Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Chanchoy Pharn

I am in cyber high because I failed a few classes in my past years in high schools. Luckily for me those classes I failed were simple and easy. The reasons I fail those classes were, because I had too much fun in class, and the teacher was horrible because I didn’t understand them, and instead of helping us they would just do it, without letting the students try the problem so they can figure it out themselves. There are no excuses that, I failed but at the same time I still did all my work, it was because I didn’t understand what the teachers said. The total of credits I am missing is fifteen, five credits from my freshmen year physical education, another five credits from my sophomore year geometry class, and another five credits from my junior year in intermediate algebra. I missed out on five credits my freshmen year, because I got into a serious argument with my physical education teacher. I dressed often but not a lot, but I dressed enough to get the grade of a B, or a C, but the main reason I didn’t pass was because of the IWE. I ran all my laps but the IWE wasn’t doing his job as he should be so he forgot to give me my laps, so the teacher said I am missing all these laps, so he couldn’t pass me, and during the finals when we were suppose to run that day, I could not run, because I sprained my ankle, and it became swollen there fore I flunked it with a F. Sophomore year I missed out on five credits because my teacher died in the second semester, because he had cancer. Then we had multiple substitute teachers for about two months, so I wouldn’t really understand what the lessons were. Finally after multiple substitute teachers, they finally hired a permanent teacher, and I did all the work, but it was that her grading system wasn’t fair. You could do all the homework you want, but it was only worth 15% of your grade, and 70% of her grading system was worth quizzes, that weren’t easy and was difficult, because she wouldn’t go over it with us. My junior year, the reason I failed was because I was in a class, I already passed in my sophomore year, and didn’t need it but they put me there, and I signed ten of those cards to change my class for a request, The counselors got to me late around the end of the first semester about a week before grades were due, so when I was finally put into my correct class, I failed because everything was new to me, and it wasn’t easy learning new things all in three days, before semester grades were due. Now I learned my lessons from the past, so I will not make the same mistake as before, because I grown older, and I am a senior. Now that I am a senior it is time for me to really get serious, because its my last year, and I want to finish school strong. There for I am going to take my education more serious, and do what I have to do in cyber high to make up my credits, and in all of my classes pass with a high grade to finish my last school year strong so I can walk the stage happily, be proud of what I achieved, and how hard I worked for it, so my family, and friends can cheer me on the stage then, all my fellow class mates can yell its class of 2012 !

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