Thursday, September 22, 2011

When I grow up - Keith Britton

How many times have young boys said, “When I grow up I want to play pro baseball.” I can not count the number of times I have told people that I want to play in the big leagues. Major League baseball players are my heroes and role models, I remember wanting to go to a major league baseball game to see how the pros did it. When I became 14 years old I finally had my chance to see my first major league ballgame. Ever since that day I stepped into the ballpark, I knew that I wanted to become a pro baseball player.

My family and I decided that we would go to Texas for our vacation that year. My dad did not tell me that he had purchased some Texas Ranger baseball tickets for us. When we arrived at our hotel the first words to come out of my dad’s mouth was “Get your baseball glove ready were going to the new baseball field to watch the Texas Rangers play the Detroit Lions.” As soon as I heard that, I was the most satisfied kid on the planet. I knew that this would be my first big league game and I would remember it forever.

On our way to the ball field it took longer than I expected it to because the traffic was so hectic from the people trying to get to the ball game. When we finally arrived, I was more excited than I had ever been. After we barley found a parking spot we made our way to the baseball field. I had never seen so many people having the time of their lives. The outside of the stadium was amazing, the size and beauty astonished me. There were people everywhere scurrying around trying to get in the door to find their seats so that they could get a good look at the players warming up in pre game.
When we finally reached our seats in the stadium, the atmosphere was awesome, it was the greatest feeling ever to be there among the players and the people. As soon as I stepped into the walkway and seen the field I knew I wanted to play baseball in that same park one day. The lights around the stadium were the greatest, they were so big and bright that they lit up the field like it was mid-day. I wonder how the players feel every time they suite up and take the field, I bet their really nervous.

My dreams may never come true or maybe it’s just that I have been living out a childhood fantasy. Thousands of kids each year work there hardest to fulfill the same dream I have. Maybe my dream will fade or it may just not be meant to be. I know the chances of making it to the big leagues are slim, but I think if you work hard and put your mind to something that anything is possible. You can accomplish any goal you put your mind to but you have to have the want and desire to chase after your dreams. But I will work my hardest so make my dreams come tru

Thursday, September 15, 2011

When I am Famous - Keith Britton

If I was in the news for doing something great 10 years down the road , I would be getting my 3000 hit in the mlb. That would be the greatest day of my life if that was to happen. I practice so much on baseball and it would be only right if I turned into a awfully good player. They will call me and tell me that they want to interview me on espn the next morning. They will ask me “how does it feel to get your 3000 hit. I will say its feels really good to be in a group of some of the dynamic players ever to play in the mlb. 3000 is a lot of hits and if you dont stay with it you will not make it to even 100. That is a very rare feat that only the great can get and I hope one day I will be great. They will also ask me why do I love baseball so much. I will say because everything about the sport is great also you can fail 7 out of 10 times and be considered great but it is also a very hard sport. The person that inspired me the most was my aunt because she paid for all of my showcases and all of my college tours I really love her for that because without that exposure I wouldn’t have got putting out there to all of these colleges and get all the experience. Out of high school I was scouted by SJSU they wanted me to come in and play 3rd base as a true freshman. After that happen I knew I was going to be something great or close to it I love baseball and baseball loves me back by letting me get all of those hits.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Earthquake In China- Meily Sun

If I had the ultra ability, I will make all the corrupts disappear. So it wont have ANY corrupts in USA, In china, In this world. Can you image if this world gets no corrupts? Can you image if all the people in this world gets equal treatment ? fair treatment? Can you image that all the people get their own respect and something that they deserve to have ?I believe that every country have corrupts, Not just one, Not just two. How many corrupts in every country ? I cant think of it. How many corrupts in this world ? For sure, That is a astronomical figures. You might think that I'm kidding or I'm fabricated or i make up something. But everything that i say in the next paragraph is true.
I think everybody might know what happened in China. 05/12/2008 at 02:28:04pm, There was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake, Lots of people were dead and many were missing. According to the Sichuan earthquake and disaster relief informed of the newest developments, There were 69227 people have been killed, 374643 people were injured, 9404 people were buried, 17923 people missing and there were 3.46 million of the damaging houses.It was only few minutes in that afternoon of 05/12/2008, The whole town was leveled to the ground instantly, Lots of people all died at that moment. It was only "80 seconds", The whole town it was suppose to be a bustling city with a a lot of fun,laughter,and happiness. But now everything is changed and you can hear the whole town crying.
Lots of people might think this is an accident, a natural disaster or it was the Buddha wanting to punish the people! I do agree with that. It was a accident, a natural disaster. But why did all the buildings, houses and bridge fall down easily? Why all the building, houses and bridge doesn't have strong support ? Why after all the disaster happened, There was no one explain why all the building, houses and bridge easy to fall down ? The building, Houses and bridge's support is suppose to withstand of a magnitude 8 earthquake. On the news, China's Government said that the earthquake happened by accident and it was also because the Geography.I also agree, because nobody wants to see this happened and nobody wants get hurt. But can we do better for the support earthquake prevention measures ? Or Did we already do our best of the earthquake prevention measures ? Did we do the earthquake prevention measures of each building, Each house and every bridge ? I don't think so. If the Chinese government do the fully earthquake prevention measures I don't know it well be like that worse... Because there were some corrupts in china's government.
If i have a superpower. I'm pretty sure that i will make all the corrupts disappear. So people will have better life.

Healthy Body- Meily Sun

How does health affect your learning/grade...
I think everybody should know how to take care their body well. Because if you don’t have a healthy body,you might need to do a lot of extra work and you might not have a happy life like other people. And your parents and Your friends will worry about you. If you don't have a health body you have to do more work than others, Like walking, Jumping, or go to hospital everyday to clean your blood if you have cancer. If you go to hospital to clean your blood everyday. You need 6-7 hours a day. So this mean that you cant go to school, You cant go learn from teacher,from school. When you get older, If you don't have any knowledge or school's diploma, I think none of the boss will hired you. Also if you don't have a health body, You might need to stay in hospital everyday and don't have time to get a job. to find some new friend.
I have example of my friend. My friend Leyao had a disease when she was born. She went to Kindergarten with me and our parents know each other. When we were plan to go to Middle School, Her mom told us that she needs to stay in the hospital to do the medical treatment everyday. When i went to visited her. I still remember that moment, I was so shocked ! because she cut all her hair, She is a bald now. When i saw that my eyes were blurred. Because she is a very pretty girl. She has long black hair, and a sweet smile, but now She is bald and her smile has disappeared . When i went to go visit her She was still sleeping, So me and my mom went home. My mom frequently told me everything that happened in the hospital about Leyao. I will go visit her during the weekend. And every time i can see her painful face when i go visit her. Because she was doing the treatment. She will give me a sweet smile but i still can feel how pmuch in pain she was. One day on the 7th grade. Her mom call us and told us that leyao cant take it no more, Doctor told her mom that Leyao is gonna leave her. She almost die. When i go to the hospital, She hold my hand and we cried. She is gone,Because she didn't have a health body. She only have element's knowledge....
I really think everyone should know how to treat their body well and do exercise during the weekend or go outside to play some sports with friends. having a Healthy body is important.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Heroes - chanchoy pharn

Someone I admire is family, because you learn a lot from family that is around you every day, and no matter what the issue is, or what you have to say bad or good, family will always be there. The main reason why I say myself, admire family is because my family has been through a lot, and they worked hard for what they own today, being immigrants from Thailand, coming to America living in the ghetto of East Oakland California. In my family in general the person I admire most, is my brother from another mother I am not going to say his name on here though. The reason why, I admire him most is, he thought about dropping out of school, but then he thought about his life and what his future would be, so he started changing his ways of doing negative things to positive things. My brother from another mother went to Oakland High School, and graduated the class of 2007, after he graduated he didn’t go to college, he just stayed home thinking about what to do. So he decided to get a job, he started work at San Francisco Air Port, where he didn’t really like to work, but you have to get up and work every day to make money. He then thought about quitting his job, but his boss wouldn’t let him, because they valued how he did things fast, and they didn’t want him to quit, so they gave him a raise, and he decided to stay. I call him my brother from another mother, because we the same person, but just a different ethnicity, and we consider ourselves family, and if we ever get into drama, or a bad situation, we will always be there for each other no matter what it is. Why I admire him is, because he graduated out of high school, and even though he did not go to college, to achieved all his goals, and much more then what he thought he would. He worked for only about four years now to this day 2011, and he owns a Lexus 2010 ES 300 brand new already paid off everything , including his second car a 2007 Camry brand new as well fresh out of the parking lot. The house he lives in now, even though it is in a okay neighborhood, it is the biggest, and best looking house in the neighborhood, and he pays the bills for his parents. This gives me the motivation that all those times I thought about dropping out of school to do my own thing, to make me stay in school to it least graduate, then in the future be successful like him one day. That is why my goal is to graduate out of high school, but go to college, so I can do more things in the future. The crazy thing is even though we young and we think we got out future planned out we don’t know what will really happy because unexpected things can happen in the future and when those things do happen randomly they are always good things so keep your head up high and keep doing the things you do and you will be able to achieve your dreams make them a reality.The crazy thing is even though we young and we think we got out future planned out we don’t know what will really happy because unexpected things can happen in the future and when those things do happen randomly they are always good things so keep your head up high and keep doing the things you do and you will be able to achieve your dreams make them a reality. That is why he is one of the persons in my life that i admire and motivate me to do the things i do and stay in school.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Someone I Look Up To- Stoney HardyJr.

