Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Am I Good. Kendrick Payne

To begin with, I am good at many things. The most outstanding thing that I believe that I am good at is basketball. I believe that I am good at this sport because I love it so much. From the first time I touched a basketball, in which I cannot remember, I know I had found what I wanted to do in life. I absolutely love to play basketball to the bottom of my heart. To me, basketball is like another world to get away from all the problems in reality. It’s like basketball completely clears my mind and makes me calmer every time I play. I practice almost every day trying to get better any chance I get. I have the drive to get better because I want to get paid for doing something I love. Who doesn’t want to get paid for doing a job that they absolutely love? I feel that I am absolutely gifted to be able to do something I love and get paid for it. Some proof that I am good at what I do is: I made the basketball varsity team as a freshman and I started as a sophomore which then led to us making it to the second round play offs. I have a theory that has probably been stated already saying that: if you work hard for what you want to be in life, you will succeed to the best of your ability and gain a living while getting paid in return for your hard work. You have to be better than average to make it to the big leagues. That’s why I am good at basketball.

Another thing that I am good at is flirting. Its crazy cause when I born, I had this gift. Most people might call this gift flirting. But I call this gift being myself. I honestly don’t know how I came about with flirting with women but I am not shy at all naturally. I have a calm and suave way of approaching women because of my older brothers. It’s not that I play with women’s mind, I just enjoy being nice and talking to women. Its like having a hobby hut instead I am very talented at this hobby. Many people tell me that I am a flirt and I just say that I am nice that’s all. But deep down inside I know that I am a flirt. That’s another thing that I am good at.

Something I am good at. Marquis Lewis

My name is Marquis Lewis and I play football for my school Skyline high school. I been playing football for about 7years now, I started off playing Pop Warner for the Oakland dynamites as a lineman. When I got moved up to play for my next level I was playing tight end, and I played that level for two years then I moved up the last 4 levels each year. When I started practicing with skyline line football team they wanted me to play Defensive end, but when they seen my speed and showed them my skills they put me at a much better position and I think it’s a good fit for me. Playing for skyline I play first string Fullback and second string Running back, that’s just the offense on defense I play strong side Linebacker and strong safety. These were pretty much all the position I wanted to play in Pop Warner but I guess I wasn’t fast enough or had enough skills.
I don’t really practice that much when I’m at practice because the coach wants me to rest my ankle. I hurt my ankle at practice when me and a teammate of mine were doing a drill called “hitting” then he fell on my ankle and I sprained it. After that I couldn’t practice for a week and a half so I can get my ankle back in shape for our scrimmage we had coming up that was on the 28th of august. My ankle was feeling so much better for that game I was able to run full speed again and do all kinds of footwork, but then when I got a handoff one of the opponents grabbed my ankle and it got caught between his legs and bent to the side. After that happened the coach didn’t want me in the game no more so I didn’t mess it up anymore so I had to sit out. Now when we are practicing after school I’m pretty much separated from everybody else so I can do little drills that will get my ankle better and healthier for the season.
Now, my ankle is doing a little better but I haven’t been to practice in two days so it won’t get worse then it is already, that was doctors order just in case. But I just mostly go run the bleachers at the park around the corner from my house to see how my ankle feel running and I think I’m ready for the season but the coach wants we to sit out the first game to make sure it’s fully ready for the season. But he said he feels I’m ready to play for the whole OAL football season. After the OAL season I might move up to varsity for the playoffs cause the coaches wants me to get even more ready for next year on varsity.

Something I’m Good At. Diane Le

My talent range does not reach a great length. I realize that I enjoy doing various different things, but I’m inconsistent. It never develops to a point where it becomes an acquired talent. However, for the things that peaks my interests, I decide to keep at it. This can be exceptionally rare, but everybody has at least one talent, including myself. My most prominent talent, in my opinion, is my ability to apply makeup well.

I started wearing makeup around 8th grade. It initiated with only lip gloss and a miniscule amount of eyeliner. Because I was still quite young, I did not want to go overboard on my makeup. I wanted to keep it minimal in order to look my age. In addition, my mother preferred that I didn’t wear a full face of makeup either. Around freshman year, I started to get into learning how to correctly apply it. I would go on YouTube and search up makeup tutorials and those makeup gurus would basically be my teachers. My skills during that time were not that substantial, I was still learning. There might not be a wrong and right to makeup, but there are some specific rules to follow. I always broke these rules. Over time, and after watching and studying numerous makeup tutorials, I reached a surprisingly advanced level for my age. Of course I still remain an amateur and I’m still learning at a now steady pace, but I’m extremely satisfied with the skills that I have acquired and developed throughout the few years.

For me, I consider makeup a form of art, not a tool to change to change your appearance. It’s similar to painting a picture. The only difference is that it’s on your face instead of a sheet of paper. There are eyeshadows, blushes, eyeliners, and foundations with different finishes, and brushes to achieve a unique purpose. I won’t deny that makeup covers up particular flaws that one has (because it undoubtedly does an excellent job if you have the right cosmetics). But I don’t consider that a negative thing. If one wants to cover up a few blemishes in order to have confidence in oneself, then I don’t see anything wrong with that. My motto is: Do whatever is necessary in order for you to have confidence in yourself. Also: Natural is beautiful, but makeup is glam.

Some of my favorite cosmetic brands to work with are MAC, Urban Decay, and NARS. All of their makeup is high quality and professional, so it is extensively enjoyable to apply. In addition, it does not make my face break out, which is always a plus. They have a very wide range of different products in a plethora of shades and colors. I really enjoy Urban Decay’s products primarily because of the fact that every year, they release a new eyeshadow palette composed of colors that are unique to that palette, in other words, limited edition.

Something I am good at. Sarn Saefong

I am good at a lot of things. I am good at playing sports and fixing electronics like broken phones and gaming consoles. I like to play all kinds of sports. I always like how I am very experimental on things I have got in possession. I am good at saving money but at the moment I am an investor in myself. I buy broken electronics that I know how to fix and fix them up and re sell the product back as a refurbished item. When I buy broken electronics like a phone with a cracked screen, I buy the replacement part also and I have to count that into the sale price when I put the item up on sale. I have made over one thousand dollars plus the money I wasted on the item. I have fixed up a playstation 3 gaming console, xbox360 gaming consoles and many more. The things I use are very small tools to open up the phones and medium sized tools to open the gaming consoles up and fix the problem they have. I like learning and when I get bored especially if in school I start to daze off by not coming to school and that is the reason why I am in cyberhigh. I also have a skill to try my best at times when I need it. I am motivated when I want to push myself to the limit by mentally or physically. I am also good at playing video games. I used to play games for twelve hours straight from the morning to night. Now and days I play games for rarely an hour. I am good at fishing for fish. I like to fish in many places. I usually fish at fishing reservoirs. I also fish at the delta in Tracy which is very nice when you are on boat because you travel faster around with it and you get to fish any where you want. I am good at having fun with people. When people feel very shy I try my best to include them in conversations or games that I am involved in. I am good at working with people of many colors. I like being good at working with others because in the future I will have to get use to working with people who are behaving inappropriately at work and I would control myself from doing anything violent. I am good at controlling my temper but if someone really gets on my bad side I will lose control of it and it becomes hard to control it. I am good at listening to people when they need someone to talk to because of a problem or they just want to talk. In conclusion I am like an average person who likes to be who he is and try many different things out there that I can try out and experiment on.

Something I Am Good At! - Kimberly Tolefree

Something I am good at? Well, that’s hard because I am good at a lot of things. I try out different things all the time. For example I am good at what I’m doing right now, typing. I have token computer typing class in middle school my seventh and eighth grade year. So I do believe I am a very well typer I still have to look down at the keyboard sometimes I’m not an expert. Also I am good at dancing and cheering; the both of them are my favorite hobbies. I started dancing when I was two years old I was a good one too my family has showed me videos when I was little and use to dance all the time. I started to cheer when I was around eight years old, and every since then I’ve been a cheerleader. Even though I’ve been a part of a lot of different cheerleading teams I’ve managed to learn a lot of different things. I am also good at solving problems any type of problems as in; love problems, friendship problems, family problems, and even personal problems. I’ve solved so many problems in my lifetime I should be a consoler. Every since I was in middle school and to be specific the sixth grade, I’ve been solving problems. Also, solving problems also helps me get what I need to get out; it helps me relieve stress also by telling the person I’m helping how I feel and share some of my personal experiences so they may or can feel comfortable. Since I’ve been through so much in my lifetime since I was a little girl until now and I have grown from most of the stuff. Finally the last thing I am good at is forgiving and forgetting. I can never hold a huge grudge on someone because I am not that kind of person to just hold a grudge. Now I may not speak to the person or I may just ignore them but I bet they’ll be forgiven I just wouldn’t want to have anything to do with them. If the person had did some mean and crucial and just something that’s not worth forgiven then I may just think about it and even after that I might forgive them, because you only live life once you have to learn from your mistakes so I do believe I am really good at forgetting and forgiving.

