Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Selena Bielman

I am in cyber high because I fell down too many times while walking on the path of success. I took too many detours taking the wrong roads ending up in wrong places. Academic success was no longer in the horizon. I made wrong choices in and outside of school. I never paid attention during class, never showed up to class sometimes, never even considered doing homework or even putting effort in any tests. I had no respect for myself or consideration for the future. Of course it’s good to live for the present but at the time that is all I did and never thought the future would come. I failed almost every class and had a gpa that never even passed the decimal point for the past few years. I am in cyber high because I didn’t care about myself. But now I do and now I have to. I’m the last year of high school and my grades are abysmal. My transcript is a piece of toilet paper with nothing but fecal matter grades. My attendance is not up to par either. I was supposed to have cyber high last year but I was even too lazy and inconsiderate to even go to the room to ask to register, making me even more behind in grades. Being so close to college now makes me realize school is actually important in shaping your life and future. School isn’t just about being bored in class, terrible lunches, and friend drama; it’s all about getting to college, getting a career that gives a good income and is something we love, and making that jump from childhood to adulthood. Of course being a teenager is awkward because you feel like you’re already grown up in so many ways but you’re still a kid. But getting what needs to be done and focusing is a part of what makes an adult. There’s always time to be a kid but in terms of keeping grades up and going on to college is when you need to be an adult. Being in cyber high, catching up on lost credits, and fixing the mistakes I made from 9th grade to 11th is me being an adult. For when I really am all grown up, I want to write scripts for commercials and do advertising & marketing. Working in media, especially in commercials, has been a childhood dream of mine. I hope to have my own office and a large figure income. In a few years I picture myself having a family, a home, and a career. Although, with my old habits and current grades, that dream will only be a dream and not a reality or even a possibility. I’m in cyber high because cyber high can help me up from where I have fallen and walk me down the path to my career and happiness. I’m in cyber high to turn my dream into a reality for the future.

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