Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Poetry - Monica Torres

Something im really good at is writing poetry I like to express how I feel and my thoughts , Its a good way to release stress and it puts me in a better mood , because when I have all that negative energy in me I get real moody and don’t wanna be bothered with others . so I take my time to write my thoughts down and really get into details whether its good are bad whatever mood im in I write how I feel . But I don’t just write how I feel I write love poems too are anything that has a rhyming to it . Some of my friends be wanting me to write poems about them so I do and just really just write about them and who they are to me . Alot my poems aren’t always good cause when I get into details I really get into details and most of the time it isn’t good as in I write about loved ones that passed away are any negative issues that accur towards me are how people treat me such as family and the friends I have because everybody express they self differently so they actions sometime effect you in a way depending on how they usually are toward you .I started writing poetry when I was in the 7th grade and every since then I enjoyed writng how I feel are just to write . poerty is very powerful and outspoken some people may not like it but I do it keeps me occupied when im bored and don’t have nothing to do. I mostly write my poems at night . I turn my ipod on and while im writing I write things down , most of the time when im listening to my music I listen to the lyrics and I could relate to what they are saying and it gives me a idea on what to write . Some of my poems I write has a flow to it like if it turns into a rap im not good at rapping but rapping does come from poetry it just has more flow to it then just writing a poem . When people really take the time to read my poems they be shocked on what I have to say but they have a understanding on why I feel that way so they tell me its good that I express myself because keeping all that angry are feelings I need to let out it feels a lot better when I speak on it to someone that understands me it feels like a big weight just lifted off my shoulders so I continue to write so I have alot more off my mind and just be positive about things cause I been through alot but I always managed to hold my self together even when I think I cant I always find a way to be cool and not trip off things but that’s something im good at and like to do .

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