Friday, September 2, 2011

summerrrrrrrrrrrrr.......Abel Pelayo

The best part of this summer will have to be when I went to the AP tour. The AP
tour is a concert with a bunch of bands playing there. There are 50 bands playing
there so when I got there I saw some of the bands that I liked. One of those bands
was Of Mice And Men and there was another one called A Day To Remember but
that day we left because one of my friends had to go home so we had to leave but
that day was still fun some of the bands I dint get to see was asking Alexandria
and devils wear Prada but that day still was the best part of my summer.

The worst part of my summer has to be when my phone broke so I had to wait
2 weeks 4 my parents to get a new one also sum bad part of my summer was
when the summer was over because I dint get to do nothing fun or go to places I
only hanged out with my friend twice a week because I had to stay home n take
care of my little brother and sister because my parents had to go to work in the
morning so I had to make them food and stuff so yea that was the bad part of my

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