Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Being in Cyber High - Avery St.Pierre

I will answer the question as simply as I can. I am in cyber high simply because I failed class. Many people will blame there failing on someone else, but to be honest I know whether you fail or not is completely up to you. I will not make excuses; I just did not do the work.

However, there are many failing kids who do have something going on in their life that might be the source for their distraction or disinterest in school. Maybe a divorce or family death is the cause, but I have known people who have been put through worse situations and still did amazing in school. The one thing that really bugs me is when people use their relationships as an excuse. Not to say that you can never ever be hurt over a break up or fight, but you are not in school for the social aspect. It just so happens, that it is one of the many aspects that come along with school. I mean just ask yourself this: Are you really going to let someone else hold you back? You just cannot let situations outside the classroom hold you back.

Now not to say I didn’t have anything happening in the background, but I never really did well in school. Ever since I started middle school I began to slowly fall behind. The beginning of middle school was also the where I began to pick up some bad study habits. Cutting school and not doing homework is just a couple of the lazy habits I started to practice on a daily basis. Not having a good study background and foundation really held me back. I think it is way easier to get into good habits when you are younger than when you are older. I is something that I have to work extra hard on because, as weird and retarded as it sounds, it is so ridiculously hard for me to sit down and do my homework without getting up after ten minutes. At one point in my life my mom was convinced I had A.D.D. But sure enough my doctor reassured her that I am in no need of meds. Maybe I just needed somebody to stay on top of me. But I believe I can handle it on my own and take responsibility for myself.

And that’s exactly why I am stuck in cyber high. I could have just taken the G.E.D. and have been done with high school a long time ago. But I feel like taking the G.E.D. would mean I did not even try. That I had not given high school my best shot. I do not want to be someone who gave up. Because I know I am worth it and I know that walking the stage for my parents and grandparents is worth all this hard work, but not just them, for myself. Cyber high gives me that second chance I need.

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