Friday, September 2, 2011

Someone I Respect. Haley James

Someone Who I respect and admire is my best friend David Warner. He is probably one of the best friends someone could ever ask for, and he’s the most responsible person I know. He’s only 16 and he has a job, he pays his own expenses, and takes care of his little sister when his parents aren’t home.

He loves helping people so much, he’s thinking about going to college to get his degree to be a therapist. He stands up for Gay Rights and shows his support, he isn’t ashamed of what he believes in. He may get a lot of crap from his father and brother, maybe some of his classmates too, but it doesn’t bother him.

I met David in march 2011, and we have become so close. He is someone I admire, respect, and look up to, well I have to since he’s over 6ft, he has always been there for me, and all his friends. He’s too modest to admit any of the things I have said, even though he knows it’s true.

David Warner is not the only person I respect and admire; there are two other girls who I probably cant live without. Evelyn and Jena, they are the two nicest, and kind hearted people you will ever meet, they also stand up for Gay Rights and are willing to help anyone in need .I have known them both for a year now and I don’t regret it at all, I don’t know what I would do if I haven’t met them.

This essay is quite hard for me only because I think I'm talking more about friendship than respect, but I do believe respect and friendship fall under the same category. To be able to have friendship, there has to be respect, to be able to look at that person and think only greatness, and that’s what I see in David, Evelyn, and Jena.

The only downfall of the three people is that they do not live in California, Evelyn and Jena live in Illinois, and David lives in Ohio. So exactly how can I admire these people so much if they live so far away? Its quite easy, your friends don’t have to live close for you to respect and love them, all three of them have found a way to still be there for me even living in different time zones. To be able to make someone feel better with simple words, is someone worthy of being a hero, not just any hero, my hero. Cheesy as that may be its one hundred percent true.

When I turn old enough I plan to meet up with the people mentioned in this essay, friendship may be hard, but this can overcome anything, even living across the world. So nothing is going to stop me from finally seeing the people I look up to, I admire, and most importantly, the people that give me a reason to wake up every day and make me give an effort.

Someone I Respect

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