I can’t just find one thing I’m really good because I am really good at so many things in this world including the stuff I just said. I am really good at everything I just said, being good at one thing isn’t bad but it’s always great to be good at more than one thing at a time. So including myself I am good at more than one thing because I believe that’s a good thing so I can always do a lot more with myself and my experiences.

Being in Cyber High - Taylor Evans

The reason why I am in cyber high is because of my freshman physical education class. In the spring semester of my physical education class I was pushed to run harder and faster than I was used to. My P.E. teacher told me that the whole class had to run two miles in about 12 minutes. I always knew that I could not run eight laps around the track in twelve minutes. I am not a well runner and I don’t have all of the breath to do that. I can run fast for a little bit (short distance) but not at all for a long time.

I hope to achieve a passing grade in cyber high so that I am able to graduate by the time graduation comes. Even though I only need to take this course for a semester I am going to make it work. This is not a challenging class to take. You aren’t just sitting down in front of a computer playing games. You are sitting in front of a computer learning stuff different stuff that you wouldn’t believe you should have to learn. If I took a dance class or a P.E. class last year yes I would not be here right now but I now realize that I have to suffer my consequences for the actions of my P.E. failure.

I got here because I have not really tried to keep up with my credits for the four years that I have been here. I really wish that I was not acting the way I was acting while I was a freshman. If I acted back then the way I am acting right now I could have been in a work experience class getting a job not really needing to be here. I can’t at all help the fact that I was acting the way I was my freshman year. I wish it never happened, but I won’t forget it and I will learn the consequences of my actions. This year I will graduate with all of the credits I need and go on to a great college where I will get my diploma.

Being in Cyber High - Taylor Evans

The reason why I am in cyber high is because of my freshman physical education class. In the spring semester of my physical education class I was pushed to run harder and faster than I was used to. My P.E. teacher told me that the whole class had to run two miles in about 12 minutes. I always knew that I could not run eight laps around the track in twelve minutes. I am not a well runner and I don’t have all of the breath to do that. I can run fast for a little bit (short distance) but not at all for a long time.

I hope to achieve a passing grade in cyber high so that I am able to graduate by the time graduation comes. Even though I only need to take this course for a semester I am going to make it work. This is not a challenging class to take. You aren’t just sitting down in front of a computer playing games. You are sitting in front of a computer learning stuff different stuff that you wouldn’t believe you should have to learn. If I took a dance class or a P.E. class last year yes I would not be here right now but I now realize that I have to suffer my consequences for the actions of my P.E. failure.

I got here because I have not really tried to keep up with my credits for the four years that I have been here. I really wish that I was not acting the way I was acting while I was a freshman. If I acted back then the way I am acting right now I could have been in a work experience class getting a job not really needing to be here. I can’t at all help the fact that I was acting the way I was my freshman year. I wish it never happened, but I won’t forget it and I will learn the consequences of my actions. This year I will graduate with all of the credits I need and go on to a great college where I will get my diploma.

What I’m good at – Oscar Guzman

Something I’m good at is math. I’ve liked math since I was in the first grade. My teacher made it a lot a fun. People be saying that math is hard and boring but if you find a teacher that makes a “boring” subject like math fun that you’ll like math. Well in first grade math was really easy. I think we were just doing addition problems at the time but when we started I didn’t want to do the problems. My teacher just made it seem fun. At first I was not even trying that’s why I thought it was hard and boring. Year after year, math was getting way harder. I started getting teachers that didn’t really show the students how to solve them and expected us to finish the worksheets they handed out by the end of the class. I was just lost and I wasn’t going to do anything. When I saw a problem that looked hard, I wouldn’t even try to solve it. I was just like whatever. This was around the time when I was in middle school. 6th grade was the worst year. My teacher didn’t show us anything. Well it wasn’t his fault because the class was never quiet. Well who can control a class of crazy 6th graders. He would try to teach a lesson but the class was always chaotic. The kids would always mess with the teacher and they would get in trouble. Those kids that would always get in trouble would never listen too. My 7th grade math class was way better than my 6th grade math class. That year, I remember my teacher was a great teacher. She reminded me of my teacher of my 1st grade class. She was a funny teacher and she made the class laugh all the time. I actually got a good grade in that class. Everybody who says math is boring and hard probably have never gotten a good teacher that actually makes the subject they’re teaching a fun subject to learn. I love math now. 9th grade was also a good year for me. Ms. Johnson here at skyline is a good teacher. She was one of my favorite teachers that year and I actually learned in that class. She also made math fun. I really love math now, it is my favorite subject. I even go to a summer program called Pre-Collegiate Academy or also known as PCA. It is in the summer and I have been in that program since the summer of 6th grade. They teach you math that you are going to learn the next year. Like now I’m taking ADV Algebra and this summer when I go they are going to teach me some Pre-Cal. They teach you ahead so you can be prepared for your math class. That program is fun because you learn a lot of math and you can have learning with your friends. Well that is what I’m good at

My Musical Talent - Leona Quinata

Coming from the pacific islands, I grew up playing string instruments, such as the guitar and the ukulele. Many islanders enjoy jamming on their instruments and singing, which is what I enjoy and I’m also really good at. When I was in the third grade, I was exposed to playing the ukulele by my oldest brother. He would sing and play for me every day after school. Whenever he did so, I would ask him to teach me how to play the ukulele. He would then try to, but because my hands were small I had a hard time playing. Even though my hands were small, I would practice every day, until I finally became good at it. After months of practicing, by the end of third grade, I became good at playing the ukulele. At the time, my brother had gotten his first guitar. He would play the guitar and sing every day for fun. Seeing him play made me want to learn how to play it too. My hands were still small, and it kept me from playing the guitar because my fingers couldn’t hold all six strings. It was very difficult to play but I didn’t stop me from wanting to learn how to play it. I practiced and practiced every single day until I finally got it right. Even though my fingers were small/ short, I was able to play the guitar. Up to now I still play the guitar and ukulele. Whenever I get bored, I just start jamming on my ukulele and guitar. Sometimes I try to create my own songs. There was never a day when I would not play my ukulele and guitar. Playing these instruments is something I believe I have to do, because I don’t want to stray from playing it. I’m not that professional in playing these instruments, so I’m still trying to perfect the music I play and I try to get better at it. Other than playing the ukulele, I enjoy singing. Ever since I was a little girl, I loved to sing; whether it’s just for fun or actually performing on stage. In the 5th grade, I began my first stage performance with a group of students from my elementary school and another school. We had practice every Tuesdays and Thursdays, preparing for our performance. As the performance date approached, I became nervous; however, I didn’t let it keep me from performing. That day, the whole school came to watch us sing. When I got on stage, I realized that there were hundreds of people watching. Usually I would be freaking out, but instead I became excited because we were singing for that many people. At the end of the performance, I was relieved because we didn’t mess up any of the songs. After this experience I wanted to do more stage performances. When I was in middle school, I joined chorus. We performed for many events. I wanted to audition to do a solo for one of these events, but I was too scared. Up to now, I still regret not auditioning. In the future, I want to audition for a show and finally sing solo on stage playing my ukulele and guitar.

In Charge - Ashley Brown

I have noticed throughout my life that I am actually really good at being a bossy person. I am not sure how it happened, but I usually prefer to be in charge of most things and usually am. I know that it sounds like a bad thing when you think about it but if you stop and give it some more thought you may realize how important it really is to have people who do not mind taking control of situations when needed. Being able to make quick decisions comes in handy when I’m looking for something to do with my friends. Sometimes when you’re in a large group everybody’s voice gets lost in the conversation and people turn out unhappy but when they get some guidance it is actually very easy to work out problems.

Although there are some perks to being able to control situations, sometimes there are problems. Every once in a while I meet somebody who is almost as bossy as me or maybe even worse. Usually when that happens I just let the person take over because as long as things get done correctly I am happy. To be honest, I prefer to have other people take over sometimes because it means that I don’t have to do so much.

Over time, I’ve noticed that a lot don’t care about the outcome of certain things even if it affects them. This bothers me because I feel like people should put in more effort to do things right. Although I don’t always make the best decisions I know when to just do what I need to do to get things done even if it’s a little inconveniencing.

