Monday, August 29, 2011

My Summer - Kayla Edwards

The best part of my long dull lifeless summer was at the end of the summer when I got to go to volleyball practice and conditioning. I had recently had a surgery on my wrist which had prevented me from playing any sport especially volleyball which requires a lot of wrist flicking and bending motions. So in the last of the 2 weeks of the summer I had an appointment with my orthopedic doctor. Her name is doctor Tia she is a loud, smart ,and fun young women who I enjoy having conversations with. So at this doctor’s appointment I had an x-ray done which showed significant growth progression in my wrist. Dr. Tia then informed me that if I had an MRI that proved to her without a doubt that my wrist was healed she would let me play. So a couple of days later I had the MRI with showed that the growth in my wrist was sufficient enough for me to play. I was ecstatic and I immediately scheduled a doctor’s appointment with my pediatrician to get a sports physical. About 3 days later I was able to get into her office and get my physical. After the appointment she signed the paper that permitted me to participate in volleyball and I got to go to conditioning and tryouts. Today is the first day of school and the results will be up in the locker room I hope I made the cut , but even if I don’t I would still be glad to just of had the chance to play again. Plus for me who plays basketball as well I can now workout and get in shape for basketball season which starts at the end of September.

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