One person I look up to is my Mama Teresa Hardy I really don’t think no other women on this earth is a better mom than my Mama. I love this women a lot she have did so much for me an my sister it’s no way I can pay her back for everything she did for me. To be honest if it wasn’t for my Mama I don’t think I would be the man I am today she help me through so much stuff an situations that you can’t even imagine. My mama is a independent black women that took care of me and my sister by herself it’s not a lot of women these days that can say they did that. When I was growing up me and my mama was so close but as I started getting older I started to push myself away from my mama I don’t know why I just did it’s like every time she came around me I would get upset don’t get me wrong I never stop loving my mama I just started to distant myself away from her. I put my mama through so much stuff I think any other women would have been wash there hands with an just gave up on me but my mama didn’t an that’s one reason why I look up to her. Now I see my mama or she pick me up I love being with her, an when she hug me know other woman can hug me like that when she kiss me know other women can kiss me like she do. Another reason why I look up to my mama is that when I was younger my mama always wanted to be a registered nurse. When I was little my mama had to go to school at night to be a nurse she went to school for a lot of years an the hole time she was going to school she had to raise me an my sister at the same time, I know that was to much too handle at the same time for anybody it would be too much to handle but after a few years me an my family finally went to her graduation an got her certification to be a registered nurse I think that was one of my mama most proudest days I never really seen her smile like she did that day its like it was a permitted on her face. My mama always told me that at the end of the day whatever I do if nobody else is there for me My mama will be there for me an she really prove that to me even though she didn’t have to

Someone I Admire- Kimberly Septien

Someone I extremely admire and look up to is my mom. A lot of people refuse to have good relationships with their mom for some dumb reason, which I don’t understand. I love my mother she is like my best friend. She is the person I always go to when I need something. Whether it is a ride somewhere or someone to talk to she’s always there. Which is cool because the feelings mutual. I’m my mom’s best friend and she’s mine.
I look up to my mom because although she does not always have the best solution to something she’ll always try to make it work as best as she can. She’s not a quitter and she’s an extremely optimistic person, like me. I think that’s where I got it from. She taught me important things that I’ll carry on to my children. She taught me the importance of education and respect and manners and to not judge a person before knowing them. I am who I am because of my mom.
Another reason why I look up to my mom is because as a person, she has had to endure a lot of things. I mean my parents are divorced and she had to go from working wife to single working mother. And the truth is, life has been easier because of her efforts and her hard work. I can only dream to become someone as amazing as her. That I guess is one of my goals. To be like my mother. Well not exactly like her but to be the way she is. Because I know who I am, and what I believe in. And although our beliefs in certain things don’t coincide I can in a way still be like her. Because we’d share the same qualities. I want to be hardworking and loving and caring and joyful. Because that’s how she is. Truthfully that’s how her whole family is. That’s how my family is.
Maybe you think I’m exaggerating and that my mom isn’t as awesome as I make her out to be. But the truth is, she is. And it’s too bad that you can’t believe amazing people exist, because they do and it’s just been your misfortune to have not met any.
And if you can believe it ……. than good for you I guess. J

Something I Am Good At- Chanchoy Pharn

Something I am good at is playing sports, and selling stuff. When I was a kid in elementary school at Allendale elementary school, I loved to play sports. We would play kickball, football, basketball, race running against each other etc. My favorite sport to play in general was basketball. I played basketball on a daily routine, with my family, and friends we play basketball at the park every week on a daily routine. The reason I like to play basketball, is all my folks like to play it too, so we get together every week and play together from, sun light, to dark at night non-stop until we can’t walk no more. Also when I was young, I use to like to play it, even though I was not good, I was not the best, and I was weak, but I was not the weakest player on the court, and I use to love watching it on television and enjoy the games at night, because at night the best games were always last. My favorite team in the national basket ball association is the Golden State Warriors, because I watched them as a kid, and back in 2004 they beat the Dallas Mavericks one of the biggest upset in the nation basket ball association ever due to Dallas being the favorite to win the western conference ship. My favorite player of all time is no doubt
the best player of all time Michael Jordan, who was the one to always to go in the end and make the bucket you need to win the game, that is why he is in the hall of fame winning so many rings by himself, and today his brand is so popular and known. Playing basketball is fun for me, because I get to spend time with the people that I love, and we all enjoy what we do together, with the same passion we share for the love of the game. Second of all I am good at making money, selling a lot of random products. When I was in elementary school at the age of seven, I sold a lot of cards, toys, clothes etc, and made a lot of money. People tell me I should be a sales man, or have my own business, because I can persuade anyone to almost buy anything. I know for a fact when I am older, I will still be playing the game of basketball, and most likely still sell material clothes to people, and own my company. In selling objects to people, I have been doing it for a long time, so I have a lot of experience to persuade people to buy my products, that I myself have for sale, to beat other store’s prices. The main secret in selling a lot of products to people to make money, is the same key that every business owner will tell you. The secret is customer satisfaction, if you keep your customers happy they will always come back to you, and they will spread word to their friends, that will spread on to their other friends, passing over and over, making you from a small business in the bottom bringing you to the top, to become one of the worlds best business. Hopefully in the future as I grow older, I will pursue one of these things, that I am good at and make it a reality and make it my occupation, but for now I am still young thinking about what I want to do in the future,

Someone I Admire- Esmeralda Chavez

Someone that I admire is well I guess that it would be my mom because she has thought me allot of thing that I should do and not do although sometime I didn’t listen to her because them bad friendships I had I listen more to them than to my mom .and I remember that one day that my mom told me that watch you going to regret this some day for not listening to me and you going to see that everything I say to you is going to become true because she had told me that out of hundred persons only one maybe one is going to be a good friend and for now all the things my mom has told me had has happen because she knows that now and day the friendships that are they just want you to do stupid things like cut classes and do drugs and drink and stuff like that and it is true because I use to have allot of them kind of friends in my freshmen year and half of them I don’t even talk to them right know because there are fake just like mom told me. And some of them were like with attitude and I don’t like them girls that in everything they say they be tripen. And now that am in my senior year I only be hanging out with one friend and she has been my friend sciences middle school and she is also someone that I also admire because I remember I got mad with her in the 8thgrade for no reason just because I listen to this other friend that I had just because she was hating on her .and I do regret all of that but now I know that there’s only going to be that one good friend that I already have.

So yeah I guess the two people that I admire is my mom and my friend kevia. I admire kevia because she always has that good positive side that I wish I had because like am always saying what if I don’t graduate and she always tell me watch we both are going to graduate together and pass the stage and that’s why she is an other person that I admire to.

Who I Admire- Sequoyah Thomas

Who do I admire? When I hear something like that I instantly think things like, who I do want to be like, whose foot steps do I want to follow, or whose path do I want to walk. Well I’m not sure whose path I want to walk, I’ve kind of always figured that I want to make my own path. At first I thought that it may be kind of arrogant to not have someone to look up to or want to be like but, I soon realized that that’s just apart of who I am and maybe I just haven’t found that person to idolize yet.

I think maybe I haven’t found an idol is because, I never really just think about how great of person someone maybe and that maybe one day I can be as great as that person. Like my mother is a pretty amazing person. She has four beautiful kids my brother who turns twenty in a couple of months, my sister who is now eight, my baby brother who is two, and myself who turns seventeen next month. She goes to City College of San Francisco while juggling all four of her wonderful children’s lifestyles, not to mention how big of a hand full the baby and I are, with him getting into everything and me not doing so well in school. She also works at a hair salon in San Leandro from time to time and won’t hesitate to do anything for her family. That shows strength, initiative, and passion.

Another person who may be worth admiring would be my mom’s co-worker and close friend, Connie. She works at the hair salon full time Tuesday through Saturday from about eight to six. She makes a lot of money and she owns the hair salon that her and my mother both works at, along with others. She has two boys one that is about twenty-three-years-old and the other almost eighteen. I think the most admiring thing is that she owns her own business and has a lot of money. I want to own my own business and have a lot of money also. Money is power!

I sat here and analyzed two amazing woman and I am still unsure of who I admire. I don’t think it’s because I’m indecisive or anything, it just brings me back to my point I made early in this essay about how I would like to make my own path. I mean sure it’s pretty cool that my mom can put with four darling kids and can still go to school and work, and yeah it’s kind of fascinating that Connie has her own business and makes a lot of money but, I can’t or wouldn’t choose between the both of them; they’re both incredible women. All that I’ve been trying to say is that I really want to be like myself. I know your thinking, how can I be like myself it doesn’t make sense but, I never wanted to be like another person and I don’t think I ever can so all that’s left is me. I inspire me. I will always and forever be me.