The situations where I feel like I really need to take charge are usually when I am at home and my younger siblings are around. They aren’t that much younger than me but they are all really immature and I have a five year old sister who is usually out of control. I’ve spent most of my life trying to get them to understand what the volume of a normal human being’s voice is. I am pretty sure that if I don’t constantly remind them to act right the house would literally fall to pieces. And that is why it is so important to be bossy. J

Race until I WIN! - Charlie Tran

Something I am really good at is racing games. I have a lot of interest in all types of cars, starting from parts, customs, and performance. The basic of racing game is a person who controls a car on some type of track or road the video game had made. When playing games like this a person is able to go against a friend or race to unlock and earn parts, cars, tracks/roads, and money. For me I like to play by myself to unlock and earn items for my cars to make it the best out of other racer in the game. My favorite racing game at the moment to play is Gran Turismo 4, because of its very realistic characters and vehicles. Age does not seem to come into play, as mostly everyone like this game. In that game there are amazing different type of car no other games are and their actual real car in life and not a made up vehicle. The graphic is outstanding to me how it could look to real. My second favorite type of racing game is Need for Speed. This game was first establishes in 1998, by winning through the different races the players are able to unlock different vehicles different tracks and even special features that will allow me to extend my game play and give me a even more exciting gaming play. When unlocking item I get really excited on what new item I achieve to put on my car. My car could look like the best or the highest performance that the other racer can’t compete with me. When playing with my brother and friend they would never try a second race because of the total lost from the first race. That’s why I like playing racing game by myself so I can go against computer and their computer skills. Every time I play against a person and they lose they would always tell me I’m too good at this game. I also always stick to one game at a time until I finish and discover every hidden trick that the game has. Even if there’s the new latest game that is about to come out, I would buy the game and just leave it hanging around in my room until I finish the old one. When I’m not able to win a race I do get very irate if I had to do a race more than twice. Usually I don’t have to race more than three time on the same track because I would usually end up winning. When losing a race I would figure out what mistake I doing and how many second I am wasting. I can lose by do a awful turn on a corner. Or not starting off correctly. Also going to slow for a turn when I’m able to go fast or as sometime I would go to fast on a turn which would make me crash until the wall or another car. But still I feel that I am really good at racing games.

Olden Age - Daniela Osorio

There has always been the age old question of “what are you good at?” There are people, who are good at sports, or playing an instrument, maybe they like to sew; people always have one particular thing they might be known for or really like to do. However, in my case I’m not exactly sure what that would be. It’s been fifteen years and here I am still trying to figure out what comes easily to me.

I could be one of those people who say that I’m good at absolutely nothing. But there is at least one thing everyone is good at. After years of failed attempts to find that one particular thing, after endless injuries after trying to play a sport, and hurt feelings when I end up disappointed, I came to a realization. The only thing I’m truly really good at is just being me, loud, crazy me.

I’m not really like other people you’d meet today at Skyline High School. I don’t listen to loud obnoxious provocative rap music, or dress in the manner where you find a billion copies of my outfit. I prefer it that way. I prefer to be the one in the one-in-a-million, than the million.

I see myself as an old lady trapped in a young girl’s body. If you asked me to give you a tour of my room or house, you’d really be surprised at what you’d find. I have an extensive record collection, vintage film camera collection, tin lunch box collection, and so many more nick knacks and items you may call junk but I call interesting, throughout my room. I live by the quote “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, I feel as something you may throw away I can use again, especially if it’s out dated, and made ages before I was born. My record collection includes artist as Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, The Velvet Underground, Prince, Jimi Hendrix, Billie Holiday, Santana, The Beatles, the Mamas & The Papas, Elton John, David Bowie, and the list goes on and on. My music taste really reflects my perspective on life.

I generally hate this era; I am tired of living day by day in a place I don’t belong, going to school with people who don’t understand me. The 60’s & 70’s were thriving and jiving, alive, moving and grooving. The time for music was right, and the clothes were even better. Musicians generally cared about the music they were making and the way they were making people feel, unlike so called musicians of today. Projecting messages of violence and disrespect towards women, after all the work and effort feminist have gone through to get the rights they deserve, or about partying, making it seem as that is the only thing that matters. People of today have no souls, all they care about is looking good, or impressing others, who has the coolest phone, or the latest shoes, materialistic things that don’t matter. It really sickens me.

Singing and Dancing - Taylor Evans

There are many things I am good at, like soccer, listening, writing, talking, and typing. There are also many things I am well at like singing, dancing. I have always liked to dance, but I have never tried to dance outside of my house (especially my bedroom). But as soon as I found out that there was a dance class at Skyline I automatically decided to get into that class because dancing for me is way easier that running laps every other day, like I did in P.E.
I also like to sing. My mother tells me everyday how I would try to sing to Janet Jackson songs when I was little. Janet Jackson ended up becoming my favorite artist and she still is my number one favorite artist. I have been to two of her concerts that she had in Oakland. I am always happy to find out that I have tickets to her concerts. Every time I go, I end up singing all of her songs throughout the whole concert. My mom has bought almost all of her CDs (Janet Jackson is also one of my mom’s favorite vocal artists). Janet Jackson was the one who put the idea in my head to become a singer. Now I am in the Voices of the Sky group here at Skyline High School.
Soccer is also another thing I used to love to do I still want to do it but I have other things in my mind that need to be accomplished like school, getting a job, and driving. I played soccer for about ten years with the Grass Valley Soccer Club here in Oakland. And I never wanted to stop playing because I liked the energy that I got during the games. While I was playing I had amazing coaches who always knew what to do and how to win using our strengths and our weaknesses during the games.

In school I am really good at different types of Math and Science classes. I have done Algebra 1 in 8th grade with A’s the whole year. Once I got into my 11th grade year I took Algebra 2 and didn’t do as well but I still kept above a C grade the whole year. The Algebra 1 class seemed really easy to me because I was doing so well in my math classes before I got to that level of math, which seemed very plain to me. My favorite Science classes are Chemistry and Biology. The teachers I had for these classes made it seem easy for the class so that we could understand it. Thanks to them I passed with A’s the whole year and wanted to take an Advanced Chemistry class as my AP class for my high school credits.

There are many things I am good at and many that I am well at. They all have a back story and mean a lot to me because they give me the opportunity to help others who think that they cannot do it when they surely can.

How I got sponsored - Nikko Jow

Something I’m really good at is riding fixed gear freestyle bikes. I am a sponsored rider and get paid to travel. I ride for Xlife bikes, Startnectar beverages, LAG clothing, Area cycles bike shop in castro valley, Boombotix portable speakers and Gnarcotix team. Riding bikes is something ive always had a eye for. It started with mountain biking and eventually I got a track bike. I use to just ride around and bomb hills and stuff but I eventually got bored of it and started to do tricks on the side. As time passed I started getting band better til I eventually broke the bike I was riding. I then picked up my first FGFS bike at Area cycles in castro valley. I rode that bike for a good 2 months and then I broke the frame and had to get another one. They sent me a warranty frame and it was a newer version of the bike. After that I started to get really good and progressed faster than most of the guys I use to ride with. After finding out my hidden talent I entered my first competition in San Jose CA where a local portable speaker company called skullyboom and a local drink company called Starnectar saw me riding. After that competition I sent the ceo of skullyboom a email asking him about a sponsorship and he agreed to sponsor me giving me full access to company product, clothing, transportation and well needed money. After that had happened, I received a email from starnectar beverages asking about a sponsorship and if I’d like to join the team. Of course I accepted and was added as the newest addition to the starnectar team. After that first competition everything started to rise and go the way I wanted it to. I then got sponsored by area cycles which gave me full access to the shop tools, much needed parts and a bike stand. After all of that I started getting more and more sponsors which helped me travel to LA for various competitions and a higher level of riding. After my first trip to LA in july of 2010 it opened my eyes to the next level of fixed gear freestyle which was go big or don’t even try. After watching all of the LA riders I picked up on some new techniques that gave me a 1 up in the fixed gear scene in the bay area. I recently got sponsored by a company out of Taiwan called Xlife bikes. They then sent me a complete pro model bike with newer better geometry and the full line of pro model Xlife parts. This gave me more incentive to get better and kill the scene. Anmd now I am where I am.

Being i Cyber High - Rithy Chan

I’m in cyber high because when I was a freshmen I cared about my grades but not that much. I was a good student but hated math { Algebra 1} so I would go to every class knowing what am doing but when I would get to Math class I would do the problems I knew how to do and forget about the rest. I didn’t ask for help because my math teacher was always busy kicking kids out of the class. So I would sit there quietly until class was over. Until one day I asked for help but he told me he can’t help me because he’s too busy. That was when one of my friends told me to go see Ms.Bale at lunch. So I took her advice and the next day I went to see Ms.Bale and that was when I finally had hope in math. So she tutored me every day at lunch for the rest of my freshmen year. She was basically the only teacher who taught me math that year because. My real teacher really didn’t know how to teach in general. We had test every Friday and he didn’t care if we knew the material or not . He would still give us the test even if he knew we were going to fail it. He just wanted to hurry up and finish the book before other teachers. He cared about teaching but teaching to finish the book. I feel in the mist teaching he left all of his students but one behind. He didn’t care that only one student was passing his class. And when students would confront him he would see a problem with it and blame them for it . But when too many people see a problem with it its not them but its you. But he never realized it and continued his so called teaching ways. And there was no one to stop him. And while all of this was going on he never once thought to himself am I doing something wrong. He was to high on confidence and thought he knew it all. Which he clearly didn’t. And instead of other teachers to tell him he was wrong they would tell him kids of know our days need this kind of push. But what he didn’t know was they were watching him fall and laughing. They knew he was terrible but they were fake. And would tell other students to transfer to their class next semester. But if I knew I could transferred I would have but because I heard it late I wasn’t able to do so. But sadly I failed the first semester so I need a half semester know. And know am senior in cyber high typing this essay because the cyber high program is not working and it was either do this or do nothing. So I choose this sadly but know am just ready to finish and Graduate and move onnn.

