A person that I look up to, and respect deeply is my uncle and cousin. I admire my uncle because he is the only one from my family that has finish high school but also went to college and graduated. The career that he picked was been a nurse because he said he likes to help people out in health problem. After he was done with four years in college, he receive a scholarship to go to a university but he didn’t want to study no more, and he played in his college soccer team. I really admire that he played college level because he said is hard work to be in to soccer, do a lot of physical work but also keep doing good in his classes. Doing both things that a lot of time, been responsible is the main thing because soccer practice can two hours long, and been tired can make you not do the work from school.
The reason I admire my cousin is because he is the person in my family to finish high school with a GPA of 3.9, and he is going to college at San Francisco State University. He went to Oakland High School, and he was good at every subject at school. He also was in the varsity soccer team for four years. Been in the varsity team and been a senior at his school was a lot of work for him because he has to go to soccer practice right after school, and do the work that he has to do. For me, I think is difficult to be doing all your work every single night and be in a sport like football, basketball, golf, soccer, etc, and that can cause you to slack of in school an can affect your grade badly. He did both things and that is something to admires, and I hope he graduates from college.
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