Responsability- Kristina Lopez

Should children have pets to take care of? Can children actually handle the responsibility? In my opinion it all depends on the child and the pet in which you give them. For example when I was younger I had a bird, but I didn’t want to take care of it because I didn’t like birds. At school we had animals in the science room though and I would go in everyday during my lunch to take care of the bearded dragon and the geckos, cleaning their cages and holding them, feeding them and giving them all water. I was okay with doing that because I loved reptiles and I had the responsibility to know that without me they would die. As for my bird my mom was the one who took care of her. I hated the bird and wanted nothing to do with her except putting water and food in the cage so she wouldn’t die because no one wants to kill anything (except for maybe a bug...) I begged my mom and dad for a snake or a lizard everyday and I knew I would take care of it because of my love for reptiles but they wouldn’t get me one because all they saw was my responsibility for the bird.
The same goes for most children from what I have observed, one of my younger brothers is a dog person and my other brother likes cats. So when we got cats my younger brother was willing to take care of them and feed them every day, but my older brother just wanted to pet them now and then… When we got a puppy it was a completely different story. He wanted everything to do with the dog. Bring him out, play with him, the dog slept in his room, and he would freak out when he was outside for too long and was not played with. Every kid is different but I think if you get a kid the right pet you will have a very responsible kid and yes it will in the long run teach them more responsibility then they probably realize.
So do I think children should be given pets to take care of? Yes and no. Kids should be able to choose if they actually want the pet or not and I feel it should be something they think about a lot before getting it so that they know that is the pet they want to take care of and not just a phase of wanting a turtle that they are going to get bored of in a day. It will teach the child some sort of responsibility and if they really love the pet they will treat the pet as if it were a child to THEM. That is what kids need because then it really shows them how much harder their parents must work for a human child and it will give them better understanding of things in future situations.

Pets- Merecedes Lefiti

I think children should be given a pet to prove their worthiness. I know I’ve gone through a couple of pets through my whole lifetime; like 50 goldfish and 1 hamster. Obviously we all know fish don’t live that long so that’s how I had so many fish. The cause of my hamster’s death was it got out of its cage; my dad got frightened by it, picks it up, and threw it at the wall. He didn’t tell me he killed until a couple years ago. The only close pet I’ve ever had ever since is my grandparent’s dog but the whole thing is I’m allergic to pet dander and the dog sheds an enormous amount of hair each day. My mom’s boyfriend tried to get us a cat and my mom said, “Hell no!” and that was the end of that. But as far as responsibility wise I think little kids should at least experience the feeling of having a pet at least once in their lifetime to get a feel of some sort of responsibility.

Responsability- Loni Thomas

In my cyber high class we were given a topic on responsibility. The question was ‘should children be given a pet to take care of?’ and honestly I think you should be a certain age in order to have a pet, I believe kids should wait until they’re at least thirteen in order to take care of a pet. The reason I believe this is because when you’re a certain age you don’t know what responsibility is, you can hardly take care of yourself, let alone another creature. I got my first pet when I was around nine. I had a grey and black tabby cat. Honestly, it was hard work and I really hard but I still didn’t understand my responsibility. Sure I fed the cat, gave it baths but I really had no idea of responsibility, and eventually I had got rid of the cat.
I remember begging my mom for a dog for about four years until I finally got exactly that. One day I had came home to find the smallest, most adorable dog ever. It was a male brown and white Shih Tzu. If you don’t know much about these they’re an ancient breed of dog that comes from royalty. They are very cute, have quite the personality, but they are very dominant and authority resistant, so it’s best to train them immediately or they will take over your house-literally- if I had known that maybe a lot of trouble I went through wouldn’t have happened.
But instead this happened; I treated my dog like a baby and let him get away with everything. He was a handful. It took him half a year to become house broken, he scratched up a lot of my belongings, and my families, but he was a sweet dog. He was so resistant to my rules because he knew I wouldn’t get too strict with him. But my step father soon stepped in after he realized I was incapable of training him.
Almost immediately after my step dad started training my dog he responded almost immediately. I had learned that I still wasn’t ready to have an animal but I was going to try and do the best that I could. Eventually, I had become a good pet owner. Although my dog never listened to me as well as he did with my stepdad he knew not to cross the line-most of the time. That was all I could hope for I guess and I was satisfied with that.
So I think that children should wait for an animal to teach a kid responsibility. Maybe giving them a daily job would be better until you think they are ready. It doesn’t mean they can’t ever have one just not at this time. That’s just my personal opinion after learning from my experiences from animals.

Responsability- Sequoyah Thomas

I got my first pet when I was about eight or nine. My mom had bought me a bunny rabbit for my birthday. I had thought that it was the best thing that could ever happen because, I really wanted one. I had thought that my life couldn’t get any better because, aside from all the other toys I had got for my birthday, the rabbit was really what I had wanted. I had named him spot because he was white with black spots; he was the most adorable bunny I had ever seen. As a care-taker I had to refill his drinking water almost everyday or whenever it got empty and it was the same for the food. He pooped and urinated a lot which had a very unpleasant odor so it was important that I changed his litter frequently. I also had to refill his food, and take him outside. It was a lot of work taking care of him being so young. After a while all that work got tiring and it was too much responsibility because, I really wanted to have fun and it isn’t much that one can do with a rabbit; not to mention it’s difficult to pick-up a rabbit and as a child I often tried to avoid “difficult”. One day I was at the park with my brother and cousins having so much fun, then my mom had came to pick us up to go home and on the way there she had unleashed the unfortunate news that spot had died. In a way I was happy to not have so much responsibility but, looking back I regret being so selfish, inconsiderate, and careless. I know it sounds cruel but, I was only a child. I kind of miss him now.

I think children shouldn’t be given a pet to take care of. As you have read above, some children aren’t psychologically fit to do so. I wasn’t that’s for sure. My focus was on playing and having fun and not enough of it contributed to the well-being of my rabbit. I got bored with him and became irresponsible so I didn’t care anymore. Some would say, “what a cruel thing” but, that’s just the nature of a child. Some are not aware that animals are living breathing species just like we are. We need food, water, bathing, nurture and so forth. They also need to feel love, care, and safe as well as do humans and children younger than twelve shouldn’t be given the responsibility to take care of another species, it’s just too much for them; they aren’t ready. I said twelve because, when a child reaches age twelve they start to become more mature so they begin to realize what’s real, what’s important, and what matters.

Fortunately, when I was 13 or 14 I got a dog! A white and black pit bull that I, myself named chewy because, he loved to chewy on people. Since pits are so rough we had to get rid of him because, my mom was pregnant. It was the saddest day of my life; I had to get rid of my baby for her baby! I miss him too!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Summer- Meily Sun

As a student, I think everybody has a same dream, Its not college, Its not the weekend, Its not no homework, Its SUMMER! Even though not much students have something planned for their summer or what to do, but we just love it. Because we can wake up at anytime we want and hangout with friends and go to vacations or visit family.
My summer was boring this year, but i still enjoyed it. The best part of my summer was hanging out with my friends and spending time with my family. I went to shopping around twice a week, and went to Great America, BBQ, Hot Pot and learn how to make Japanese sushi and Korean sushi.I helped my mom clean the whole house,even the back yard.

During the summer days, One thing that is very Interesting was that I went to my mom's friend's shop to help her sell stuff. Her shop has some cute stationery and shirts and pants. I went there around 3-4 days a week. Helped her removed things and put on the price tag at every items and designed the room for her. I think it was a great experience for My future because I had learned how to be patient and use a better attitude towards people.

But the worse part that I hate about this summer was I couldn't go to China! I already bought the ticket during March and I was ready to leave at 6/29. I talked to my counselor she said I have to go to summer school so I choose to cancel my ticket and they charged me $250 for cancelling it. But the day after I cancel my ticket, the Summer School send me a letter saying that i'm not allowed to go to summer school this year! What a big joke for me! I didnt go visit my grandparents,My aunts and my friends about 3 years. I was about to cry after i read that letter, but life alwasy plays a joke on us, So i chose to go to china next summer.

Honestly i dont want to go back to school because I got use to my everyday plans and all the random things. But i understand i have to come back because Im still a student, and I need to graduate. So the day before the first day of school, I told my self I must work very hard this year, because I'm a junior. If i still gonna do something like last year ? Im not gonna graduate and I cant go to my dream collge, UC Berkely. So i promised myself, I will work hard this year!

Cyber High- Meily Sun

What is Cyber High?

Cyber High Schools is the term many school districts and private curriculum companies use to describe going to high school online. There are many other names for going to school online, including virtual high school, distance education , cyber charter school, internet high school, online charter high school or e-learning. Cyber High School means that a high school student has the option of receiving their public education at home, depending on their school districts current distance education policy. The Cyber High program was created to take advantage of the many capabilities of today's Internet. It offers students immediate feedback as well as a dynamic multimedia experience including sound, animation, and video. Cyber High's unique software has also been designed to allow teachers to access current student information. For security purposes, administrators alone have the capacity to access and generate reports of student activity at their school sites. The program allows communication between computers at the school sites and those at Cyber High headquarters, ensuring quick and accurate transmission of data on student enrollment, curriculum, and test results.