Poetry - Monica Torres

Something im really good at is writing poetry I like to express how I feel and my thoughts , Its a good way to release stress and it puts me in a better mood , because when I have all that negative energy in me I get real moody and don’t wanna be bothered with others . so I take my time to write my thoughts down and really get into details whether its good are bad whatever mood im in I write how I feel . But I don’t just write how I feel I write love poems too are anything that has a rhyming to it . Some of my friends be wanting me to write poems about them so I do and just really just write about them and who they are to me . Alot my poems aren’t always good cause when I get into details I really get into details and most of the time it isn’t good as in I write about loved ones that passed away are any negative issues that accur towards me are how people treat me such as family and the friends I have because everybody express they self differently so they actions sometime effect you in a way depending on how they usually are toward you .I started writing poetry when I was in the 7th grade and every since then I enjoyed writng how I feel are just to write . poerty is very powerful and outspoken some people may not like it but I do it keeps me occupied when im bored and don’t have nothing to do. I mostly write my poems at night . I turn my ipod on and while im writing I write things down , most of the time when im listening to my music I listen to the lyrics and I could relate to what they are saying and it gives me a idea on what to write . Some of my poems I write has a flow to it like if it turns into a rap im not good at rapping but rapping does come from poetry it just has more flow to it then just writing a poem . When people really take the time to read my poems they be shocked on what I have to say but they have a understanding on why I feel that way so they tell me its good that I express myself because keeping all that angry are feelings I need to let out it feels a lot better when I speak on it to someone that understands me it feels like a big weight just lifted off my shoulders so I continue to write so I have alot more off my mind and just be positive about things cause I been through alot but I always managed to hold my self together even when I think I cant I always find a way to be cool and not trip off things but that’s something im good at and like to do .

What I’m Good At - June Rivers

I’m good at a lot of things. To be exact I’m good at playing basketball, football, cooking , organizing stuff . Those are my hobbies I do on a daily basis. I can also sing and somewhat rap. I really keep those talents on the low though.

I started getting into music when I was about 10 when I used to go to the studio with my uncle in L.A. He taught me the basics of rapping and I realized that it wasn’t that hard to learn. So from that point he’s been teaching me how to rap. Later on, he overheard me singing to myself in the car and made me sing out loud in the t studio. He told me I had a good voice and was really talented because I can easily switch up. I used to always sing and rap out loud in L.A, but since I moved out here I changed up and really don’t do that anymore in the open. But soon I plan to come out that shell.

I’ve been playing basketball practically all my life basically. I started actually playing in the streets when I was about 5 and didn’t play organized basketball until I was about 8 or 9 in the L.A junior league. I’ve always had a passion for any type of basketball. Back then I was the dedicated type where you can always see me walking around in some basketball shorts with a ball in my hand. About 3 years ago, I stopped having that passion. I started worrying about other people instead of myself. But starting last year I got back on track and made the Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball Team. That was basically my only accomplishment I really looked at as a great thing in high school.

Now about football, I’ve been playing that since 4th grade but never really played a real organized game. I was just in the pee-wee league back then. I basically felt like football wasn’t the real sport for me. That wasn’t going to get me a scholarship if I continued, I knew that for a fact. I have a opportunity to get one if I continue to hoop for my last 2 yrs. But football’s been something I could always play because I was tall, knew how to catch a ball, fast and knew how to take a hit. But like I said before, that wasn’t the sport for me. So I just stuck to what I was good at.

I’ve been a good cooker since my mom left me at home for the first time when I was like 11 yrs old. I was always good at cooking Filipino food because that’s what my mom always cooked me. I started cooking black food when I was like 13 or 14. But when it comes to choosing, I always will pick Filipino food over chicken lol. My favorite food to cook is rice and chicken adobo, which is like chicken seasoned with soy sauce, bay leaf, and peppercorn.

The flame that guides my future - Kristina Lopez

Some are good at English, some are good at dance; some people are intuitive and some are mathematicians. My skill is in the arts. Music, performing, singing; I love it all. I hate to brag but I am a very talented musician. I play guitar, bass, upright bass, drums, keys, violin, and I am good with synth mixing. Music is something that drives me forward every day and it is the basis of all my goals for the future. What I want to do in life is be a musician, famous, indie, even a teacher, it doesn’t matter as long as music is in my profession. I have picked out my after high school plans. I am choosing between three music colleges around the U.S. (Boston, Minnesota, and LA) and am already working on loans, scholarships, and grants. When I say music is my life I mean it, I even named my dog after one of my favorite bands, Zeppelin.

I got into music as soon as I was able to pick up an instrument and sing a line to a song. I took vocals lessons and violin lessons from my aunt from the ages of 4-12 and at about 12 years old I decided violin wasn’t something I liked anymore. I liked old school metal music, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Anthrax, Metallica, etc. none of which required violin and I wanted to play that kind of music. So I went and picked up my friends guitar. I picked up the instrument very quickly after playing violin, by day two I was already able to play three songs all the way through. After a year of playing guitar I picked up a bass which came very easy to me especially after playing guitar for so long, I started to play at my school in jazz band so I was mandated to play upright bass instead of electric, I learned slap bass and I was asked to join a band who wanted a slap bass player. I joined but quickly got out for I wasn’t much of a jazz person.

Throughout the years I have picked up other instruments and I have self taught myself how to play almost all of them. I am learning piano and keys better right now so I can learn to write my own music and I have become a talented drummer. My newest project is to write my own song and record myself playing every instrument to put all together and turn into a song. The biggest influence for my song is The Mars Volta, and Tool. I am gonna try and have it all done by the end of the year or at least have all the parts done and be starting to record by the end of the 2011 year. This is the thing I am best at and it’s the thing that makes me the happiest. Everyone likes music, but not everyone loves it, and if they do, they probably don’t as much as me.

What am I good at? - Austin La

In everyone single person there is good in all. Everyone has something that they are good in, in my case im good in cooking and im pretty good in sport for a guy my size , an how I got in to these thing an how I was lead to be so good in these object. But all these have to do is by education , learning anything is a education.

When I was young I was a fat kid. Eating twenty four seven an I would eat what ever my parent made, but there was time where I had nothing to eat. So I decided to cook my own food, at first I was so great at it, but after time I began to watch the food channel an began to recreate they were making, an one day I made a Corse from Bobby flay I think an it was barbeque chicken, it was chicken with a beer can. It was delicious an after that day I just experimented with so many thing an I began to love to cook.

For a big kid when I was in elementary school I was very big but very athletic , I was a center for my 5th grade basketball team an we were pretty good we didn’t lose any game in till one day I miss it an the day my couch was sick. I was a good basket ball player when I came to high school an 8th grade I would never miss any free throws so everyone would want me one there team, but I was pretty good in football even if no one think I was cause I was Asian but people know was sup. Cause us Asian work hard in what we do that why everyone try put us down cause they just hating on us. Many of my teacher who got to know me knew I was a hard worker with many struggle but even though I had struggles I had a way to figure our how to come through with a possible way.

But everything that had to do with this was education , someone taught me how to good in something. Like the food channel network that where I learn how to cook so much good food. It took day an day of training but I did. An sport my brother was very athletic an he said I was a fat ass so he took me out to go work out an he should me how to play some type of game an it was fun an during the process I got kind of skinny , but now im pretty fat again but ima try learn how to make healthier food an do more work out so I can be healthy once again

The many things I am good at! - Joshua Quintos

I have many good skills and many skills I do not do well in but today I will tell you about the skills I excel in or that I believe I excel in. I believe that I do well in gaming but that’s what I believe, most people think games are not so important but many people get paid to play games and I wish to be like that on my part time. I also believe I am an amazing helper. I volunteered to help my grandmas because of their disabilities. I am always able to help many people and love to volunteer. I am also a great JROTC student because of the skills they have taught me; as in becoming a better citizen and my mannerisms. I have learned to become more military learned student because of the things they have taught. Though I do not wish to join the military I wish to become a physical therapist or a nurse to help people get better and to improve in their physical capabilities. I am not very good writing or typing good things about myself so I guess I shall talk about the things I do not excel in. Like talking in front of class, if you know me at school I dislike going up in front of the class talking to the class. I also dislike performing in front of people but once I finish I feel all pumped up and ready to do it again. I am also not a very good teacher because of my teaching style. Though I have pros and cons in my skills I wish to excel in all of my skills because I want to become a better human than I can be. I wish to help as many people as I can. I am a very humble person but at times I can be arrogant but that side of me does not show or come out because I keep it in. I also dislike group work because I feel better as a lone wolf. I cannot cooperate with others because some of the people I work with usually goof off so I have to step up and do it but other than that I am a hard worker. I am a break-dancer also know as a b-boy. I think I am not as good as the other but I believe we all have our weaknesses and strong points into dancing. But, enough about me you should also read all the other blogs of my fellow students in Cyber-High.

