Friday, September 2, 2011

Heros - Stephanie Cervantes

Someone I admire is Freddy he’s my brother in law he’s married to my sister Diana the oldest one out of my brothers and I. He gives me good advice when I need it and he’s always been there for me since he met my sister when I was very young. But one thing is that when he started dating my sister I didn’t like him at all for nothing, every time he use to call for her I use to hang up on him. And whenever he use to come and visit I use to close the door on him and say that she wasn’t home I hated him, the worse thing I use to do is throw rocks at him and scratch him and mug at him. Even though I use to do all that stuff to him he still took me places with my brother’s and sister’s he gave me rides after school to my house. Then after I started growing up more and getting use to him being with us 24/7 I started liking him and looking up to him. Then I got to age 13 I started going to places with him and playing soccer with him because he was my coach and we started bonding more and getting to know each other then. I got to the age of 15 and started trusting him with my secretes or problems that I had that I never would of told my parents or anyone else just him. Then till this day I admire him and look up to and respect he’s like my second dad that protects me and show me new things that I don’t know and I teach him things that he don’t know either. The second person I admire and respect and always look up to is my mom I love her so much. Back then I never use to tell her about my problems or anything that happened with me, until my parents sent me away for 5 and a half months at this military/boot camp school located in San Luis Obispo this was three hours away from Oakland. Once I came back I started trusting my mom more and telling her everything and telling her the truth but my dad I don’t trust him that much but I admire him and respect him because he can say a lot of harsh things but he tells you the truth at the same time. The last person I admire is my best friend munchies I knew her since 9th grade here at skyline. We never hanged out but we always use to say hi to each other. Then we got to 10 grade and we started hanging out more and started trusting each other because we had similar problems in the past. So when I got to know her more and she was a true friend because she always use to give me good advice and tell me right from wrong and until this day were like sister’s.

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