Because I failed my class last year, I chose Cyber High this year to earn some credits so I would have better grades to graduate. I care about my grades and wanna work hard this year. I dont know why i gave up on myself last year. I didnt do any homework, didnt pay too much atention in class, didnt "act" like a good student that i said i would. especially i feel so sorry for my history teacher. I didnt do her homework, didnt do classwork, didnt do some projects. But she still been very nice to me and tried to help me more. But i chose to cut her class and not be respectful to her. I know being in the USA for a few years is not a good excuse to not doing ANY work, But i dont know why i told myself i said i just came here not too long, I dont know how to do those work, Is okay doesnt matter! I'm very regretful right now, If i would have one more chance, I swear i WONT do what i did last year. I will try my best to work hard, and get extra help from teachers. I know the teachers in the USA are very nice unlike China's teachers! If i work hard and i do my best and i still dont get it and dont understnad, I wont blame myself and i believe all my teachers wont blame me, beucase they know I try my best!

Starting this year, I hope i can be a diligent student, not be afriad to ask teachers for extra help, work hard, and do my best in every class. I need to go to a good college, I want to be an Interpreter after i graduate from college, I believe i can!

Something I'm Good At- Meily Sun

What is something that I'm really good at ?

I think i am good at alot the things. I am good at playing piano, good at how to treat the elderly, how to cook, and good at how to design my house...!! But please dont misunderstand me, Im not an arrogant person. But I think im really good at thinking and talking!

I think i have a powerful and not constrained brian to have alot of ideas or opinion. My mom divorced when i was 2 or 3 years old. So, i dont have a dad when i was little. But i never thought i was different from anybody else. Because my mom gave me both a mother and father love, i am a happy person. When i was little, Before going to sleep, my mom would tell me some story about Fairy Tales, Aesop's Fables, CONAN... while my mom was talking, My little brain started to thinking, how they face act like, how they talk, where they live,how beautiful their house was....!!

I live with my mom and my older brother, When my mom and my brother have any trouble or something happened on them, They just walk in my room and start talking to me, So Im like a "Psychiatrist" in my house, how the way my family works is we act like friens. Everytime after they told me their problems, i alwasy gave them so good idea, Let them feel free and relax. My mom and my grandma always said i have a brain that doesnt match my age.

I love to read, and watch TV since i was little, but is not some cartoons or manga. I dont like to watch them when i was little. My mom and aunt told me, When i was little, I always watch some animal channels,paranormal channels, some talking show, even i dont understnad what they were saying. My mom always told me i was a very annoying baby, I asked her why, she laughted and said: You alwasy asked me alot of question, like why the sky is blue, I told you because the sea's reflection, and then you asked me, then why the sea is blue.

I also love to talk. Im not sure if its called talking orsharing my opinions, If there something happened in my family or friends, I will tell them my opinion and i will share my experince with them.I think this is something that im good at.

Someone I Look Up To- Meily Sun

The person that i look up to is....

She was born in 1993 in china, she has small but shiney eyes, she has beautiful long hair, she lives in a poor family. She has one younger brother. Her parents doesnt really care about her, because in chinese culture, most of the parents give more attention to their son. So when she was 1 year old, Her parents leaved her and let her lived with their grandparents in the rural.

She came to the city when she was in the third grade. She is a very quiet person. She doesn't like to talk that much. Every day during the reading time (around 7:30am) She would bring out her own book and started to read it. During lunch time,she would bring out her own book again. To me, seems like the book is her "food". When the boys want to talk to her, She would give them a smile and continued her "Lunch". When girls wants to talk to her, she would close her book and talk with them. Alot of the people like to play with her and talk to her, She also very nice to everyone,but expect the boys.

She is the Class representative, Which means that when the teacher is not there yet, she is the one who tell all the students what to do. Some people might don't know that when you're in China, your family has to be rich to go to school. If you are not rich,all the students,teachers,and princials will look down on you, no matter how good your grades are. I still remember when she first came to the class, my teacher gave her a seat on the last row of the classroom(in China, when you sit on the back, it means that the teacher doesn't like you or you dont have a good grade or maybe you are poor.) But she didn't care and she understood what are the "rules" in the city's school. In the next few weeks, She proved her self what kind of student she is and she showed to everyone that she is working hard. She has the strength to sit in the front. During those few weeks,she was one of the best students to score high scores on her exams!

Untill now, She goes to the famous high school in my hometown is called "er zhong", and she was the winner of reading books last year.I forgot to introduce who she is. She is my best friend. Her chinese is Win. her enlighs name is windy. We have known each other about 10 years. She told me she is about to come to the USA in about 2 years. I am very happy and looking forward to go to the same college with her in my future.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who you want to be- Austin La

Hello my name is Austin la im from Oakland California. When I was a kid I had many admirers an I wanted to be my father, my grandma , my brother , Martin Luther King jr. and Gondhi. All these people all involved in my life an shaped who the person I am today. A person who is real with there things an a hard worker.
I always wanted to be like my father because he was my father I thought that is how life is supposed to be be like the man of the house so one day you your self will be a man of the house. He was a strict person when he was young like in his Twenty’s but after one day he beaten me so bad he stopped. But he taught me to be not so irritating .He show me that since im a boy I must bring in the money or your not a man at all. So he showed me how to do hard work will bring success.
My grandma was a hard working lady, she past away not so long .I will always have her in my heart know she will be with me for ever. She was the one of the strongest girl in the world. In age 70 she would take me on bus take me to china town and to school. she was so active she was like a person in a 50 years old body. One of thing she told me was to fight for your self. She was in the hospital and shit was sick very very bad an it was terrible, but one day she felt pretty strong, an she seen a male nurse messing helping her out, but she didn’t know an she was frighten and she sock the nurse. It showed me to whoop on someone if they touch me an I didn’t know them.
My brother a well respect man. In my squad there are many people but my brother is the most respected. Everyone trusted him an needed his help. He is one of them people who can do what ever an finish it. it should me to man up I learn to tell my self to step up my game an find a job to get my money because money is happiness. Power is what everyone want that what time going get. My empire will be big one day.
Gondhi a man who’s been shot because he spoken the truth .A person who change the hole world an my self. He told me about equal right how everyone is equal so when people talk down on me I do what my brother an grandma told me. I never be a b*****. But Gondi says an eye for an eye makes the world blind yes that true but everyone blind when they are angry. Gondhi should me fight for what you want an to speak up. He got shot for speaking up an I respect that.

Someone I Admire- Andrew Starks

Someone I admire is not a just one or two people I admire people who inspire me to be a better person and live life the way I see in the world. Admiring someone means that you have respect for that person and they understand you it means that you look up to them as if they were an important historic figure in your life. Really I could admire anyone in the world because not everyone is the same you can be the worst person in the world and something you feel is right to you Ian like a positive matter is great and I admire. For example I admire the people who voice their opinion because sometimes their word can change the way the world runs. Since I love to play the piano one person I admire is Joe Hitachi he is a pianist who is amazing at what he does when he rights music and you listen you can hear the way you see the world in his eyes and it is amazing when I first heard it I couldn’t stop listening because there was always a different sound wither it was the weather cause of events or just the story line of the song it would change from a thunder storm with crashing winds and rain the ocean screaming for attention honestly his world of music reminds me of mine. Living in my day and age everybody has their laws but don’t want to stand up to it because they want to keep up with the social and society appeal. In his music when the storms begin to become disastrous he exasperates it to the point that if you think about it you can picture it as a normal day in your town. I admire Joe hibachis he is the reason I started to learn piano when I was a kid honestly it is probably funny to some people a black/puertorican kid liked piano because of an Asian pianist that he listened to on the computer and piano. I want to voice my opinion as sounds because sometimes when words mean nothing they can mean something and can get you in a lot of trouble so you have to change the way you do things. living today people always have problems but don’t know how to handle them whether their good or bad and I think about this a lot if I couldn’t speak what could I do to voice who I am without having to use my voice how can I make an opinion about the people in my day age without getting killed or have to fight for my life. There’s a lot but for me its music. Because I especially like playing the piano it’s my favorite instrument because when I play I show feeling not by how my face looks but by how it sounds the sounds are always voicing my emotion and it will explain how I feel in my words my 2012 my world what I see every day!

Cyber High- Tony Williams

The reason why I am in Cyber High is because I really messed up in some of my classes’ freshman, and sophomore year. I received too many F’s from some of the fierce teachers up at Skyline High School. My freshman year I did not take most classes serious. I took a real down fall in English and in History I didn’t put my all in the work or I didn’t even complete the work. Most of the work I didn’t even attempt to try and do the work. Essays were difficult the work was confusing because I didn’t pay attention. I was really procrastinating because I tried to do the work and pay attention at the last minute and that did not work out at all. When I was doing the work it was too much to do in so little time so I just said forget it and did not do it. Now I am thinking if I would have just took control and just charged to complete my work I would not be in this Cyber
High class.

In my sophomore year my laziness continued to faze me. The F’s I was receiving again was brutal to me because I had already received F’s in the previous year and now they have come back and the F’s was haunting me. I was and I still am missing out on a lot of credits. The classes that I was receiving F’s in my sophomore year was English again and Math. The reason I failed math was because it was so difficult and I was not ready for it. Skyline had put me in Algebra two but I wasn’t ready for it, then I transferred to Intermediate Algebra and I failed that class to because I arrived their late and was lost. Another reason I failed Intermediate Algebra was because I was skipping class because it was so boring in that class and I would also fall asleep so I did not see any point in being their. I also failed Chemistry my sophomore year because I had a very disruptive class, no one listened only a few passed that class, plus the teacher would not teach if we were not on task. Now if you ask me it was the teacher’s fault because she was being a bad teacher to her class.

