Friday, September 2, 2011

Heroes - Kimberly Tolefree

Honestly, there is only one person I really admire, respect, and look up to and that is my mother. My mother has been through so much she is a strong outgoing woman. My mom is like my best friend other than being my mother she is a really good friend. When my mom was about fifteen years old she got pregnant with me and at sixteen years old she had me; her mother kicked her out for just a period of time. Next when I was about two or three my mom’s only oldest brother died. That was a very hard thing to take knowing that was my moms’ favoritism brother. When I was about ten years old my grandmother ( my moms, mom ) past away me and my brother both called my grandmother “ momma “. My mother was only 26, still young and she took in her two brothers, one younger sister, and nephew plus she had me and my little brother. That there was just a lot on her hands at being that age. Even though my mother still had my grandpa, her father she was still basically on her own! When my mothers, father got sick he always came to our house him and my moms little brother (on her dad side) they both were staying with us. Although there was a huge house hold with only 5 bedrooms my mother still manage to get every6one in school and everyone on the right track; she had our r school clothes, Christmas gifts, thanksgiving, Easter, ect. My mom always had things in order she never let anything bring her down. There came 2006, when my grandpa, my moms father past away from being too sick, that there just tore my mother into pieces my mom officially felt she had nothing left at all, being she was already on her own and very independent she wasn’t to do anything else differently. Everything stayed the same but people still were kind of sad and upset so many relatives were passing away. Even I felt so bad for my family, and especially my mom seeing her like the way she was and still manage to pay bills as in cable bill, PG&E, water, and buy food. She was a strong women and every day I tell my mother I want to be like her and that I love her and she is like my best friend. I keep no secrets away from my mom there isn’t anything my mom doesn’t know about me I share everything with her. I want to be just like my mom not only because she is my mother but because she is very strong, she graduated from elementary, middle school, high school, and college. My mom is awesome when I grow up I want to be much of a women and strong as her. Still till this day I tell my mother I want to be like her, she has three kids now and still manage us all. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. I LOVE MY MOTHER!

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