My Summer - Kenny Dam

On the last day of school of my tenth grade year, I heard the last bell ring. I already knew that summer was coming and I did not know what to expect for summer. I walked out of class into the nice sunny day and met up with some of my friends on the bus. We took the bus to Alameda so we can hang out at the beach. When I went to the beach I felt like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The warm summer sun made me realize that there was no more school and all I have to worry about is for me to relax. Throughout the whole day I felt like I never wanted to go back to school. When I got home my dad told me that I got a letter telling me that I have to go to summer school. In my mind I felt devastated because all of my plans for summer were ruined.

The past couple of weeks before I went to summer school, I felt really stressed out because of the heat and it was extremely boring. Whenever I called my friends up to hang out we never knew what to do for fun during the summer. I figured out this summer was going to be the worse summer of my life. The day has finally come; it was time for me to go to summer school. It was the worse feeling that anyone had to experience during the summer. When I arrived to summer school, the school looks like a prison. A whole bunch of kids with sad drowsy faces waiting in the warm summer sun to go to class. I went into the classroom with this old lady nagging at me; at that point I realized she was going to be my teacher.

I went to summer school for five weeks and they were the worse five weeks of my summer. It gets even worse when that old lady teacher ended up giving me a D for my grade. I asked her why she gave me that grade and she told me I did not do my work. Everything that was coming out of her mouth was a complete lie. I wanted to yell at her for giving me such a horrible grade. My summer just went to a waste because I went to summer school for five weeks and she gave me a bad grade. It made no sense to me how I was not doing my work. I ended up just not saying anything to that lady and I just ignored every lie she said.

I finally got out of summer school and it was a huge relief that it is all over now. I finally told myself that I would not stress out anymore for the rest of the summer, but I was wrong. My aunt called me on a warm summer evening to tell me that my uncle was on life support. It was the was one of the bad feeling I had in my stomach. I knew that something was going to go bad later on. Two days later they called and told me that he finally pass away. My whole family including me was in complete sadness because of his lost. I told myself that this was indeed the worst summer ever.

My Summer - Jun Tan

Summer is the most important thing in a student life. When faced with a year of school all students deserve a break either to make up credit or just plan have fun. Almost 100% of student going to school all agree on summer is best part after school. If there is no summer a life as a student would very suck from a personal perspective. Even though we have breaks though out the school year such as Christmas and Halloween, summer could be fun or just plan boring judging from how you as a student do at school. If u do great no summer school if you do badly and get an F you must go to summer school to make it up. Summer school is not a idle place that all students want to be at but it is either summer school or flunk which is not a option.

Students faced with many hours of homework and project to working in class at home are always looking forward to a break. Summer is the exact thing they needed to cure the torment of school. Well not really torture but the boredom of school. Summer is the time when student gets to hang out with friends without worrying about homework that needs to be done. Also it is a time where students go out of school and home to get some outside experience. Many examples like getting a job or have a relationship with outer people either romantic or just friends. The experience student’s gain over the summer could be helpful throughout their life.

If we didn’t have a summer break students with bad grade would be in big trouble mainly because they don’t have a chance to make up the credits they need to pass. Unless the school allows another period for make credits which is a hassle. Back in the old ages in China where there were still concubines and scholars the students had a break similar to summer but for a year. Back then students had a whole year to study for a exams to be a scholar. Also the exam only happens once a year it was either a pass or fail. When you fail you have to wait another year for the next exam.
The giant break known as summer isn’t just good there’s also a bad side. During summer when student have a break they tend to forget what they have learned from school/ When school have start they will be in trouble and maybe resort to tutoring. Many students are over whelmed but the amount of work they have to do and having to forget most of the work. That’s the reason many parents either have their son or daughters going to summer school or tutoring to stay on track. But schools have teachers and their job it to teach and help us remember the material we learn long ago. Which could be bad since the time is to remember old stuff when the students should be learning something new.

The pros and cons on summer really matter depending on the student, grades and parents. It doesn’t seem to be better or worse to have summer. As a student my perspective is that summer is good thing and it should stay. To some teacher it is a good idea to have summer to have a break and to others they believe students should stay in school. As to parents some believe it is fine to have summer and not drive their sons and daughters to school. But to others they believe that their kids would be better if staying at school for example some Asian parents.
Summer is the most important thing in a student life. When faced with a year of school all students deserve a break either to make up credit or just plan have fun. Almost 100% of student going to school all agree on summer is best part after school. If there is no summer a life as a student would very suck from a personal perspective. Even though we have breaks though out the school year such as Christmas and Halloween, summer could be fun or just plan boring judging from how you as a student do at school. If u do great no summer school if you do badly and get an F you must go to summer school to make it up. Summer school is not a idle place that all students want to be at but it is either summer school or flunk which is not a option.

Students faced with many hours of homework and project to working in class at home are always looking forward to a break. Summer is the exact thing they needed to cure the torment of school. Well not really torture but the boredom of school. Summer is the time when student gets to hang out with friends without worrying about homework that needs to be done. Also it is a time where students go out of school and home to get some outside experience. Many examples like getting a job or have a relationship with outer people either romantic or just friends. The experience student’s gain over the summer could be helpful throughout their life.

If we didn’t have a summer break students with bad grade would be in big trouble mainly because they don’t have a chance to make up the credits they need to pass. Unless the school allows another period for make credits which is a hassle. Back in the old ages in China where there were still concubines and scholars the students had a break similar to summer but for a year. Back then students had a whole year to study for a exams to be a scholar. Also the exam only happens once a year it was either a pass or fail. When you fail you have to wait another year for the next exam.
The giant break known as summer isn’t just good there’s also a bad side. During summer when student have a break they tend to forget what they have learned from school/ When school have start they will be in trouble and maybe resort to tutoring. Many students are over whelmed but the amount of work they have to do and having to forget most of the work. That’s the reason many parents either have their son or daughters going to summer school or tutoring to stay on track. But schools have teachers and their job it to teach and help us remember the material we learn long ago. Which could be bad since the time is to remember old stuff when the students should be learning something new.
The pros and cons on summer really matter depending on the student, grades and parents. It doesn’t seem to be better or worse to have summer. As a student my perspective is that summer is good thing and it should stay. To some teacher it is a good idea to have summer to have a break and to others they believe students should stay in school. As to parents some believe it is fine to have summer and not drive their sons and daughters to school. But to others they believe that their kids would be better if staying at school for example some Asian parents.

Who Me? - Mercedes Lefiti

When it comes to get stuff done I’m the person you want to come to. Depending on whether you tell me it’s urgent or get it done by the end of the day I get it done. Far as far as I can remember I’ve been asked to take on major jobs that I wasn’t supposed to be doing. For example, when I was about nine my parents divorced and I was forced to watch my little brother after school because my dad couldn’t afford a baby sitter. I never talked back to my dad when he asked me to do something. I believe that that’s what made me a mentally stronger person. Mind you that we were living in Antioch at the time and my dad’s work was in San Francisco meaning if I needed him he was hours away. By the time my dad got home from work it was around 10 o’clock at night which was our bedtime. By the time I was ten I learned how to do every single house chore you can think of; from washing dishes to doing laundry. I basically took on my mom’s job when I was ten years old. It soon came to a point where my dad didn’t even have to ask me to do stuff; it became a habit without any backtalk. My dad is Samoan and he’s a pretty cool dude and you just have to learn not to press certain buttons and talking back is one of them. With my dad around I grew up with something called “fa’a Samoa” which means the Samoan way of doing things and me and my brother knew if we ever disappointed my dad he would punish us but later explain to us why he did it. I believe because my dad being the father figure that I should have in my life people can come to me without being hesitant to ask me to do tasks when their workload is heavy. When it comes to both of my parents, whenever they tell someone to do something and they don’t do it I don’t ask “You want me to do that?” or “Who me?” Those two questions are out of the picture. Those two questions don’t exist in my life.

My talents - Stephanie Cervantes

I have a lot of things that I’m good at like making bracelets it’s easy to make bracelets first you have to go buy string to make it, then you have to pick any color you want and then once you picked them you have to measure them so they can be the same size. Then once you cut them you have to make a not on the top and that’s when you start making it. Then you grab to string’s and make a four into those two once you made it you have to do it one more time. Then once you learned how to do that you learned how to make a bracelet. Another thing that I’m good at is making people laugh and be social. When I meet some new at a class or by my friends I just talk to them make them feel compterable. So that’s when I start making jokes and saying funny things and that’s when that person gets confident and starts talking more and being their self. Another thing that I am good at is texting phones, computers etc. Well people say that I text really fast. My other talent is that I like to dance, people say that I’m a real good dancer. Since I was small I always loved to dance I use to dance with my mom at parties and with my sister’s at 15’s. Then when I started growing up I started going to a lot of parties and 15’s. Every time my friend’s invited me I always use to go and have fun and dance all night who ever would take me out then I’ll go out to dance. Then my friend told me about Aztec dancing because I always wanted to be in a group of dancing. So we started going and it was the best I loved it a lot and till this day I’m not in a group yet but I’m dancing with different groups to see which one I like the most and feel compterable and confident. I started this month on a Friday my friend’s mom told me that I was going to be sore the next day and once we danced it was very tiring but it was fun and worth it. The next day passed and I didn’t wake up sore or nothing so I started to practiced more and more so I can be better at it at first is kind of hard but then you get the hang of it. My last thing that I am good at is doing graffiti I love doing graffiti because I can express myself while I’m doing that. Graffiti is not a crime it’s some thing that people are good at and that’s when some people can express there self’s.