Now that I am in Cyber High I plan on making up as many F’s as I can. In the summer I made up two F’s one F from Chemistry a semester, and one F from English two a semester of it. I had got a B in English two, and an A minus in Chemistry. That aided me ten extra credits that I lost and now regained. That takes off a little bit of stress because I don’t have to make up so many credits now.

Responsability- Joshua Quintos

Responsibility comes over time and is achieved from growing up and maturing over time. Some children should be allowed to have pets if they are able to take care of themselves and if they are able to be self-reliant. Like myself, I cannot own a pet because I cannot take care of myself at all. I always need reminders and help. On the other hand my girlfriend is able to own one because she is super independent and self-reliant. She is the one that wakes me up in the morning. So that’s probably one of many reasons children cannot own pets. They have to learn how to feed themselves and learn how to become self-reliant. Pets are like humans; they need care and love from the owner unless they will be neglected. Also when a kid cannot take care of themselves they certainly cannot take care of a pet. Children can learn on the job but it may cause problems later for the pet and themselves. Children can also become responsible from just playing with the pet.
Some children are independent and are able to own more than one pet. Some parents give their children pets because they want their child to grow responsible and become self-reliant. I have a pet turtle that my brothers take care of and I bought it and I cannot even handle to change the cage or even feed it so I neglected it and my brother cared for it. The Turtle had a pair but it swell up somehow and died when I was not home and it had a proper burial. Later that week we started to keep the turtle on high maintenance. The turtle was very dear and my first pet and one of them died. And now I have to remind myself and keep the turtle safe from itself. My cousins had many pet rabbits and bunnies but they died of old age. The rabbits were taken care of to the fullest and fully loved by my family. One day the last rabbit they owned was just in the cage “sleeping” but no one knew it was dead but the dog. But later that day it started to stink and annoyed the house. So they started to dig a make-shift grave and bury it inside. It was sad but it was worth doing because the rabbits were all buried near each other and were marked.

Who I Admire- Kristina Lopez

I look up to and admire many people. This is a hard question for me to answer because right when its brought up I instantly have four people who come to mind and then slowly more and more people who have both affected my life and who I just see on TV and respect start coming into my mind as candidates. I have narrowed my choices down to two people who both have inspired me and who I look up to and have since I was very young. The person who I choose to write about is one of my favorite guitarists of all times, Carlos Augusto Alves Santana.
Santana is no doubt one of the most technical, amazing, and most famous guitarists in the world. He has put a huge inspiration into the instrumental pieces I write on both guitar and in any other song I have put together, even the metal songs. He has inspired me to be the best musician I can be and follow my goals, dreams, and aspirations in music. He was discovered playing in Woodstock when he was younger and after he played his life zoomed forward in a spiral going nowhere but up. He is now known throughout the world as one of the greatest Latin guitarists and has been featured with many other famous artists.
I completely look up to him, he is living my dream that I know I will get to one day and he is forever influencing the way of my playing. My favorite song by him would have to be one of his instrumentals were it is all him playing the guitar, no vocals, no loud percussion, just him; this song is known as Flor De Luna translating to Moon Flower and it is very popular. The song is gorgeous, technical, graceful, and so completely beautiful. It completely mesmerizes me how natural sounding his playing is, not just over the recorded version but also live in concert. He makes the hardest guitar riffs sound easy and he does this with such little looking effort, it all seems to come so naturally to him and that is something you don’t see in many guitarists anymore. He has something you can’t copy. I aspire to be as good as him one day, not only is he an amazing guitarist but he is also one of the only Mexican guitarists known throughout the world for his playing and me being Mexican (I know I don’t look it) just makes him that much more of a role model to me. I respect, admire, and look up to him as the great musician he is. His playing is what I base my playing off of and I will do anything in my power to achieve his level of professionalism in his music. He is one of my biggest role models and always will be.

My Summer Fun- Tony B. Williams

Overall my summer was pretty good I would say. When the summer first started I was finishing my hours I had to work through a program called Y.E.P. also known as Youth Employment Partnership located on 23rd and E.14st. I was working at an Elementary school called Reach Academy its inside of E. Morris Cox on 98th and Bancroft. I had a good time working with the kids and my people skills got highly improved from working with them. Plus my tolerances for kids also developed. Another good thing I got from working at Reach Academy is I meant some people that could possibly help me later in life. They have a program called WELO that helps the youth in many ways such as letters of recommendation, and they may also help students train to become better in a particular sport or sports that the youth participate in.

After I completed the program I got my checks and of course I blew them off. I brought a couple of things that I wanted with the money I earned but not everything I desired. Most of my money went to waste because I have a gambling problem. After blowing off all of my money I decided that I wanted to spend some quality time with a selected amount of people I cared for after I stopped working. I had people coming to see me and spend time with me well girls to be exact. That’s what I did on some of my free time spend time with girls. Besides that I stayed home chilling and working out a little bit. I played basketball at the park with my brothers and friends. I also had went to Allen Temple located on 85th and E.14st for open gym and played some basketball their.

Finally, my last weeks of summer went pretty good. I attended a couple of function had many laughs at them because some things in the functions was so funny to me. Then I ended up going to Antioch to visit my Dad, his family, and my stepsister.

I had ended up going to my niece birthday party it was nice and simple. I spent a couple days at my sister house met some new people and I ended up going to another party but this time it was so weak. After I stayed a couple days at my sister house she dropped me off at my dad house so I could spend some time with him. I washed all my clothes at his house, was on face book, watching movies and just television shows all day, and eating. I also went shopping and ran a couple of errands with him.

I stayed at my dad house for five days and then he took me back home. When I returned I went to my cousin function with a lot of my friends and brothers. I enjoyed myself I finally had some fun for once. The next day I chilled and waited for school to start because it was August 28th, 2011 and school started the next day.

Someone I Admire- Brenda B

I admire my parents. I look up to and respect my parents. My parents are hardworking people and I appreciate my parents for being who they are. I think my parents struggled at first and they did it so I can have a better future. My parents have always worked hard since they were little. My dad started working at age fifteen because he had to support his family. My dad is the oldest son my grandmother. My mom is the third youngest. My mom is a hard working person too. I think my parents are good parents who have always cared for me. My parents are always there for me when I need them. Even though I get into argument with them sometimes because of some little thing I think they do it because they care and they want me to be successful. When I get will get older I will help them with what they need because they raised me and have given me what I need to succeed in life. I know that they want me to have a good life in future and I know I will. My parents had always told me they want me to have a better future then them. My mom couldn’t go to high school. I want to get better grades in school to pass and graduate I know that would make my parents proud. They want me to get good grades in school and graduate. I respect my parents and I don’t think they don’t care because I know they do because they always show me they care. Sometimes my parents come home tired and they still have time or the strength to take me to soccer practice or take me somewhere. I really do appreciate what they do for me. Sometimes there are times when they are too busy with work and their tired and they don’t have time to take me somewhere but I understand them. I admire the hard work that my parents to give me a better life. I always see that my parents always try their best. My parents are on time to work and try to do what they have to do. My parents might not have the best jobs but they at least have a job and get paiyed and do what there told to do. Even tho my mom is sick she still finds her strength to get up and go work. They still go to work even tho they dont feel well unless they really feel bad.My parents always know when something is wrong with me and ask me. They always care about if im doing good and school and what my grades are. They get upset when i get bad grades but this year i want to get good grades since i didnt do good sophmore year.I appreciate my parents for alot of things.

Someone I Admire- Tia Fihaki

Someone I admire is my grandma, Christine K. Mausia. She was a loving and caring person. She had a big part in raising me. From all the stories I heard about her life, inspires me to be a better person. She was a very talented person and she loved her life. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s around her mid to late 40’s and instead of giving up, she fought for 20 years. At a young age, I had to start caring for her. I had to memorize her medications and the times she took them, I had to go to her appointments, and I had to help her walk from room to room at home. Even though it was difficult, I felt like I had to do it because she raised me. At first I didn’t like it and I always complained but as the years went on, I got used to it and plus I knew she would do the same for me if I was in the same predicament. I learned a lot about her childhood and how she met my grandpa. Everyday there was a new story and occasionally she would have some off the wall stories but the fact that we were able to converse, made it that much better. She was one of the only people I trusted and I told her everything. I knew I could trust her because after about an hour, she would forget that I even told her anything so I didn’t need to worry about anything I told her being repeated. She was a very trustworthy person. Last March she was diagnosed with End Stage Dementia and we were told she had a week to 6 months left. It broke my heart to know that the only person I knew I could really trust was slipping away. I spent almost every day and night at her bed side making sure she was comfortable. After about 2 weeks she couldn’t really say much but one thing I will always remember is when she told me that no matter what happens in life, I will never be alone. She will always be with me and when I feel like nobody understands me, just remember that she does and will. She passed on June 6. She’s always made a big impacted on my life and even though she’s gone now, I will never forget her. Her story will always motivate me when I need a little push to get through my day. Everything I do and accomplish isn’t for me, but for her.

