Thursday, September 1, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Michael Kirkpatrick

I got put in to cyberhigh do to credit loss like my fellow class mates. My personal story is that over the years that I have been here through the many classes that I have took. I would fail a semester now as we all know you cannot walk the stage and be successes full without a diploma it his really hard go on to bigger better things like college good paying jobs, the military nice cars lots of money. Without the diploma the odds are against you. Well were I am standing the odds are against me I need to make up a lot of credits in a short amount of time and to make things worse I need to raise my GPA. So this school year I have no room for failure. I am going to try my best to turn in over 80% of all work for my classes even if it kills me. I really don’t want to be that person that goes to a adult school because he didn’t complete all of his courses. You know what I want to be? A Game designer, chef or Air force Pilot.Most of those possible goals that I have set for my self is not possible if you do not have higher education. If I would go up to those jobs with no Extra education I would be turned away faster than you can say hey. Plus I don’t want to be a disappointment to my family no matter who you are that hurts your pride your heart and your soul. I don’t want to go through that pain. It would tear me up from the inside and leave a hollow shell of what I was I want to be successes full.

I am trying to get back on the right track and focus. So these last few day I have not missed a assignment. I hope to keep it that way for every class that I have this year I am aiming for a 3.oo or higher grade point average. I know I can do it. At the start of last year first marking period I had a 3.00 grade point average. I felt so happy and so good for the first time in a long time I had a feeling of successes! My parents were proud of me. That was awesome beyond all measure. I want that again. So this year I am traveling that extra mile. Even in JORTC the instructor told us to do a lap at our own pace. Most people are lazy and will walk a lap I don’t walk, me and some of my more athletic class mates jog and run the whole thing. The colonel loves that he said it was called enthusiasm. I will try to do that with all my other courses even statistics and physiology. This goal will be especially hard in my 7th period which is very disruptive the teacher tries her best to control it though the class over powers her. I will persevere.

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