Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Vacation. Sarn Saefong

My best part of summer vacation is going to work and hanging out with really diverse groups of people. We all started work quietly when we first started because we start as a group that is not familiar with each other. As we went on through a week of work we managed to get to know each other and find many things in common. After the first week of work we had a new guy join our team. I would say his name but I want to keep this confidential with the names and ethnicity of each person. My team leader who is really fun to be around with has a lot of stories to tell the group. There were a lot of events that happened to the group. We would run into a lot of trash. I forgot to tell you that I worked as a trash picker. We would find maggots in trash bags that no one would actually go close to because of the stench that came from it. The bag smells like a dead body that left there for a week. The bag had only trash or leftover food in the bag that molded up and gave a really strong stench. We had to double bag that one bag but we managed to get it in the new bags. When we were done for the day the leader would call in and tell the supervisor where we left bags off at what corner. The new guy that joined our team was hated because the group did not know him. He soon got told that some members of the group did not the way he talks to us about things that we would not like to hear him say. There was this one other guy who did not like him at all and would try to fight him. This guy would not fight at work and my team leader would tell them it is okay at 1:01 PM pacific time.
Everyone got use to the new guy and was nicer and the group enjoyed their time with each other. We saw many stuff happen during work but it was all stuff that we can reminisce on. We only work from 9am to 1pm from Monday to Friday. We would get our pay checks every two weeks. We only worked for a month and a half. On some days we would drive to go find piles of trash so we can get bag count in. We would be three to four people in a car driving around looking for a pile of trash to fill at least seven bags. We also picked up leafs that fell from a tree or we trim trees and fill brown bags up. I would cut a lot of tree trimmings and fill about four brown bags and my part in the job is finished and I get to rest for two hours. Overall my summer was great I got to meet many different people along the way of summer of 2011.

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