Thursday, September 8, 2011

Responsability- Joshua Quintos

Responsibility comes over time and is achieved from growing up and maturing over time. Some children should be allowed to have pets if they are able to take care of themselves and if they are able to be self-reliant. Like myself, I cannot own a pet because I cannot take care of myself at all. I always need reminders and help. On the other hand my girlfriend is able to own one because she is super independent and self-reliant. She is the one that wakes me up in the morning. So that’s probably one of many reasons children cannot own pets. They have to learn how to feed themselves and learn how to become self-reliant. Pets are like humans; they need care and love from the owner unless they will be neglected. Also when a kid cannot take care of themselves they certainly cannot take care of a pet. Children can learn on the job but it may cause problems later for the pet and themselves. Children can also become responsible from just playing with the pet.
Some children are independent and are able to own more than one pet. Some parents give their children pets because they want their child to grow responsible and become self-reliant. I have a pet turtle that my brothers take care of and I bought it and I cannot even handle to change the cage or even feed it so I neglected it and my brother cared for it. The Turtle had a pair but it swell up somehow and died when I was not home and it had a proper burial. Later that week we started to keep the turtle on high maintenance. The turtle was very dear and my first pet and one of them died. And now I have to remind myself and keep the turtle safe from itself. My cousins had many pet rabbits and bunnies but they died of old age. The rabbits were taken care of to the fullest and fully loved by my family. One day the last rabbit they owned was just in the cage “sleeping” but no one knew it was dead but the dog. But later that day it started to stink and annoyed the house. So they started to dig a make-shift grave and bury it inside. It was sad but it was worth doing because the rabbits were all buried near each other and were marked.

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