Monday, August 29, 2011

My Summer - Tia Fihaki

The best part of my summer was being able to spend time with my dad’s family and really get to know them. Even though we met up at many funerals over the course of summer, it was all worth it. It’s sad that many people from my family passed but it’s good to know that they are out of pain and that they are no longer suffering. I spent 2 of the 3 months of summer with my dad’s family and even though I just met them, I felt like I knew them my whole life. My last month of summer, I spent with my mom’s family. I managed to baby sit a 7 month old baby and a 3 year old baby girl while caring for my blind grandpa. It was hard but I’d do it in a heartbeat for my family. I had to put up with 3 crying babies, 4 sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and younger cousins. Though my house was crazy over the summer, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I come from a big family so it wasn’t too hard to get used to. I will always love my family and even though I didn’t do what I wanted during my summer, I wouldn’t change it. I learned a very valuable lesson from my summer experience and it’s helping me to be a better person. My grandpa told me every day that he wanted to see me walk the stage at Skyline High School. It was a good laugh because he’s blind and he’s been on bed rest for the last 10+ years. Taking care of him this past summer made me think of when I had to take care of my grandma freshman year, right before she passed. I get frustrated, annoyed, and sometimes irritated but when I think of the bigger picture, I wouldn’t have to do it if I didn’t have to. My grandma always tells me how much she appreciates how much I care for her husband and that I’m their favorite. It always puts a smile on my face. This summer, I learned the importance in life is to be grateful for the people you already have because once they’re gone, they won’t come back. This school year, I’m striving to do my best so I’m not really going to associate myself with anybody but my family and my closest friends. School is a place to learn and that is what I intend to do. And I’m going to prove every body that ever doubted me, wrong!