Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I am really good at ARGUING - Kyela

Arguing is something I’m really good at, no matter if I’m right or wrong I will win in the end. I’m so good at; people don’t even want to get into conflict with me, because they know the consequences. And they are so right! I use to want to be a lawyer because of how good at defending my opinion, side, etc. my friends want me to be on debate, but that’s a problem, because I’m not very articulate in my words, to win a debate, I’m more of a “simple word” arguer. I don’t need to use big words to get my point across, but in debate you do, and also there’s a big genre of subjects that you might have to do in debate. Like history, I do not know history, and I’ve I’ve taken three years of it. But back to being a lawyer, I still want to be a lawyer, but when I hear about all the years you have to put into to become a lawyer, that puts me at a standstill in my career. I don’t want to be in school for that long, it’s bad enough it’s another four years, like high school, but it’s another two or three years added on to get your law degree. But I believe that is the only field that is right for me, something that I am good at, also you have to be very smart, and I’m not that smart, I’m just average. You have to be able to read real well, and know a lot already about law, and I don’t. My mother always tells me, I can be whoever I want to be, but that’s not always true, you have to have a certain degree, worked at a certain place, have knowledge of a certain field, to be whoever you want to be. I can’t just say, “Oh I’m a lawyer, because I say I am, or because I want to be.” I really try not to be so negative about the situation, but have to get these things out of my head now, before I hear it from someone else. I have to prepare for the worst of the worst, for people to tell me I can’t do it, or I will never be anything in life. If I get the negativity out of me, about my dream, my future career, then when someone says something negative about my career, it will not affect me in anyway. My career starts with me, my future starts with me, if I don’t stay on ground-level, and keep my head out the clouds, I will lose my dream before I even have the chance to get it. But yes, arguing is what I’m really good at, there’s other things I’m good at too, but this is something I’m the most confident about. But I don’t know what else to talk about, so this is the end of my story.

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