Cyber High- Asia Mapp

Cyber high is a great program to use for students like me to fix what I messed up in classes. When I became a freshmen it was a big year for me at skyline high school, more people attended school so it was a big social life which made me want to hang out with friends more then go to class. It was a new environment for me completely and it was hard to adjust . I didn’t really take high school as serious when I first started off but now I know that my future is ahead of me and this is just the start of it.
i’m in cyber high because I felt like I really needed it to fix the falling grades I received for the last two years. I want to attend college and become a nurse that is my planed career for the rest of my life. I can’t become a nurse with out passing high school first so im trying to get this out the way. I believe if I keep thinking of my future I will pass cyber high and receive the grades I need to pass high school. I know cyber high isn’t going to be so easy but it’s worth all the hard work because I know its going to work for the best. I’m going to make myself happy knowing that I had a problem I messed up and I fixed it myself taking actions for my faults without having my parents fix it for me. I know I need cyber high so im taking this time to do something that’s going to help me.
I hope to achieve passing grades as I finish high school and go onto college so I can become the smart and beautiful nurse that I have potential to be.

Technology- Asia Mapp

Technology is the world’s new thing now days, it is used for just about anything and almost everywhere including hospitals, office buildings, and fire departments, even in schools. I feel there is no need to ban the use of cell phones in schools they can help in many different ways such as keeping our families updated if there’s a problem at school or we need to be contacted for any family emergency.

As a student at Skyline High School I feel that the use of cell phones should be allowed. In class there are not always enough calculators for every student to use, most likely every student in the room will have a cell phone, and on that cell phone there is always a calculator. Allowing the use of these phones for school use can possibility lower the district’s budget. Every phone has either a memo pad or a notepad to write down important things such as assignments and work needed to be completed or to keep organized. In this world today every teenage student has a cell phone that does help a lot with keeping organized. If students could have their cell phones in class they could put their work into their cell phones with an alarm and never miss an assignment due. I think teachers should give their students a certain amount of time to put their assignments in their phones so they will only be able to use their phones for school related things. During class the teacher may ask the students to research something, while taking the whole class down to the library, many students have internet on their cell phones which could be used at the tip of their fingers. This would save time and would allow the teachers more time to teach. The camera devices on the cell phones can come in handy also, if a student is absent a friend can take a picture of their work and send it to their friend to keep them updated with missing work.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Someone I look up to - Stoney Hardy

One person I look up to is my Mama Teresa Hardy I really don’t think no other women on this earth is a better mom than my Mama. I love this women a lot she have did so much for me an my sister it’s no way I can pay her back for everything she did for me. To be honest if it wasn’t for my Mama I don’t think I would be the man I am today she help me through so much stuff an situations that you can’t even imagine. My mama is a independent black women that took care of me and my sister by herself it’s not a lot of women these days that can say they did that. When I was growing up me and my mama was so close but as I started getting older I started to push myself away from my mama I don’t know why I just did it’s like every time she came around me I would get upset don’t get me wrong I never stop loving my mama I just started to distant myself away from her. I put my mama through so much stuff I think any other women would have been wash there hands with an just gave up on me but my mama didn’t an that’s one reason why I look up to her. Now I see my mama or she pick me up I love being with her, an when she hug me know other woman can hug me like that when she kiss me know other women can kiss me like she do. Another reason why I look up to my mama is that when I was younger my mama always wanted to be a registered nurse. When I was little my mama had to go to school at night to be a nurse she went to school for a lot of years an the hole time she was going to school she had to raise me an my sister at the same time, I know that was to much too handle at the same time for anybody it would be too much to handle but after a few years me an my family finally went to her graduation an got her certification to be a registered nurse I think that was one of my mama most proudest days I never really seen her smile like she did that day its like it was a permitted on her face. My mama always told me that at the end of the day whatever I do if nobody else is there for me My mama will be there for me an she really prove that to me even though she didn’t have to.

Heroes - Kimberly Tolefree

Honestly, there is only one person I really admire, respect, and look up to and that is my mother. My mother has been through so much she is a strong outgoing woman. My mom is like my best friend other than being my mother she is a really good friend. When my mom was about fifteen years old she got pregnant with me and at sixteen years old she had me; her mother kicked her out for just a period of time. Next when I was about two or three my mom’s only oldest brother died. That was a very hard thing to take knowing that was my moms’ favoritism brother. When I was about ten years old my grandmother ( my moms, mom ) past away me and my brother both called my grandmother “ momma “. My mother was only 26, still young and she took in her two brothers, one younger sister, and nephew plus she had me and my little brother. That there was just a lot on her hands at being that age. Even though my mother still had my grandpa, her father she was still basically on her own! When my mothers, father got sick he always came to our house him and my moms little brother (on her dad side) they both were staying with us. Although there was a huge house hold with only 5 bedrooms my mother still manage to get every6one in school and everyone on the right track; she had our r school clothes, Christmas gifts, thanksgiving, Easter, ect. My mom always had things in order she never let anything bring her down. There came 2006, when my grandpa, my moms father past away from being too sick, that there just tore my mother into pieces my mom officially felt she had nothing left at all, being she was already on her own and very independent she wasn’t to do anything else differently. Everything stayed the same but people still were kind of sad and upset so many relatives were passing away. Even I felt so bad for my family, and especially my mom seeing her like the way she was and still manage to pay bills as in cable bill, PG&E, water, and buy food. She was a strong women and every day I tell my mother I want to be like her and that I love her and she is like my best friend. I keep no secrets away from my mom there isn’t anything my mom doesn’t know about me I share everything with her. I want to be just like my mom not only because she is my mother but because she is very strong, she graduated from elementary, middle school, high school, and college. My mom is awesome when I grow up I want to be much of a women and strong as her. Still till this day I tell my mother I want to be like her, she has three kids now and still manage us all. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. I LOVE MY MOTHER!

Who I Look Up To- June Rivers

Who I really respect is Tupac on some real sh**. He basically the realest rapper that ever lived. Most rappers these days rap like they from the hood when they ain’t doing nothing to support them. Only like 5 real rappers I look at really give back to the hood. All the other ones be wit that sucka stuff scared to go back. All that stuff Wayne be talkin about he still in his studio and not in his hood.

I been loving Tupac’s music basically all my life because that’s what I grew up listening to in L.A. Only because in the 90s that’s mostly what they played out there back then.

Heros - Maggie Liang

Someone I look up to and admire is my grandma. She has always been there for me ever since I was born, and has taken care of me so well ever since. She always has the last word in the house, and I respect that. To me, she’s really the greatest, most generous and kind hearted person I know. She always put other people first, even aside from our family. She never takes anyone for granted. To me she’s our family’s hero.

My Grandma came from Zhongshan, China. I’m pretty sure it’s a big city, but within that city are separated small villages, or at least back then. She has 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter, which happens to be my mom. My family lived in poverty. Their house was cold and made out of cement. The kitchen is just a counter with a sink & no stove, so they had to build a place for fire and charcoal to make dinner, if they had any. My mom told me back then, they wouldn’t have enough money for any food, or very little food. They would have stale unflavored bread for breakfast called Man-tou, and they wouldn’t have any food for lunch because they couldn’t afford any, so they just sucked on solid brown sugar, and for dinner if they were lucky, they would have rice and meat. My family really has gone through sticks and stones for our family to be this grateful, living in America, so fortunate. If it wasn’t for my grandma who struggled to bring our entire family to America, I wouldn’t have been so lucky right now.

My grandma is a very kind hearted person. I remember every time I would eat dinner, and if I don’t finish all my food, even if there were a couple of rice nibblets in my bowl, she would tell me to finish it until it was clean. She tells me I am fortunate to have such good food for dinner, and that there are many kids around the world would be grateful to have even a grain of rice to eat. I think for the rest of my life, I will never waste food, and I will always remember my grandma telling me this story, over and over again.

I think I get my kind heart from my grandma, Honestly. My grandma is always looking out for others. She would do so much for them even though she is so little and tiny, she has the strength and will power and a muscle builder. She also has a super bubbly personality. She jokes around with us a lot, and I love how she would always make us laugh with the funny stories she tells us.
Through life, I will always remember my grandma telling me two quotes that are very important to me. She always tells me “No one deserves to be alone and unhappy. No matter how bad of a person they are. Sometimes even the worst deserves the best” My grandma is such an amazing person, I can call her my hero.

Being in Cyber High - Jun Tan

Cyber high is an interesting class that helps students makes it up. The reason I am in cyber high is that I failed a class. Everyone who failed a class has a choice to go to cyber high to make up for the credit. It is required if you want to graduate from college and hopefully go to a CSU or UC. The reason I am in cyber high was because I could pass my AP class that I didn’t sign up for. When someone is put in to an extreme challenging class randomly is it going to be really hard to for the rest of the school year. Also changing class wasn’t possible wasn’t a option since it is already the middle of the school year. So no changes can be made and you would have to stay in the class either pass or fail.

Begin of the school year at skyline mostly everybody had something wrong in their schedule because of the counselor getting fired. Also a new principle was working at skyline so that wasn’t any help. My schedule was especially messed up because I noticed that I had a special class. I wasn’t suppose to have that class mainly because I wasn’t special ED. The thought of the principle putting in me into special pissed me off. It took almost 3 weeks to change the schedule. It was almost the end of the semester. Even when they switched my class there was still something wrong in my schedule which was I had 2 periods. So I had to make another change.

