Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The many things I am good at! - Joshua Quintos

I have many good skills and many skills I do not do well in but today I will tell you about the skills I excel in or that I believe I excel in. I believe that I do well in gaming but that’s what I believe, most people think games are not so important but many people get paid to play games and I wish to be like that on my part time. I also believe I am an amazing helper. I volunteered to help my grandmas because of their disabilities. I am always able to help many people and love to volunteer. I am also a great JROTC student because of the skills they have taught me; as in becoming a better citizen and my mannerisms. I have learned to become more military learned student because of the things they have taught. Though I do not wish to join the military I wish to become a physical therapist or a nurse to help people get better and to improve in their physical capabilities. I am not very good writing or typing good things about myself so I guess I shall talk about the things I do not excel in. Like talking in front of class, if you know me at school I dislike going up in front of the class talking to the class. I also dislike performing in front of people but once I finish I feel all pumped up and ready to do it again. I am also not a very good teacher because of my teaching style. Though I have pros and cons in my skills I wish to excel in all of my skills because I want to become a better human than I can be. I wish to help as many people as I can. I am a very humble person but at times I can be arrogant but that side of me does not show or come out because I keep it in. I also dislike group work because I feel better as a lone wolf. I cannot cooperate with others because some of the people I work with usually goof off so I have to step up and do it but other than that I am a hard worker. I am a break-dancer also know as a b-boy. I think I am not as good as the other but I believe we all have our weaknesses and strong points into dancing. But, enough about me you should also read all the other blogs of my fellow students in Cyber-High.

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