!!!To Talk or Not To Talk!!! - Terrence Black

Soooo being me I am really good at doing a lot of things but I think the best thing I am good at is talking. I am a talker like I can talk to anyone and anybody that I want and seriously hold a long conversation if I want to. Talking also shows that I am sociable because I think it’s a problem when kids don’t talk. It makes them seem very weird. I think talking is something that everyone should do because if no one talks then no one would be able to be understood.

I have been a talker since I was young of course. It’s funny because every time my mom would go to my school for the annual parent teacher conferences they have all my teachers would say “ Terrence is a really bright student and he follows the rules but he talks a lot”. At first my mom used to tell me to stop talking soo much but after awhile I think it sunk in her head that I was always going to be a talker. In a way I feel that its great that I’m a talker because it shows that I am involved in what’s going on in my world. I come from a talkative family sooo If I talk too much then that’s something I just can’t control.
I realized during my junior year of high school that I wanted to be a news reporter because I have all the skills that they are looking for. To be a news reporter they want people who can talk and be able to pronounce things right and when it comes to pronunciation I am getting better but as far as talking goes well…..I’ve got that down. I read something that said the most famous people that you have heard of were most likely talkers because that is how they were able to get their names out there in the world. When working for the news they like people who talk because it shows that they know what they are doing. What I like even better is that now I am learning Spanish. I am currently in Spanish 2 sooo that means I can now go ahead and speak to others in a different language. Speaking in another language makes it so that I am bilingual and I can speak to more people rather than ones who just speak English.

I hope to later on learn how to speak French sooo that I may travel the world and be able to talk to French people as well as Latinos and English. Not only is their Talking with your mouth but there is also talking with your hands which is called sign language. Sign language is great for people who are deaf because it gives them a chance to connect with the world but just in a different way. Sooo in conclusion I just would like to say that talking is gods gift to all of us and everyone should use it.

Talking my head off - Sarah Ramiro

I’m really good at talking. In fact I’m so good that I usually get in trouble for talking so much. If I’m in class and I see a person that seems cool and I want to get to know them I’ll go over and instantly start talking to them. That’s why it’s easy for me to make new friends. It’s pretty funny because I can make new friends but when it comes to talking to people who I think are attractive and I want to hit on them I can’t because I get so nervous. Usually if I want to make a new friend I try to be funny and make them laugh. I don’t mean to do this on purpose it just seems to happen. That’s exactly how I made most of my friends last year. I like meeting new people and having new adventures with them.

Having a lot of friends can be really useful. They can teach you a lot of stuff that you never knew you could learn about. You can discover foods you’ve never tried and hear languages you didn’t know existed. It’s like visiting all the countries and continents and states. You can be a very diverse person just because of your friends. Your friends can help mold the kind of person that you want to be. Friends can be more supportive then your family members. Friends can be like blood to you, it just all depends on the person.

I can make new friends by talking to them and making them laugh but I can’t talk in front of a group of people. I get really nervous and turn bright red. I don’t like doing presentations in class because I’m afraid people will laugh at me or judge me. I can’t really do anything at all in front of a huge or small group of people. It’s something that I have to get over because I know somewhere in the near future I’m going to have to do something like that. In fact this year I’m taking a lot of music classes and one of the requirements of the class is to perform or go to a performance at least two times a semester. i know t=its going to be a huge struggle but I know that if I do what I need to do and try to relax I’ll be just fine.

I could get a really good job just because I can talk to people so easily. I could possibly be a psychiatrist or a teen crisis hotline. I could help people from seriously harming themselves or others. If I’m a psychiatrist I can make people feel way better about themselves and or anything else that makes them stressed, sad, mad, and depressed, etc. Making people feel better would be the best job that I can think of doing. So many people have so many problems that I could be a millionaire just because I can talk to people.

My summer - Dustin Artinger

The best part of my summer began in Antioch with my cousins Katie, ciara, isea, and my aunt kara and uncle rob ,but the true reason for me being there was to see this guy fred I haven’t got to hang with in over three years. The moment I arrived to the house I got out of the car he was waiting for me as I did the whole ride there. we exchanged hellos and gave a heavy hug. For a couple hours we spent talking about how our lives are going, what’s changed, what we like, dislike…. Surprisingly we are very similar in the way we handle tuff situations at home and school.

Later that day after spending a few hours caching up and spending well needed time together I decide to go swimming in aunties pool, so while rob was bbq’ing aunt kara, her kids, fred, and I got in the pool. Auntie kara was so drunk that night she invited her sis to swim with us. They spent another hour drinking and talking. By the time they were finished there was no more alcohol, my aunt was asleep, her sister was stuck talking to her boy friend to explain why she left the house so late, and fred and I stuck watching some kind of cartoon for kids… but strangely there were some sexual innuendos. By the time dinner was done and everyone had eaten the day was over . I had spent one of the best days with someone I care for and hope to see soon .

Being in Cyber High - Dennis Mars

I feel that I got into this class by not taking previous years of school more serious. And now it seems that now I have missing credits that I for some reason thought would disappear. But I am actually happy that I can make up these credits because I can do it over the school year and not on my own time because honestly had they of told me last minute I just might have not have done it because to be able to keep sitting and doing that for unknown amounts of time would make my brain fry. I hope to achieve any goal that can be set in this and all of my other classes. it seems like my exceptions in this class and the teacher will be meet and then some I can tell simply by this work and the setup already put in play around the class it seems to give me a since of reassurance of counting on a computer to in essence give me my grade. In previous situations that a lot of kids do nothing and the teacher exploits this to their advantage to get them an extended break and again that's some not all situations. Well honestly I don't know what else to add to this paper other than free head thoughts and seeing how I was just sent back to my desk to extend the length of this letter. So seeing how I just found out about this no minimum day madness which has me outraged seeing how I look forward to the comfy baggy sweats tee shirt and sandals/ shoes for the ultimate” I’m only here for a couple hours so might as well stay comfy outfit” for the day. Seeing how there would never be another “one of those its barley 12 and I’m done with my day” days. I’m truly going to miss those days they brought a half point to my week to remind me that the week was almost over now it’s more like a tease to be so close to the
End of the week and to look up and see you st1ill got noth1ing but time left in the day you’d thought to be over soon and to only notice you still have over 4 hours left in your now extended day.

Two things I’m really good at doing! - Kevia Ruiz

I’m really good in doing anything I enjoy to do, but I there’s two things I can say that I’m really good in doing.

One thing I can say that I’m really good in doing is playing soccer, I think I’m really good at it because every time I touch a soccer ball I feel happy, and I can do some tricks with the ball, I can’t say that I’m the best player in the world but I got my own style of playing, this summer I enjoy a soccer team, and I score 4 goals in the whole three months of the season and I was the only one who score the more goals than other members of my team, and I know how to trick people, I can take the ball from the half of the field to the score goal. I think I’m pretty good at it and I enjoy playing soccer so I think that’s the part that makes me really good at it. Something else that makes me good at it is that I know how to work in team; I trick some players then passed to my team members and play like a team, not by myself. To play soccer I just need a team and a soccer ball, or also I can be playing by myself, because sometimes I don’t have a team to play with, but Its good that I can play by myself because I can practice and I can better at it, and I really want to be more good at soccer, because I’m trying to be a famous soccer player that everyone can recognize me, and kids would follow my steps.

Another thing I’m pretty sure I’m really good at doing is to draw, I can draw faces, or things I see, I can make them look realistic, and I also can do graffiti, I really good at it, I have my own style on doing it, I can do any name or anything and it came out good, but every time I draw I have to be inspired, or else it’s going to came out not that good, the drawings come really good when I’m really inspired. To draw I just need to be inspired, have a piece of blank paper, a pencil, and also an eraser, and that’s all and I’m ready to draw anything. I been drawing cartoons, people faces, or things I see around that caught my attention

This two things I’m pretty good at doing, I think I’m also good at doing because I enjoy doing those things, and also those thing that I’m good at doing I learned how to do them by myself, like playing soccer, I born loving soccer and on drawing I also born loving to draw, but the really thing I enjoy(love) to do the most is playing soccer. Soccer is one of my biggest passion, I really feel happy when I play soccer and I really feel great doing what I love to do.

Talented or Eccentric? - Tracy Huynh

Something I’m really good at, I actually have a few talented quirks I would say. One is my ability to crack all my toes, whenever I want, simultaneously, however long I want, and you can hear them. Some people have told me it sounds like a salt shaker. Some people think it’s quite interesting, but others are actually freaked out by it. I mean, maybe I have limb joints! I’m not sure but I embrace my special given talent. I like to show it off, a lot.

I’m good in one sport. I’m a volleyball player and have played Varsity volleyball. I’ve played for years ever since I was in elementary school, from fourth grade to my junior year. I’ve played twice in high school. I didn’t want to play during my senior year because I wanted to focus on other more important things like my education, I’m deeply concerned over my grades, youth organizations for community service, and trying to find a job in order to gain work experience.

