Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Summer - James Posey

One of the best parts of my summer was having the opportunity to sleep in whenever I wanted, that’s probably why I grew a few more inches during the summer. Another Great part of my summer was my birthday. On my birthday I woke up really late with water on my face because my mom thought it would be funny. Then after she woke me up, she and the rest of the people in my house hit me in my arms sixteen times each. After they were done with my birthday hits, my mom had cooked breakfast for me. Once I ate, my mom and I went to the bank and she gave me five hundred dollars so I can go shopping with some of my friends. My friends and I went shopping in Bayfair Mall, Stone ridge mall, and for last we went to Bay St. so we get my brother so we can go get dressed for the night. Later that that night we went to are friend Domo house for a little get together with some of her friends. Once we get there, it turns out that it’s her friend Menen birthday also. We played around a lot while we were there and ate a lot of food also, but after that we went on a little trip through Castro Valley on foot. It was so fun because for every boy there was a girl, so we all had someone to talk to that we liked. At the end of the night we all exchange numbers and go and my brother and I leave and go home to chill and just eat some more at like 3:00 am. It was a good day/ night.

Another good part of my summer was playing in this basketball game at McClymonds. I scored a lot of points that game but we lost the game. Even though we lost the game, it was fun because we just had fun and just playing around and putting people on mix tapes with us either dunking or mixing one of them. But the funniest part was that we only lost by one point during overtime. But after the game we did a dunking contest and someone did a 360 east bay dunk. It was just a fun game and even more fun after the game. Then we all just played a pickup game and just went home.

Another good part of my summer was when my family and I went to Water world for my little sisters birthday. First we got lost on the freeway because my mom forgot how to get there by car. So we had to keep getting on and off of the freeway until we finally found it. Once we got there it was an epic fail because my mom had forgot the tickets in the truck so one of us had to run out in the sun to the car and get them out of her purse. When were finally in the water park, we have to wait until all the rides start up because we got there to early and there was already a long line for them also. So wounded up just getting in the wave pool for half the time we were there and wait in lines for the rest. It was a day to remember because we kept talking about some of the people in the line. After that we just went home for ice-cream and cake.

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