Thursday, September 1, 2011

Traveling - Dennis Mars

My favorite thing to do is to go travel to places and see everything. There are a lot of different amazing new things out in the world from just style to food, transportation, ethics, pastimes, and governments. I mean to leave are city life to a country of just a jungle to literally live that would be the most enticing thing to me. To go from a Gov. that will turn from an overcastting shadow to a demonic fist of power controlling you. from murder would get you death row and life in prison, to murder is not spoken of and is not known here, to so much murder happens there is now point in investigating it. you always hear people telling you of the trips and experience and you always just take the word for it you never go smell the air for yourself feel the humidity or the cold air on the tips of your body hair but to simply let pictures videos and others stories become your vivid image of a place is to me sadly pathetic when I die I wish that I would of have visited every place known to man to be able to sustain human life. to be able to sit down and hear someone say something about a place and then for your head to be able to think of your favorite time in the site and not to just get a bank question mark in your head as a movie cover in essence but some people love their homeland so much they say they'd rather stay in their homeland. To me the world is our homeland and it just has not yet been explored to the full extent. to be able to look in your house and see thing from all around the word right there in front of you and you can be living in your home town but to be able to tell your neighbors how trip went why all the others can only say that they stayed in our caught a movie, dinner? But you explored you took a bite of the apple on a side no man has done before not many people will ever be able to do. And I'm sure there are billionaires who died and probably regret staying local if they did go somewhere it was some were man has already devoured but to go to clean crisp rainforest a virgin land untouched by gas, oil, fumes, smoke, etc. But to have a little dirt under your boots from everywhere is simply amazing and this traveling learning seeing and believing is to me the absolute favorite thing to do.

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