Friday, September 2, 2011

Someone I look up to - Stoney Hardy

One person I look up to is my Mama Teresa Hardy I really don’t think no other women on this earth is a better mom than my Mama. I love this women a lot she have did so much for me an my sister it’s no way I can pay her back for everything she did for me. To be honest if it wasn’t for my Mama I don’t think I would be the man I am today she help me through so much stuff an situations that you can’t even imagine. My mama is a independent black women that took care of me and my sister by herself it’s not a lot of women these days that can say they did that. When I was growing up me and my mama was so close but as I started getting older I started to push myself away from my mama I don’t know why I just did it’s like every time she came around me I would get upset don’t get me wrong I never stop loving my mama I just started to distant myself away from her. I put my mama through so much stuff I think any other women would have been wash there hands with an just gave up on me but my mama didn’t an that’s one reason why I look up to her. Now I see my mama or she pick me up I love being with her, an when she hug me know other woman can hug me like that when she kiss me know other women can kiss me like she do. Another reason why I look up to my mama is that when I was younger my mama always wanted to be a registered nurse. When I was little my mama had to go to school at night to be a nurse she went to school for a lot of years an the hole time she was going to school she had to raise me an my sister at the same time, I know that was to much too handle at the same time for anybody it would be too much to handle but after a few years me an my family finally went to her graduation an got her certification to be a registered nurse I think that was one of my mama most proudest days I never really seen her smile like she did that day its like it was a permitted on her face. My mama always told me that at the end of the day whatever I do if nobody else is there for me My mama will be there for me an she really prove that to me even though she didn’t have to.

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