move forward with his life and take care of his son. I know his son is my cousin but I’m so close to my uncle he`s like my older brother in a way. All my years of growing up, he was there to help me with school or girl problems or just give me advice on anything I ask of him. He`s thriving to be a rap artist and he`s quite good and he travels across the states to promote his albums and he does shows with artist such as E-40 and Beeda Weeda etc.

Another person that I admire is my dad cause at any time that I need him for anything, no matter if he`s upset with me or what`s going on, he will put everything he has to do aside and put me first before anything. He has a quick temper at times and do things that are a little blown out of proportion at times but other than that he`s a good person who cares about the people who he interact with around his home. If he had only one dollar in his pocket and a person less fortunate than him then he would give his last buck to the person just so they can feel better or get whatever they need just from that buck.

My mother is also a big inspiration in my life even though she can be a big pain in my head about everything. She had me at the age of 16 and has had a job since then and has always been able to take care of me by any means. She`s never been evicted from any home and she has great credit. When I get older I want to be financial straight like my mom so I can give back to her. I know I’m just in high school now but when I get set in life I will show my appreciation of what she did for me as a baby until I become a grown man.

My last inspirer is my grandma Carrie. She is the one that really keeps the family together in hard times or just to get the family together just to see one another. She has such a good heart to cause she will tell you herself no matter how old or how bad a person is, she will never leave her family on the street. She will always take them in and that`s a good thing. I`ve seen her fight with her daughter and kick her out and later that night let her back in the house to have a place to lay her head down.

I am also a person I look up to cause I am very strong minded

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