Monday, August 29, 2011

My Summer - Kyela

The best part of summer was sleeping, and getting up when I wanted too. I got to stay up all night, and do whatever I felt at the moment when I woke up. I got to stay at people’s houses without having to come home on Sunday because it’s a “school night”. I got to party hard, and do crazy things that shouldn’t be told. I got to hang out with my older cousin, who I barely get to see anymore, sense she’s in college, and she has a job now. But that’s basically it, because I really didn’t have a good summer. My parents got a divorce, I got into a fight with my sister, my boyfriend isn’t talking to me, and I don’t have friends, I’ve been hanging with my 15 year old cousin all summer. My parents been arguing all the time, so my mom moved out for a week into are old house, sense we own it. But she came back, because we needed her, and my dad was never home. My mom, has to work late hours now, so I have to raise my new four month old sister Kellyse’ as if she was my own child, and I’m only 17 years old. I’ve been stressing out, getting really sick, and gaining more weight each day, because I don’t have the time to watch what I’m eating, because I have to take care of my sister. I have not had a normal sleep habit; I stay up ‘til three in the morning, just because I just couldn’t, and wake up at twelve or one in the afternoon. So I usually don’t leave the house ‘til around about three, probably four. I had no friends this summer, because I was always in a bad mood, because it was always something going on, and don’t like to tell people what’s going on in my life. My new somewhat “boyfriend” and I are not on best terms right now. This whole last week of summer has been Hell. Monday and Tuesday can’t remember, but Wednesday my “boyfriend” and I went to the bay, by the Oakland Coliseum to hang out sense we haven’t seen each other in a long time. Most of the day we had a fun time, but as usual we always gets into arguments, so I wasn’t surprised when we did. So we argue the last bit of the day, and he ends up leaving me at the bay all alone, and I had to walk back home, very far away, by myself. So every sense then, have been hashing out at each other, and it’s been stressing me out, and I don’t have the time to put more stress on my body. It’s bad enough I will be stress out from my senior year in high school, and I just need him to support me, and show his love for me, not fighting. But anyways, enough about that, on the last weekend of summer, I rushed to get my hair, nails, feet, eyebrow, etc. done and I at least accomplished that. But I rarely went shopping, so I barely have new clothes, but I’m going shopping every day after school, and this year, things will get better, and I will achieve all my goals!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyela,

    I am so sorry to see that our parents have been fighting this summer. That has got to be stressful for you!

    You seem to have had to take on some seriously adult responsibilities, helping raise Kellyse.

    I hope that school can be a calm and safe place for you this year!