After a month of changing class at least 5 times I finally got the perfect class set up I had out of every one of them. But it was only just a dream because one more change had messed up my grades for ever in this year of school. I was switched into an AP history class which was extremely hard and difficult and very hard to catch up with. I tried day and night trying to change the class but it was no use. I was forced to stay in the AP no matter if I will pass or fail. The worst thing about it was I was way behind the work. Not to mention the teacher was very strict with the class.

During the time I was focused on switching and not on the work since there is just so much. For example the outlines were horrible because we had to read about 20 to 30 pages of very long pages of material in the book. The only worse than the outlines were the note cards. The note cards are endless. Laterally endless amount of work from the beginning of school to the end of school with Stacks of 40 to 50 note cards every week. By now you can tell I was in big trouble in this class.

After having to sit through hours of lectures and test I knew I was going to fail this class. That’s the reason I am taking cyber high. In my situation is rare but it happens not only to me but to other too. Maybe if I had been able to switch that class earlier I might have been able to pass the class. The class is based on memory but I have bad memory and I don’t remember stuff really well.

Heros - Ashia Johnson

A lot of people admire and look up to celebrities. Someone I admire, look up to and respect is my mother. I look up to my mother because she is my superwoman. For my entire life my mom was always there for me. My mother isn’t judgmental at all, I can talk to her about anything and she’ll still love me. Although my father was there for me growing up, my mother was there 24/7. I respect my mom for having two jobs, 3 kids, and still being able to manage to go back to college.

I admire my mother because she is everything, she’s my everything. My mother is a doctor, teacher, friend, preacher, cook, and even a father at times. Growing up my father wasn’t always there physically and that’s what made me cling to my mother. I really respect my mom for not giving up even though my dad wasn’t around; she kept pushing. My mom saw my grandmother struggle so my mom was determined to make sure my siblings and I had everything we need. I can honestly say my brother, sister and I never wanted for anything.

I admire my mom for simply being the lady that she is. My mom had her first child when she was 18, even that didn’t stop her. After my mom had my older brother she went right back to school, she studied at San Jose State for a degree in business. My mom graduated from SJSU in 1987. I know that had to take some real dedication to do what she did. I admire my mom for teaching me how to be an independent young lady, never to depend on anyone for anything. I admire my mother because she taught me that if I want something done right, I’d have to do it myself, and to this day that saying sticks with me.

I can honestly say that I would love to be as great of a woman as my mother is. Smart, independent, and sophisticated. Through hardships she never let anything hold her back. Even having a child at a young age didn’t stop my mom and I really respect that. I know a lot of young girls who simply just stop going to school because they had kids. When I have my own kids I want to be a good mother like my mom is. I want my kids to know that I am a great mother because their grandmother taught how to be a good mother. I will always respect and admire my mother. J

Heros - Terrrence Black

Someone I admire/look up to/Respect is My Cousin. My cousin is a really cool person who has her own apartment and has a really cool position working at apple. I admire her because she has been working ever since she could and she’s worked at multiple places which makes for a killer resume. She’s very nice and she always welcomes me to her p[ace whenever I need to talk or have any problems. We always talk about the crazy things that have happened to her at work or things that I have had to deal with at school.

I look up to her because she went to Skyline just like me and she was able to graduate and go to college in Los Angeles. I have always wanted to go to college sooo sometimes we have conversations about what college I want to attend and what I need to do to be able to attend that college. I think personally that she understands me really well because she was in my position before and knows how to deal with certain situations. I feel like she is a strong person who has a great job. My cousin currently works at apple in Emeryville. She is a manager and to get that job you have to be very qualified and know what your dealing with. Her job is very chaotic which means that she is always busy and when I see that it makes me want to work at a job with the same chaotic things going on. I look up to her to because no matter how crazy things are she is always finding the bright side to everything. That’s why she’s strong and independent. I feel like everyone should be like my cousin and find the bright things to horrible situations.

I respect my cousin because not only is she my cousin but she is also like my friend. I can come and talk to her whenever I don’t want to talk to my mom about certain situations. I like that in people because if I want to tell you something personal then you need to be able to keep that to yourself and not go around telling others. I also respect her because whatever is going on whether chaotic or not she is around to speak her opinion. She is not the kind of chick who says one thing and then when confronted changes her mind. And if you did something bad that was towards her then you can forget about being as close to her as you were before cause that just shows that she can not trust you like she used to. I like people who also speak their opinion and who are not afraid to back down. From any problem or anyone. Staying strong is what its all about. Soooo in conclusion I would just like to say that my cousin rocks and I am blessed to have her as family and who is also like a friend to me. And now I am finished J

Talking- Dalia Lopez

One thing I am good at is talking. I love to talk. I can talk all day. But I annoy my mom and family most of the time. I can talk about so many things. When there is an awkward moment I try to get out of it by talking about something random. I like making people smile and laugh. When I see someone who is sad I try to help them out. I like to give advice even though sometimes I give bad advice. But I try ma bestest to be there for the loved ones. One time my close friend was down. She was crying and I went up to her and talked with her. She was sad because she had found out that her boyfriend cheated on her. I told her to calm down. To leave him, because she doesn’t need to be with someone who does her wrong. So she left him alone. I think a lady needs to be respected all the time even if the lady is being rude the guy needs to be a gentle man. I love talking. There is so much to talk about. There’s always something to talk about. I don’t know how but I always come up with something. Most of my friends are quiet well I am too but I talk more than them. They are always telling me to say something so I come up with something dumb and somehow they start laughing. I like to make people smile and laugh. That’s one thing I am good at. I also love to cook. I know how to cook a lot of food. Sometimes I help my mom cook dinner. I like working with food. Especially eating it, one time I made flan which is custard in English. Another time I made mango chicken, it was delicious. And also a good expiernece. When I go to college I want to study the kitchen section. Well become a chef. To me that’s something I would like to do because I am good at it and I like it. Well those are the two things I am actually good at. And that I love to do and I am good at.

My Inspiration and Motivations - Joshua Quintos

J.A.Q 9-2-11-

There are many people that have inspired me but mainly I have 4 but technically 5. They are as followed: My Grandmothers, My girlfriend (Maica), and my parents. My grandmothers are very strong womyn (and no my spelling of womyn is not wrong google it). I also respect them for coming to America to start a new life and bring my mom and dad because they came from the Philippines to start a new life. I love them unconditionally and I mean all of my inspirations. My grandmothers are strong and living but though they received many complications in life. One of my two grandmothers is wheelchair bound and the other recovered from surgery. They both raised me when my parents had work. My girlfriend Maica, She is an amazing person and has inspired me to become a better person because Happiness is a way of living life. She is my inspiration because she just motivates me to do better in school and help my family around the house. We try not to fight because fighting is just a waste of time and time together is precious and we both cherish it. My parents though they give me tough love I also love them unconditionally. They help me with everything and anything they just want me to do better in school and get a better education and career then they had. My parents both had to work jobs for me and my two brothers for our education.

My parents came to America separately and got married here. My grandma (father’s side) came with herself and my guerilla war fared grandfather to America with ten kids. It was rough but in the end the family still met up. This motivated me because throughout everything they still managed to become a big happy family and after a few years my grandfather died when my grandma was just babysitting me and my brother. My other grandma came to America with six kids separately. My grandma’s husband died before my auntie turned five. So it was rough for them to grow up, each of my uncles and aunties and mother had to obtain a job to keep the apartment alive. My girlfriend Maica is just simply amazing even though I get in a sad mood she cheers me up without even trying. She is just my girlfriend, best friend and everything in between. I just cannot believe that I am dating her. She is always both my motivation and inspiration. She keeps my head up and keeps me heading in the right direction. The people I listen in this essay have inspired me heavily and I love them until I cannot love anymore. The people are just loving and inspiring because of the things that they have done for me. I love them all, I love Maica, I love Nanay G and my Nanay Linda and finally I love my parents for doing so much for me. I love Joey and Vivian Quintos.

Heros - Devin Linyard

Someone who I admire and respect, I would say my mom but she already knows that, so I have to say Tupac Shakur. To me I think tupac was the best rapper ever, because his work ethic he was so great he could possibly make up to 4 songs in one day, to me that’s incredible. Tupac was born June 16 1971 to Afeni Shakur who was currently a member of the black panther party so the revolutionary spirit was already in his blood. To me he was not just a rapper, he is but he was also a revolutionary.

In his songs he sent messages like in songs like, Brendas got a Baby, Changes, Keep ya head up and plenty more like these classics. Pac although in a lot of controversy he had a good heart and a good head on his shoulders and even though his life was cut short his legacy lives threw millions of fans and it we’ll continue to the day we all die,well at least from me.