I can’t really think of other talents, maybe personality wise? I’m very observant, I can usually tell a person’s personality just by with a glance, but I do not try to judge at all. Yes I do assume, but I generally do not judge. I’m also a good listener, I enjoy helping people. I gain satisfaction knowing that I had made someone’s day or relieved someone of their worries.

I’m good at driving, if that counts. I’m a bit of a paranoid driver, but other than that I don’t drive recklessly or anything, even if I am Asian… I’m also good at video games, especially at Mario Party. I’m good at putting makeup on. I’d love to do free makeup for prom. Good not great, don’t mistake one for the other. I’m also good at… Eating? I LOVE food, like, I can’t imagine not eating any food every hour. I don’t believe in diets so that is out of the question, maybe it’s thanks to my fast metabolism. I pretty much eat anything, except for a few picky things.

I’m good at technology, like computers and other things. Not necessarily know how to fix them, but lots of things about it I do know. I’m a bit good at graphic designing, since I had Photoshop for a few years. I’m good at memorizing some things also, especially when it comes to things I really enjoy. I’m good at memorizing most descriptions.

Being in Cyber High - John Frazier

I am in Cyber High because I need to make up credits for my Physical education class. I had to take a Cyber high class because when I was at me previous school, they did not offer Physical education as a class. We had every other class; math, history, Spanish, and science, but no PE. The school I was at was called California Preparatory Academy. It was a good school but did not offer all the classes you needed if you were to transfer to a public school, which is what I did my senior year. I went 3 and half years without a physical education class so I have 2 years worth of credits in the class to make up in Cyber high. By taking this Cyber high course hope to finally get the credits I am missing from my PE class, and any other class I am missing classes in. if there is any other class I would need credits in it would be a science class, such as biology or chemistry.


Something that I’m really good at is following instructions when it comes to cooking. It`s a good thing when a man can cook, girls tend to like that. I asked older women how they feel about a man who can cook for them and the response that I got was “A man who can cook is a huge turn on cause if he can treat me right and take care of me and on time of that he can cook, than he`s a keeper.” So when I told them I can cook they told me to call them when I hit the age of eighteen. I can make all sorts of good such as fried chicken, pasta roni, steak, lobster tail, etc. That`s a good start for a kid who`s only sixteen. I want to go to culinary school so I can learn how to make great meals I’ve never even tried before.

Another thing I am really good at is rolling. I can roll a cigarillo perfectly tight. I can roll joint papers and even swishers. The rule to rolling anything is that as you roll you have to tuck and make sure that when tuck that all of the swisher is perfectly aligned together going straight across for a good slow burning of inhalation from the tobacco substance. I would have contest with my cousin in rolling to see who could roll the best and sometimes I mess up but that is rarely. Any other time I am the victorious winner and he would try to make up an excuse of why he lost. Me personally I don`t be wanting to hear what he has to say so I just say shut up and continue inhaling the Bob Marley junior out the swisher cigarillo.

My dad and my friends have always told me that I’m very good at video games such as shooting or driving games because when we play I am never the loser, I remain victorious all the time. I would go to my friend’s house and we would inhale some Bob Marley junior and play “Black Ops” a video game of World War II. When we play exhibition mode and go against each other I’m always the one with the majority of kills and all my friends would be mad and want a rematch but even then I am still victorious to the end.

Last but not least I am very good at taking care of babies. Almost all of my little cousins and nieces and nephews that are in the age range of 1-5, I took care of as a baby. Right out the hospital I would be paid to watch the baby so a family member could go out and enjoy themselves. My little nephew named Alex is three and I raised him along with his dad all his life. The majority of his life he was with me and he is so funny. These are all the things I can think of that I am good at.

Jack of all trades - Jose Mendoza

There are a lot of things I’m good at like sports, and some academic things. Some sports I’m really good at are soccer, baseball, volleyball, football, and a little of basketball. Since I like to play a lot of sports and be athletic, I play a lot. Also, the academic things I’m kind of good at is science, English, history, and a little bit of math. I’m good at science because I like it, and is interesting to learn about matter, planets, energy, and the human body. Learning about English is alright because most subjects I learned were easy, but also those things can help me out in the future for a job, or college. History, is one of my most favorite class because learning about the past is interesting to me, and that makes it easier for me to learn. Another thing I forgot to mention, is that I’m good at running track. I’m use to running a lot because I play soccer which requires to run a lot for 90 minutes, and that makes track easier for me to run 100 or 500 meters . Lastly, math is kind of my least favorite class because there’s a lot of things to do with numbers and variables which makes it hard to learn or solve the equation.

I am really good at ARGUING - Kyela

Arguing is something I’m really good at, no matter if I’m right or wrong I will win in the end. I’m so good at; people don’t even want to get into conflict with me, because they know the consequences. And they are so right! I use to want to be a lawyer because of how good at defending my opinion, side, etc. my friends want me to be on debate, but that’s a problem, because I’m not very articulate in my words, to win a debate, I’m more of a “simple word” arguer. I don’t need to use big words to get my point across, but in debate you do, and also there’s a big genre of subjects that you might have to do in debate. Like history, I do not know history, and I’ve I’ve taken three years of it. But back to being a lawyer, I still want to be a lawyer, but when I hear about all the years you have to put into to become a lawyer, that puts me at a standstill in my career. I don’t want to be in school for that long, it’s bad enough it’s another four years, like high school, but it’s another two or three years added on to get your law degree. But I believe that is the only field that is right for me, something that I am good at, also you have to be very smart, and I’m not that smart, I’m just average. You have to be able to read real well, and know a lot already about law, and I don’t. My mother always tells me, I can be whoever I want to be, but that’s not always true, you have to have a certain degree, worked at a certain place, have knowledge of a certain field, to be whoever you want to be. I can’t just say, “Oh I’m a lawyer, because I say I am, or because I want to be.” I really try not to be so negative about the situation, but have to get these things out of my head now, before I hear it from someone else. I have to prepare for the worst of the worst, for people to tell me I can’t do it, or I will never be anything in life. If I get the negativity out of me, about my dream, my future career, then when someone says something negative about my career, it will not affect me in anyway. My career starts with me, my future starts with me, if I don’t stay on ground-level, and keep my head out the clouds, I will lose my dream before I even have the chance to get it. But yes, arguing is what I’m really good at, there’s other things I’m good at too, but this is something I’m the most confident about. But I don’t know what else to talk about, so this is the end of my story.

Being in Cyber High - Stephanie Cervantes

The reason why I am in cyber high because I failed some classes that I had in the past in my junior year like Us history I had Ms. Holton as my teacher for that year and she was very hard some parts I did understand what she was teaching but in some I didn’t understand. And when it came to the tests I use to not do them or fail them she was the hardest us history teacher I ever had. She use to pressure us a lot so it would be hard to go to her class so sometimes I use to cut, but then one day she called my parents and told them I was failing that class and that I haven’t been their for 2 weeks straight and some times just came 3 days in a week. Then my parents had a serious talk with me and I started going too her class every day and tried to do her work, projects, and tests and some work I did and some I didn’t because I didn’t get what to do. For the projects I didn’t get to do any for the second semester there was only 1 project to do but I didn’t do it so that lowered my grade even more so for the last semester I tried my best and I got to a ‘’D’’and for the rest of my classes I got a ‘’C’’ or a ‘’B’’. So that’s why I ended up here so I can make up my credits so I can graduate on time with my fellow class mates. What I hope to achieve here is to get all my credits that I can get and try my hardest so I can past that class I failed during the last year. And do all the work and come on time and be on track so I can graduate on time.

Being in Cyber High - James Posey

I'm in cyber high because of my first and second year of high school. My first of being year of being at skyline high school started falling apart once I switched my math class from algebra 1 to geometry. Ma first semester was good because I passed with a B for my overall grade in geometry. Once the second semester started, everything thing went downhill. I started talking too much during my math class which really took my mind off of my class work. On top of that I stopped doing my homework and also just stopped studying altogether. So along when I stop studying, I started failing my test. But I did try to start doing my work after the first marking period of seeing my grades. But by the time I actually started trying again, I was already behind in my work. And knowing myself, I didn't want to do all the work I didn't do in order to catch up because I was too lazy at the time and I didn't really care to catch up to be honest. So for the last marking periods I managed to get by doing all my class work and homework in class so when I got home I didn't have to worry about it. So I eliminated my studying time for math class by just doing the work in school. So with me not studying for that class on my own, it lead to me failing my test. That's when I just gave up and stopped trying in that class altogether.

So once the new year started I was like it was a new start. I had Mr. Correa's math class and I started off all good if I say so myself even though the work still seemed a little hard for me. I tried to switch out of the class but I got denied and had to stay in there. After the first marking period it seemed like I was going to pass because I had I C+ in the class. Man was I wrong. After getting through the first week, it got very hard and half the time while he was explaining it, I couldn't understand it. He kept telling me to be quite every time I asked him a question when he called on me. So right then and there I stopped trying. After the first semester I came out with an overall F and Ms. Arkan didn't want to switch me out to a different class. So during the second semester I just failed it because I could barely understand anything Mr. Correa was saying not because I didn't try. I'm not going to even lie, I even tried getting help from others in my class but it didn't work because they weren't doing well in the class also.

