Friday, September 2, 2011

Heros - Keith Britton

A person I admire is my father cause he has done a lot for me. I have been through thick and then with him. We have had our ups also we have had our down. When I get in trouble that is when we have our down. But I still love him though but sometimes he can really be a pain. I really do respect him cause he had been through a lot and still be able to take care of me my brother and my sister was a big task for him when he haven’t had kids in a while. My dad was always there for me but we just argued too much for me and that sometimes made me feel like I wasn’t wanted by the things he said and did. Now I see what all of the arguing was for, he was just trying to teach me a lesson and have me go on the right path once I grow up one day and have my own house kids. So I also respect him for showing me the right way I need to go to be successful in life. So no matter what we go through I know now that he is only trying to teach me a lesson and guide me straight path.

Another person I admire is my brother. I have been through all kind of things with him from fighting to fighting somebody with him and all of that. Now he is in college and playing baseball. People always told him he wasn’t good enough but look at him now. He is playing for one of the best jr colleges in California he is a very smart person but sometimes make bad decisions which makes him get in trouble quite a bit he had to work very hard to make the team and I really respect him for not giving up and still fighting for his dreams which is to one day play in the Major leagues. Me and him had overcame a lot of adversity from being kicked out the house, fighting our dad we have done everything together. I look up to him cause now he is on the right path to successfully fulfill his dreams. I hope I don’t have to do as much work as he did but hard work pays off so anything I will have to do I will do it and work hard at it also. So I respect him to the fullest for what he had done and what he is doing right now.

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