Heros - Stephanie Cervantes

Someone I admire is Freddy he’s my brother in law he’s married to my sister Diana the oldest one out of my brothers and I. He gives me good advice when I need it and he’s always been there for me since he met my sister when I was very young. But one thing is that when he started dating my sister I didn’t like him at all for nothing, every time he use to call for her I use to hang up on him. And whenever he use to come and visit I use to close the door on him and say that she wasn’t home I hated him, the worse thing I use to do is throw rocks at him and scratch him and mug at him. Even though I use to do all that stuff to him he still took me places with my brother’s and sister’s he gave me rides after school to my house. Then after I started growing up more and getting use to him being with us 24/7 I started liking him and looking up to him. Then I got to age 13 I started going to places with him and playing soccer with him because he was my coach and we started bonding more and getting to know each other then. I got to the age of 15 and started trusting him with my secretes or problems that I had that I never would of told my parents or anyone else just him. Then till this day I admire him and look up to and respect he’s like my second dad that protects me and show me new things that I don’t know and I teach him things that he don’t know either. The second person I admire and respect and always look up to is my mom I love her so much. Back then I never use to tell her about my problems or anything that happened with me, until my parents sent me away for 5 and a half months at this military/boot camp school located in San Luis Obispo this was three hours away from Oakland. Once I came back I started trusting my mom more and telling her everything and telling her the truth but my dad I don’t trust him that much but I admire him and respect him because he can say a lot of harsh things but he tells you the truth at the same time. The last person I admire is my best friend munchies I knew her since 9th grade here at skyline. We never hanged out but we always use to say hi to each other. Then we got to 10 grade and we started hanging out more and started trusting each other because we had similar problems in the past. So when I got to know her more and she was a true friend because she always use to give me good advice and tell me right from wrong and until this day were like sister’s.

That’s What I Call Talent -Brittney Akins

I truly admire people who have talent. I’m really attracted to people with talent. I’m really good at drawing and coloring even though I’ve never had any lessons and I’m really good at acting. I believe people with talent have a certain something about them that makes them interesting.

I really love to hang around talented people. Almost everyone I hang out with has a certain talent. My friend Nancy plays the clarinet and is in marching band. My friend marquis is good at making people laugh. My friend michala is a D.P. dancer who has a lot of spunk. I just enjoy the company of people with talent.

Guys with talent are extremely sexy, especially when they play a sport and have an athletic body. Most girls would tell you the same thing. I don’t necessarily like guys with talent just because they have a nice body, but because they have talent and that makes them interesting. People with no talent are boring. It’s like they have nothing to bring to the table. I believe everyone is good at something, but to me talent is more than being good. It’s being good at something and having that little something extra that makes you special. I can’t describe what it is… but I just know it’s there. It’s kind of like the difference between Kobe Bryant and Matt Barnes. Kobe has talent, but Matt Barnes is just good. I don’t know if that makes since or not. My talent isn’t my way with words. But I know for sure that talent is something special that I admire. It’s something beautiful. No matter if your creative, athletic, dramatic, flexible, smart, or just extremely skilled, it’s talent that makes me admire you. It’s Talent that makes you interesting. Talent that makes me attracted to you. It’s Talent that makes.

Talent is something effortless. It’s not something you learn it’s something you’re born with and something you can’t get rid of. I think talent is in your soul. I guess that’s the special thing that makes talent different from just being good at something.

Sometimes being talented isn’t going to get you anywhere in life. You have to know the right people. I hate that talent no matter matters. Beyonce and usher got to where they are because of talent. Lil Wayne and Michael Jackson got to where they are because of talent. Some people struggled to get where they are like Wiz Khalifa and Big Sean. But the rest like Kim Kardashin and the Asian guy from American idol who can’t sing for shit, they got famous because of luck. Some people are just lucky and that has nothing to do with talent.

I admire people who have talent, who have that gift, not people who are just lucky… or ‘good’. I admire people like the performing arts kids at skyline high. I admire people like the volleyball team at skyline high. I admire people like the basketball team at skyline high… That’s What I Call Talent!

Heros - Kevia Ruiz

I admire my mom of how strong she is, and how she never give up on anything. She’s just the kind off mother you can count with, she’s always there when I need her, and she can tell when I’m sad, mad, or happy. She always had been there for my brother and me. When I grow up I really want to follow my mom’s steps, like I want to get a career like she did, I want to make her proud of me, and make her feel that she did a great job, trying to make my brother and me someone in life, everything I do I always think about my mom. I respect my mom because she just deserve my respect, she be going thru a lot of thing but she never give up and that’s one of the thing I love about her the most, I been having my up and down moments but she always been there when I need her, she’s more than my mother she like a friend to me, I can tell her my secrets. Another thing that I admire about my mother is how beautiful she is, when people see me with her people thing we are sisters, and I love that. We always play around like little kids; she’s really fun to be with. There’s not words to describe of how much I admire, respect, my mother, she’s like the most important thing in my life, and I can fight the whole world just to see my mom with a smile in her face. We been having our little problems, but is just a thing that a mother and a daughter have, but besides all those little problems we be having, I still know I can count on her, like she knows she can count on me! When I’m with my mother, is like if I’m with a friend, we always talk about anything, I can tell her about my boyfriend, and I love when she been giving me advice about anything, we also be going to clubs together with my brother, we been doing some funniest things. One thing that makes my mom special is that she’s a fun, cool, crazy (in a good way), she’s like funny, and I love when she having her moment when she start telling jokes, and she been doing all those funny faces, I also love that she love to dance, when we feel like dancing, my brother my mom and me we go to parties or somewhere we can dance because we are some dancer freaks. I really love my mother and I always will, and would do whatever for her, because I positive she would do the same for my brother and me. She just a unique mother, there’s no one who can replace her, and I would never replace her for anything. I think if I wouldn’t have my mother right now, I think I wouldn’t be the person I am right now! I love my mother she like the half part of my heart

Heros - Narda Zamora

Someone I admire and respect is my mother. I look up to her because she has dedicated her life to taking care of her children and taking care of the household. After she had her children she stopped working and made sure they were set-up to have the best future possible. Since my father was always working, my mom was the only that could really pay attention to us, and attend our needs. I think it takes a real mother to realize her daughters are the most important thing in her life, and is unselfish enough to put them before herself. My mother has ironically played both father and mother roles though my father has been there just not present as much.

She has always wanted the best education for her three daughters, and because of that she’s been consistently been at school’s checking up on us making sure we’re on our path to success. She had a difficult childhood, and simply wants us to have a better and easier life than she had. She feels like we can achieve whatever we put our minds to, and even though we know she’s right, we still have trouble staying on track and making her proud.

Because, most of the time she’s been the only one around, I’ve developed a much closer relationship with her .Most of the time I can talk to her about all my problems and future dreams and that’s because I’ve learned to have trust in her and her advice. However, I do NOT consider her my best friend, because she’d just freak out about stuff I look at as normal .It’s alright though because after all she’s my mother and I believe there should be a certain amount of respect and distance between us.

I respect that she’s come so far from where she started. She was born and raised in Mexico, at 17 she came to the United States and started working, her family didn’t encourage her to go to school but to instead work because money was an issue since now they had to maintain a house, and had a sick mother back in Mexico. About a year later her mother died and one way or another she had to grow up and become an adult. That’s when not only she had to deal with a mother’s death but she had to become independent. Years later, she married my father and soon had children, that’s when she decided she wanted us to be set-up for success and didn’t want us to go through what she did. She has become the main person in life and I’m very grateful for having her, this is why I admire her and look up to her.

Heros - chanchoy pharn

Someone I admire is family, because you learn a lot from family that is around you every day, and no matter what the issue is, or what you have to say bad or good, family will always be there. The main reason why I say myself, admire family is because my family has been through a lot, and they worked hard for what they own today, being immigrants from Thailand, coming to America living in the ghetto of East Oakland California. In my family in general the person I admire most, is my brother from another mother I am not going to say his name on here though. The reason why, I admire him most is, he thought about dropping out of school, but then he thought about his life and what his future would be, so he started changing his ways of doing negative things to positive things. My brother from another mother went to Oakland High School, and graduated the class of 2007, after he graduated he didn’t go to college, he just stayed home thinking about what to do. So he decided to get a job, he started work at San Francisco Air Port, where he didn’t really like to work, but you have to get up and work every day to make money. He then thought about quitting his job, but his boss wouldn’t let him, because they valued how he did things fast, and they didn’t want him to quit, so they gave him a raise, and he decided to stay. I call him my brother from another mother, because we the same person, but just a different ethnicity, and we consider ourselves family, and if we ever get into drama, or a bad situation, we will always be there for each other no matter what it is. Why I admire him is, because he graduated out of high school, and even though he did not go to college, to achieved all his goals, and much more then what he thought he would. He worked for only about four years now to this day 2011, and he owns a Lexus 2010 ES 300 brand new already paid off everything , including his second car a 2007 Camry brand new as well fresh out of the parking lot. The house he lives in now, even though it is in a okay neighborhood, it is the biggest, and best looking house in the neighborhood, and he pays the bills for his parents. This gives me the motivation that all those times I thought about dropping out of school to do my own thing, to make me stay in school to it least graduate, then in the future be successful like him one day. That is why my goal is to graduate out of high school, but go to college, so I can do more things in the future. The crazy thing is even though we young and we think we got out future planned out we don’t know what will really happy because unexpected things can happen in the future and when those things do happen randomly they are always good things so keep your head up high and keep doing the things you do and you will be able to achieve your dreams make them a reality.The crazy thing is even though we young and we think we got out future planned out we don’t know what will really happy because unexpected things can happen in the future and when those things do happen randomly they are always good things so keep your head up high and keep doing the things you do and you will be able to achieve your dreams make them a reality. That is why he is one of the persons in my life that i admire and motivate me to do the things i do and stay in school.