Friday, September 2, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Jun Tan

Cyber high is an interesting class that helps students makes it up. The reason I am in cyber high is that I failed a class. Everyone who failed a class has a choice to go to cyber high to make up for the credit. It is required if you want to graduate from college and hopefully go to a CSU or UC. The reason I am in cyber high was because I could pass my AP class that I didn’t sign up for. When someone is put in to an extreme challenging class randomly is it going to be really hard to for the rest of the school year. Also changing class wasn’t possible wasn’t a option since it is already the middle of the school year. So no changes can be made and you would have to stay in the class either pass or fail.

Begin of the school year at skyline mostly everybody had something wrong in their schedule because of the counselor getting fired. Also a new principle was working at skyline so that wasn’t any help. My schedule was especially messed up because I noticed that I had a special class. I wasn’t suppose to have that class mainly because I wasn’t special ED. The thought of the principle putting in me into special pissed me off. It took almost 3 weeks to change the schedule. It was almost the end of the semester. Even when they switched my class there was still something wrong in my schedule which was I had 2 periods. So I had to make another change.

After a month of changing class at least 5 times I finally got the perfect class set up I had out of every one of them. But it was only just a dream because one more change had messed up my grades for ever in this year of school. I was switched into an AP history class which was extremely hard and difficult and very hard to catch up with. I tried day and night trying to change the class but it was no use. I was forced to stay in the AP no matter if I will pass or fail. The worst thing about it was I was way behind the work. Not to mention the teacher was very strict with the class.

During the time I was focused on switching and not on the work since there is just so much. For example the outlines were horrible because we had to read about 20 to 30 pages of very long pages of material in the book. The only worse than the outlines were the note cards. The note cards are endless. Laterally endless amount of work from the beginning of school to the end of school with Stacks of 40 to 50 note cards every week. By now you can tell I was in big trouble in this class.

After having to sit through hours of lectures and test I knew I was going to fail this class. That’s the reason I am taking cyber high. In my situation is rare but it happens not only to me but to other too. Maybe if I had been able to switch that class earlier I might have been able to pass the class. The class is based on memory but I have bad memory and I don’t remember stuff really well.

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