This is pretty much why I'm in cyber high now, so I can basically make up for all the credits I messed over and so I can graduate from high school and walk the stage at the right time.

ACTING! - Brittney Akins

Something that I’m really good at is acting. My sophomore year I was in intermediate drama and I realized that it was something that I want to do later on in life as a career. I learned the basics of the stage and tips that’ll improve my acting. I learned how to project and get in touch with the character. It’s a process that helps you to become another person. Your audience becomes drawn into the character and drawn into the emotions that the character is trying to portray. If the character get kidnapped and is scared the characters presence draws a reaction from the audience. I enjoy this part of acting because I like being a completely other person and I like to allow my audience to get in touch with the character as well.

Another part of acting that I learned to love is silent communication. That allows you to create an image or scene that the audience can see and understand without talking and with very little props. It’s difficult to depict an image when you can’t speak but it teaches you how to communicate with your body without words. When you are able to use your voice and props the experience you have without those aspect helps you a lot. It was hard to understand why it was so important but it became clear when I needed to use it.

My junior year I enrolled in advanced drama and it changed my life. I started to lose the shyness. I became I more creative more open person. I really enjoy advanced drama because I used to feel challenged. I felt like I had more to prove because I was new to advanced drama. I blended in perfectly even though I still had minor butterflies in my stomach.

This year I’m in advanced drama again, but now there are intermediate students that I have to help and guide in the right direction. That way by next year they’ll be able to be advanced students and have the same great experience that I had. Yesterday I had to help two intermediate students who didn’t know how to depict betray. It seemed as though they didn’t even have a clue what they were doing. I think they were just nerves though. I told them what to feel and gave them a couple examples and it trunked out great. They did a really good job. Miss hunter is a wonderful teacher and she taught me how to be a better student and a better actress. I hear that its hard to get in to the acting business but I know that with Mrs. Hunters help that I will be a great actress and continue to inspire and assist others!

For the new fall show auditions im going to push and try for the lead. Its my SENIOR YEAR .. I got to go out with a bang! And the preview night, the fall and spring shows… will help me to go out with the experience and the bang, that I’m looking for.

My Summer - Dennis Mars

The best part of summer to me was , well not certain parts more so because there was no big bang in the summer but a lot of exciting flashes in there one of them is when I was with a few friends and we decided to go drive around until we got a sure plan on things to do when we did come upon a plan which was to go to some ones friend house, but there house's supervision wouldn't be gone until 8ish so we decided seeing how it was only 630 to go to the mall . now as were going to go to the mall a friend (j) decides to take a pill that he has never heard of before so as we tell he no don’t he does . then two other friends (b & M) both decide the only thing better than watching j trip on a pill in a public mall is watching j trip on a pill in a public mall while they are drunk and high on marijuana. So as the drugs began I sit with my older cousin and say they don’t they are only adding themselves to the show for us to watch, he looks and smiles. so before we even get two steps put the car j stops wobbles an says “whoa whoa I just need to sit down omg this ground seems could I’m going to lay on it" and as everyone tries to stop him he just stands there then walks toward the soon to be closed mall then passes out on some ones car but again the soon to be closing mall so now the owners come out and our like wtf is going on so now we have walked off and left him and m there m is trying to reason with the people to just let him get him off the car without notifying the law but by now we are in the mall going around goofing,flirting,pranking to be amazed that we do not meet with j and m inside but to find him drenched in sweat on wasted and all m could say was I just had to pull him off the car and up and over to his face. and now all j is worried about is still chilling but now he is a smelly on mess and can’t go to the girls house like that so now we end up back in Oakland just back at a chill house chilling ending our day cause j was too own but it was surprisingly worth it. After all the missed plans and such we still had fun.

Baseball….Baseball…..Baseball - Keith Britton

A thing I am very good at is baseball. I love baseball and it is very fun> I am one of the best players on my team which means I am good at it. Baseball is a very hard sport to play and you have to be exceptionally good. I have been playing baseball for 6 years not that long but I picked up on it very fast and now I have a baseball scholarship to SJSU. I had to work very hard for that and it pays off because that is what hard work does.

Baseball is a very fun sport but you have to know a little bit about the game. I play 3rd base it is one of the hardest positions to play because the ball is hit very hard and you just have to react to it. Not all positions on the field is hard like for instant the outfield is fairly easy to play. Pitching is also one of the hardest position cause you have to be consistent with throwing strikes at a consistent speed> you also have to have different types of pitches so you can fool people and get them thinking about something else. In baseball the easiest pitch to hit is the fastball cause it comes right there and it had no movement on it, curve ball is a whole different story because it had downward movement and you have to stay on the ball the whole way there. I play baseball in high school and it is really easy. People throw really slow and it is really easy to just adjust to hit and hit the ball all over field for doubles triples singles homeruns whatever.

One day I hope to play in the MLB and become a millionaire if this happens I will be the happiest person on this earth. I think I have a good chance because I have been going to a lot of showcases and being seen by different people that like the way I play. I will take every opportunity I have to take to get better at my sport. And that’s with practice games are whatever. Without baseball I wouldn’t be where I was today which is in high school getting a good education and hopefully going on and get the scholarship from SJSU like they offered me I would love a chance to play in college then have a chance to get drafted baseball is my dream and my love.

Being in Cyber High - Sarah Ramiro

I’m in cyber high because I failed a lot of my classes in my junior and sophomore years. I failed a lot of classes because I didn’t try my best to do the class work and or homework. I thought that I could just mess around all the time and do whatever I wanted to do. I wasn’t concerned about graduating because I thought that it would be easy making up credits. I was dead wrong , to be able to walk the stage at graduation I have to take at least nine classes. I have to take an A period and a B period. I’m mad at myself for slacking off so much when I should have been performing at the best of my abilities. I now know that if I want to be good at anything that I do I have to try.

I hope to make up all the credits that I need to graduate. I will be taking cyber high at school as well as after school that way I can get more things done. I want to be able to learn new things in this class. I would also like to be able to learn how to use the computer properly, for example, how to type properly and how to set up the word document so it looks professional. I want people to know that if you don’t do your work that you’ll most likely fail that class and have to make it up. High school is not the place to mess around. This is where we mold our future; this is where we figure out who we really are. High school is where we meet all of our good friends that we’ll probably still know way after school is over. I met my all my best friends at this school, yes some of them have moved away or switched schools but we always stay in contact. I met my best friend Ryan junior year in Mr.Hard’s class. When we first started talking I thought he was uptight and rude. He thought I was obnoxious. After awhile I saw that he was a pretty cool guy. Now we’re inseparable and hang out all the time every chance we get. Just last week I went with him to go get his eyebrow pierced. We went to international to a place called Tattoo and Piercing. We walked in and were told to wait a couple minutes so the guy could finish piercing somebody else. Ryan started to freak out so I had to calm him down. He was worried that it would be the most excruciating pain he had ever felt so what we did was ask a person there who already had an eyebrow ring. They said that it felt like a little pinch. Ryan started to calm down and next thing we knew it was his turn. After he got it he was really glad that

Being in Cyber High - Avery St.Pierre

I will answer the question as simply as I can. I am in cyber high simply because I failed class. Many people will blame there failing on someone else, but to be honest I know whether you fail or not is completely up to you. I will not make excuses; I just did not do the work.

However, there are many failing kids who do have something going on in their life that might be the source for their distraction or disinterest in school. Maybe a divorce or family death is the cause, but I have known people who have been put through worse situations and still did amazing in school. The one thing that really bugs me is when people use their relationships as an excuse. Not to say that you can never ever be hurt over a break up or fight, but you are not in school for the social aspect. It just so happens, that it is one of the many aspects that come along with school. I mean just ask yourself this: Are you really going to let someone else hold you back? You just cannot let situations outside the classroom hold you back.

Now not to say I didn’t have anything happening in the background, but I never really did well in school. Ever since I started middle school I began to slowly fall behind. The beginning of middle school was also the where I began to pick up some bad study habits. Cutting school and not doing homework is just a couple of the lazy habits I started to practice on a daily basis. Not having a good study background and foundation really held me back. I think it is way easier to get into good habits when you are younger than when you are older. I is something that I have to work extra hard on because, as weird and retarded as it sounds, it is so ridiculously hard for me to sit down and do my homework without getting up after ten minutes. At one point in my life my mom was convinced I had A.D.D. But sure enough my doctor reassured her that I am in no need of meds. Maybe I just needed somebody to stay on top of me. But I believe I can handle it on my own and take responsibility for myself.

And that’s exactly why I am stuck in cyber high. I could have just taken the G.E.D. and have been done with high school a long time ago. But I feel like taking the G.E.D. would mean I did not even try. That I had not given high school my best shot. I do not want to be someone who gave up. Because I know I am worth it and I know that walking the stage for my parents and grandparents is worth all this hard work, but not just them, for myself. Cyber high gives me that second chance I need.